
Recent releases from the Packagist:

guzzlehttp/command (0.4.0)
Provides the foundation for building command based web service clients

ujjwal/currency-converter (2.1.1, 2.1.0)
Currency Converter Class with features of caching and identifying currency from country Code

pixelfusion/exp-auth (1.0.0RC4, 1.0.0RC3, 1.0.0RC2, 1.0.0RC1)
A Auth/Hash package to Authenticate using Expressionengine's Member system.

dreamfactory/dsp-core (1.5.9, 1.5.8)
DreamFactory Services Platform(tm) Core

dreamfactory/lib-php-common-platform (1.5.9, 1.5.8)
DreamFactory Services Platform(tm) Components Library/SDK for PHP

ucs/adminstrap (3.0.0)
Admin layer for twitter bootstrap themes, widgets and additional designs

rollbar/rollbar (v0.8.1)
Monitors errors and exceptions and reports them to Rollbar

tetsuo13/mediawiki-extensions-youtrackticket (1.0.0)

vipsoft/unzip (1.1)
Unzip library - a ZipArchive wrapper

werx/collections (0.0.1)
Base class for working with collections of things

ehough/tickertape (v2.4.4)
Fork of Symfony's Event Dispatcher compatible with PHP 5.2+.

ehough/pulsar (v2.4.4)
Intelligent classloaders PHP 5

nette/bootstrap (v2.2-rc1)
Nette Bootstrap

cakephp/cakephp (2.4.9)
The CakePHP framework

ehough/iconic (v2.4.4)
Fork of Symfony's Dependency Injection component compatible with PHP 5.2+.

bpez/infuse (3.0.5)
Infuse is a laravel admin package for generating administration style interfaces

codaxis/cakephp-parsley-helper (0.9)
CakePHP Form Helper for Parsley.js automatic validation integration

codaxis/cakephp-bootstrap3-helpers (1.0)
CakePHP highly configurable helpers for Bootstrap 3 framework.

amnah/yii2-user (2.0.0-alpha)
Yii 2 user authentication module

ehough/finder (v2.4.4)
Fork of Symfony's Finder Component compatible with PHP 5.2+

fool/miggy (1.3.1)
PHP Database migration system

ehough/epilog (1.9.1)
Fork of seldaek/monolog compatible with PHP 5.2+

xplore/bootstripe (0.2.2)
A SilverStripe theme built with Grunt and Bower, incorporating Bootstrap and Font Awesome

elnebuloso/flex (2.4.0)
flexible components for php, easy to use

ehough/filesystem (v2.4.4)
Fork of Symfony's Filesystem Component compatible with PHP 5.2+

unclecheese/betterbuttons (1.0.2)
Adds new form actions and buttons to GridField detail form for usability enhancements.

unclecheese/eventcalendar (1.0.3)
Event Calendar for the SilverStripe CMS

silverstripe/dashboard (1.0.2)
Adds a dashboard to the SilverStripe CMS

thn/twitter-bundle (v1.0.0)
Symfony FOSTwitterBundle

behat/behat (v3.0.4)
Scenario-oriented BDD framework for PHP 5.3

spotlab/safeguard (1.5)

mysqldump-factory/mysqldump-factory (1.1.0)
Fully tested, mysqldump factory for PHP 5.2.17, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5

markei/wordpress-custom-post-list-widget (v1.0.0)
A widget with a custom post pick function

doctrine/mongodb (1.1.6, 1.0.9)
Doctrine MongoDB Abstraction Layer

concerto/actors (v0.1)
Library for executing Actors in order of their dependency on each other.

condenast/pangea (1.1.66)

byscripts/object-manager-bundle (0.2.1, 0.2.0)
An object manager to handle your Doctrine entities and documents

pauldevelop/library-template (0.0.1)
Library to parse pd:template files.

thn/twitteroauth (v1.0.0)
Twitter OAuth Lib - Updated to work with 1.1 API

zip-factory/zip-factory (1.3.0, 1.2.0)
Factory class that creates either ZipArchive or PclZip PHP 5.2.17 and up

pauldevelop/library-common (1.0.4)
Commonly used classes.

voceconnect/voce-featured-posts (2.2)
Easily define multiple featured-type instances for post types.

voceconnect/voce-seo (0.3.0)

balanced/balanced (1.1.2)
Client for Balanced API

dcarbone/soap-plus (0.3.2, 0.3.1)
PHP SoapClient wrapper class

sandrokeil/easy-config (1.2.0)
Zend Framework 2 module to retrieve specific module options and provides some abstract factories to create easily instances depending on configuration

alexsoft/typograf (v0.2.1, v0.2.0)
typograf, artlebedev, laravel

mcordingley/linearalgebra (0.3.0)
Matrix math for PHP.

