
Recent releases from the Packagist:

brianpilati/restful-api-wrapper-php (v1.0.0)
A php wrapper for RESTful apis

zeroclipboard/zeroclipboard (1.3.5)
The ZeroClipboard library provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie and a JavaScript interface.

skluck/addi (0.5.0)
Another dumb dependency injector

mattyg/meta (2.1.0)
A package that makes it easy to add meta tags to your views.

unreal4u/rutverifier (v2.2.1, v2.2.0)
This class is able to do integrity verification on chilean RUTs and RUNs

codeception/specify (0.3.6, 0.3.5)
BDD code blocks for PHPUnit and Codeception

proxima/codeigniter (1.0.2, 1.0)
Customized Codeigniter Web Framework Structure by Proxima, Inc. Using doctrine2.

unreal4u/rutverifier-js (v1.0.1)
Javascript version of unreal4u/rutverifier

proxima/codeigniter-core (1.0.1)
Customized Codeigniter Web Framework System Structure by Proxima, Inc. Using doctrine2.

leaseweb/secure-controller-bundle (v1.0.4)
Provide '@Secure' annotation to secure actions in controllers by specifying required roles

elnebuloso/flex (2.2.0)
flexible components for php, easy to use

piwik/piwik (2.1.1-b6, 2.1.1-b5)
Open Source Real Time Web Analytics Platform

f3ath/appnexus (0.0.1)
Simple AppNexus (appnexus.com) client

despark/tart-cli (0.1.2, 0.1.1, 0.1.0)
Symfony/Console CLI for Jam Tart

simsite/simsite (v0.6)
SimSite Core

phplx/prize-raffle-console-app (v1.1.3)
Console Application to raffle prizes for phplx meetups

codeception/codeception (1.8.4)
BDD-style testing framework

randak/charlotte (1.0.2, 1.0.1)
Charlotte crawls through your website and captures data in a database, including links between pages, H1 elements, scripts, stylesheets, and keywords.

hidekscorporation/hideksframework (1.0.1)
Hideks Framework

hexa2k9/exception-handler (v1.0.0)
A PHP Exception Handler to Post Exceptions to a Slack Channel

alexsomeoddpilot/wordpress-to-tumblr (v0.1)
A utility for importing Wordpress Posts into Tumblr

mpratt/simple-lifestream (4.4)
A library that returns lifestream events from a bunch of social sites/services.

anlutro/l4-core (0.10.0)
Core L4 functionality.

adamwathan/bootforms (v0.2)
Just a Formbuilder with some Bootstrap specific conveniences. Remembers old input, retrieves error messages and handles all your boilerplate Bootstrap markup automatically.

adamwathan/form (v0.2)
A basic framework agnostic form building package with a few extra niceties like remembering old input and retrieving error messages.

cvweiss/zcache (v0.1.1)
Library of classes to simplify caching

anlutro/l4-repository (0.6.0)
Repository classes for Laravel 4.

anlutro/l4-testing (0.2.0)
Base PHPUnit classes for Laravel 4.

gufy/bootstrap (v1.0.0)
Better Bootstrap Install for Laravel

soluble/solublecomponents (0.8.3, 0.8.2)
Soluble Components for PHP

soluble/normalist (0.8.3)
Normalist ORM

soluble/db (0.8.3)
Soluble database common components

soluble/flexstore (0.8.3)

anlutro/l4-validation (0.5.0)
Validation service class for Laravel 4.

zfcampus/zf-apigility-documentation (1.0.0beta1)
Apigility API documentation module

anlutro/l4-controller (0.3.0)
Base Laravel 4 controller classes.

mediasilo/phoenix-php-sdk (0.4.1, 0.4.0)

gordalina/ifmb-bundle (1.0.0)
Ifthensoftware IFmb integration into Symfony2

nerdery/csv-bundle (v0.0.3)
Symfony bundle for handling CSV files.

ripaclub/sphinxsearch (0.6.0)
Sphinx Search library provides SphinxQL indexing and searching features

zfcampus/zf-apigility-admin (1.0.0beta1)
Apigility Admin module

zfr/zfr-stripe (v1.4.0)
PHP library for interacting with the Stripe REST API

condenast/pangea (0.0.42, 1.0.1)

headzoo/coin-talk (0.2)
Provides PHP classes to communicate with cryptocurrency wallets, such as bitcoind, bitcoin-qt, litecoind, etc.

bldr-io/bldr-execute (1.0.1)
Bldr.io Execute Extension

jwage/stomper (v0.0.6)
PHP Stomp library that provides additional functionality on top of the default Stomp API.

ac/login-convenience-bundle (0.3.0)
Authentication for a Symfony server providing a JSON web API

phundament/app (3.0.24, 3.0.23)
Yii Framework Application Boilerplate, with packages from composer repository http://packages.phundament.com

phundament/p3bootstrap (0.23.0)
Bootstrap Theme for Phundament

cloudcontrol/phpcclib (,
cloudControl api helper

akeneo/magento-connector-bundle (v1.0.0-RC3)
Akeneo PIM bundle to export to Magento platform

riverline/spamassassin (1.0.1)
Library to request SpamAssassin report

bread/http (v1.6.2, v1.6.1)
Bread HTTP library

ajt/flashbundle (1.1.0)
Symfony bundle for for managing flash messages

mcfedr/job-manager-bundle (1.0.0)
A bundle for managing job queues

mcfedr/queue-driver-pheanstalk-bundle (1.0.4, 1.0.3, 1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
A bundle for managing job queues

mcfedr/queue-manager-bundle (1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
A bundle for managing job queues

ssteynfaardt/zite-api (1.1.1)
API client for zite.com

silpion/composer-checker (v0.1)
Tool for checking composer configurations.