concerto/html-templates (v0.1)
An easy to use HTML (and XML) builder and template library.

mediasilo/phoenix-php-sdk (0.5.1)

algorit/storage (1.0.1)
Extra features to laravel entities and repositories

markei/wordpress-advanced-text-widget (v1.0.0)
Text widget with extra settings for Wordpress

umbrella/simpletablereport (v1.4.6, v1.4.5)
PHP Simple Table Report. Export data as tables to PDF, CSV, Excel, etc...

uvicate/oauth (1.2.4)
uVicate OAuth client.

mf2/shim (v0.2.4)
A parsing library for parsing pages from a few common non-mf2 sites into the mf2 structure

zf-commons/zfc-twig (1.2.2)
Zend Framework 2 Module that provides a Twig rendering strategy and extensions to render actions or trigger events from your templates

vube/php-filesystem (
PHP classes for working with files and the file system

ibrows/loggable-bundle (0.12, 0.11, 0.10)
Extended Loggable Bundle

conekta/conekta-php (v1.9.5)
PHP Library

cti/core (0.5.1, 0.5.0)
Application core

novosga/novosga (v1.1.4)
Sistema de Gerenciamento de Atendimento

vision/vision (0.2.3)
Vision - a PHP framework

padam87/address-bundle (v1.1.4, v1.1.3)
Symfony2 AddressBundle

concerto/text-expressions (v0.2, v0.1)
Library of text expression engines, for searching, replacing and testing text.

matthewfl/restful (1.0.3)
Library for writing RESTful PHP clients.

markei/wordpress-sidebar-selector (v1.1.0, 1.0.0)
Sidebar selector for Wordpress

markei/wordpress-submenu-selector (v2.1.1, 2.1.0)
Submenu selector for Wordpress

anlutro/menu (0.2.2)
Dynamic menu builder.

heroku/heroku-buildpack-php (v12)
Toolkit for starting a PHP application locally, with or without foreman, using the same config for PHP/HHVM and Apache2/Nginx as on Heroku

nette/di (v2.2-rc3)
Nette Dependency Injection Component

mrynk/l4-google-api (1.0.5, 1.0.4, 1.0.2, 1.0.1, v1.0, 1.0.0)

cdamian/plus-pull (v0.5.4, v0.5.3)
Script to merge Github pull requests, which have enough +1 votes

paypal/rest-api-sdk-php (v0.8.0)
PayPal's PHP SDK for REST APIs

pragmarx/zipcode (v1.0.0)
A worldwide address-by-zipcode searcher.

voceconnect/voce-post-expiration (0.3)
Set expirations on posts

nette/neon (v2.2-rc2)
Nette NEON: parser & generator for Nette Object Notation

3rdpartyeve/perry (1.0.5)
A PHP Library to access EVE Online's CREST API

menatwork/geolocation (1.2.1)
Library for user location detection

ibrows/import-bundle (1.1.5)
Manage generic Import over annotations

irestful/concretemultiplequeueretrievercriterias (14.03.27)

m6web/wsclient-bundle (v2.0.3, v2.0.2)
Simple webservices client to call external urls

irestful/concretefollowers (14.04.08)

kptive/payment-sips-bundle (v1.0.0)
Payment Bundle providing access to the ATOS SIPS solution

mgribov/php-triptelligent (v0.2)
Triptelligent RESTful API PHP5 library

dcarbone/curl-plus (0.3.2, 0.3.1)
Object wrapper for PHP's CURL Library

bitweb/id-card (2.0.1)
BitWeb extension for Estonian ID-Card authentication and signing.

pym/table-service-provider (0.4.0)
Silex ServiceProvider for Pym/Table.

irestful/concretecomments (14.04.08)

irestful/hashmapmultiplequeueretrievercriterias (14.03.27)

byscripts/alert-bundle (0.2.0, 0.1.0)
A flexible way to handle Symfony flash messages. Supports Bootstrap2, Bootstrap3 and Foundation out-of-the-box. Easily configurable to support any other UI framework or custom CSS / Icons.

gridguyz/core (0.11.1)
Core modules for Gridguyz CMS

apnet/symfony-standard-edition (
The "Symfony Standard Edition" distribution

cti/di (2.5.1)
Dependency Injection Container

dcarbone/table-mapper (1.1.1)
Complex HTML parsing helper

dcarbone/helpers (4.2.1)
Some simple helper classes for PHP

dcarbone/dom-plus (1.3.1)
A DOMDocument class wrapper that adds some simple improvements

zeroclipboard/zeroclipboard (2.0.0-beta.5)
The ZeroClipboard library provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie and a JavaScript interface.

ucs/richui (3.0.0)
UCS RichUI leverage the power of Javascript (jQuery), Symfony2 and Twitter Bootstrap to let you transform your Symfony2 backoffice applications into an awesome modular, responsive and user-friendly advanced web applications.

ucs/user-bo (3.0.0)
BackOffice User integration for your Rich Web Applications in Symfony2 UCS

verkkokauppacom/php-cs-fixer (v0.4.0.1)
A script to automatically fix Symfony Coding Standard

ucs/security-bo (3.0.0)
BackOffice Additional Security Features and Context Based Rights Management

ucs/backoffice (3.0.0)
BackOffice Quick Starter For your Symfony2 UCS Application

ucs/security-model (3.0.0)

ucs/user-model (3.0.0)
BackOffice User integration for your Rich Web Applications in Symfony2 UCS

ucs/search (3.0.0)
UCS Search Bundle Pattern, easy integrate search forms in your backoffice application

ucs/mailer (3.0.0)
Multiple Mailer Pattern For UCS Backoffice Applications

ucs/utils (3.0.0)
UCS Utility Bundle

ikr/xml-fu (v1.0.0)
Handy utility functions to query XML. Was written to simplify dealing with SOAP responses.

ucs/adminstrap-bundle (3.0.0)
Easy integration of UCS adminstrap into symfony2

myclabs/acl (1.0.0)
ACL library for Doctrine

liip/imagine-bundle (1.0.0-alpha5)
This Bundle assists in imagine manipulation using the imagine library

dongww/silex-base (v0.2.7)
SilexBase 是以 Silex 为基?'构建的é??架程序,可作为中小型é??目?'?'的起点?'?

claroline/net-theme-bundle (1.0.2)
claroline.net theme

mathiasverraes/magictree (0.4.0)
DSL for building trees

lingualeo/php-servaxle (2.1.1)
Servaxle is a fast Dependency Injection Container for PHP

anlutro/l4-controller (0.3.1)
Base Laravel 4 controller classes.

tweedegolf/symfony-okoa (v0.9.7)
Symfony okoa base project

cargomedia/cm (1.16.2)

cloudinary/cloudinary_php (1.0.10)
Cloudinary PHP SDK

h4kuna/exchange (v4.0.6)
exchange between currencies

winkbrace/oracle (1.0.4)
Complete library for interacting with Oracle databases

sensio/distribution-bundle (v3.0.0-BETA1)
The base bundle for the Symfony Distributions

teepluss/hmvc (0.1b)
Laravel 4 HMVC.

avisota/contao-message (2.0-RC2)
Manage messages within the backend.

o5/grido-sandbox (1.2.0, 1.1.5, 1.1.4)
Grido sandbox

avisota/contao-message-element-event (2.0-RC2)
The event message element.

irestful/concreterouterepositories (13.11.28)

aureka/disqus-bundle (0.0.2)
Provides a few Twig filters to integrate Symfony with Disqus

avisota/contao-message-element-news (2.0-RC2)
The news message element.

o5/grido (2.0.0)
Grido - DataGrid for Nette Framework

aureka/vb-bundle (0.0.2)
Integrates vBulletin with Symfony applications

avisota/contao-salutation (2.0-RC2)
Individual salutation module for Avisota.

hotel-quickly/paypal-rest-api (v1.0.0)

covex-nn/doctrine-migrations-bundle (0.9.2)
Symfony DoctrineMigrationsBundle

byscripts/form-handler-bundle (0.4.0)
A simple bundle to handle form submission to lighten the controllers

scalia/sphinxsearch (0.1)
Laravel package to query Sphinxsearch

haphan/php-rage4dns (v1.0.2)
Rage4 DNS API PHP 5.3+ Library

phpunit/phpunit (4.0.18, 3.7.36)
The PHP Unit Testing framework.

hypejunction/hypecategories (2.1.0, 2.0.1)
Categories for Elgg

symfony/symfony (v2.5.0-BETA2)
The Symfony PHP framework

symfony/http-kernel (v2.5.0-BETA2)
Symfony HttpKernel Component

elliotchance/hoard (v1.1.5, v1.1.4)
A PSR-compliant caching library for holding objects in nested pools with scripting ability.

symfony/debug (v2.5.0-BETA2)
Symfony Debug Component

logue/igo-php (0.1.7)
Morphological analysis engine 'Igo' porting and changed for PHP 5.3 and composer.

amstaffix/alice-fixtures-smart-loader (0.1.3)

elazar/travis-build-grid (1.0.0)
Utility for generating reports based on build results of multiple Travis CI projects

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