dsawardekar/encase-php (0.1.2, 0.1.1, v0.1.0)
Lightweight IOC container for PHP

samson/youtrack (1.0.0)
Service to communicate with the YouTrack API

umbrella/simpletablereport (v1.2.1)
PHP Simple Table Report. Export data as tables to PDF, CSV, Excel, etc...

clancats/packtacular (2.0.0)
Packtacular is a simple and fast asset packer and compressor.

phpalchemy/haanga (v1.0.4.1)
Template compiler for PHP, Django-style (as much as possible). Pretty efficent by avoiding to have anything at run-time.

g4/data-mapper (0.2.1, 0.2.0, 0.1.2, 0.1.1, 0.1.0)
data-mapper php library

digitalwindow/dependency-injection (1.0.7)
Easy-to-use Dependency Injection in PHP

phundament/p3extensions (0.17.1)
Phundament 3 Core Extensions

exeu/objectmerger (0.0.2, 0.0.1)
Object Merger for PHP Objects.

tsphethean/sculpin-related-posts-bundle (0.1.0)
Sculpin Related Posts Bundle

zircote/swagger-php (0.9.1)
Swagger-PHP library implementing the swagger.wordnik.com specification to describe web services, operations/actions and models enabling a uniform means of producing, consuming, and visualizing RESTful web services.

ajt/modelmanagerbundle (1.2.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.0)
Symfony bundle for ajt/modelmanager

owl-stars/cssowl (1.3.0)
Cssowl is Owl-Stars mixins library with support for LESS, SASS/SCSS & Stylus.

bepado/sdk (v1.1.153)
The PHP Software Development Kit for Shop developers.

spiffy/spiffy-coverage-checker (0.1, 1.0)

css-crush/css-crush (v2.1.0)
CSS preprocessor

desmart/laravel-layout (1.1.1, 1.0.3)
Simple page structure controller for Laravel4

bread/media (v0.1.5)
Bread media library

samson/autocomplete-bundle (1.1.0)
Easily integrate the Select2 autocomplete widget into your Symfony application to search Doctrine entities

acme/hello-world (v0.0.5)

croxton/stash (v2.5.1)
Extended templating for ExpressionEngine

joomla/di (1.2.0)
Joomla DI Package

gigorok/php-config (0.1.1)
Configuration provider

becklyn/rad-bundle (v2.2.10)
This bundle provides basic components

myclabs/deep-copy (1.1.0)
Create deep copies (clones) of your objects

moszkva/angie (v1.0.3)
Laravel Angular routing manager. Generates angular routing rules and services from serverside routing rules.

samson/dataview-bundle (2.0.0)
Make configuring different serialization views for your entities easy and maintainable.

mcfedr/awspushbundle (2.4.7)
A set of services to simplify using AWS to send push notifications

francodacosta/caparica-bundle (0.0.10, 0.0.9)
a symfony bundle to help secure your REST api with signed requests

myclabs/muih (0.1.0)
PHP and Javascrcipt helpers for creation of Bootstrap 3 UI elements

samson/data-grid-bundle (2.0.0)
AngularJS based datagrid bundle for Symfony2

joomlatools/com_helloworld (0.0.2)
A Hello World component!

edgedesign/menu-from-headings-generator-bundle (0.4)
Generator, that can parse given html content and create menu structure from headings in it.

dcsg/mailchimp-api-connector-bundle (v2.0.1)
Symfony2 bundle to integrate Mailchimp Api Connector

kakawait/jumper (1.0.1)
A remote closure executor!

dcsg/mailchimp-api-connector (v2.2.2)
Lightweight Mailchimp API connector for PHP 5.3+

danielcsgomes/mailchimp-api-connector (v2.2.2)
Lightweight Mailchimp API connector for PHP 5.3+

danielcsgomes/eventbrite-api-connector (v0.1.3)
Eventbrite API Connector

ajt/modelmanager (1.3.0)
Model management library

jenssegers/mongodb (v1.2.3)
A MongoDB based Eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel 4

lubos/google (1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
CakePHP Google plugin

lubos/opauth (1.0.2, 1.0.1)
CakePHP Opauth plugin

lubos/expandable (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
CakePHP Expandable plugin

samson/filter-bundle (3.0.0)

matthiasnoback/code-sniffer-sniff-dsl (v0.3.0)
DSL for writing sniffs for PHP_CodeSniffer

openbuildings/jam-tart (0.2.41, 0.2.40)
Admin Builder for Kohana, using Jam ORM

ollieread/multiauth (v3.1.3)
Multiple auth driver for Laravel

sepia/po-parser (3.0.4)
PO file parser for PHP.

badlamer/propel-uuid-behavior (0.0.4)
Propel behavior that helps you to set fixed UUID

keboola/gooddata-writer-php-client (1.5.7)
PHP Client for KBC GoodData Writer

bit3/contao-htaccess (3.0-RC3)
Backend integrated htaccess editor for Contao Open Source CMS

cargomedia/cm (1.9.0)

gigorok/php-error-handler (0.1.0)
PHP error handling

ibrows/php-airbrake-bundle (1.0.8)
This helps binds the php-airbrake module into a Symfony2 bundle for easy use with the framework.

ajgl/csv-bundle (0.2.0)
Provides some CSV helper clases

ajgl/csv (0.2.0)
Classes for reading and writing CSV files (includes RFC 4180 compliant classes)

icanboogie/icanboogie (v2.0.1)
High-performance object-oriented micro-framework for PHP5.4+

shota/social-hub (v0.0.2)

g4/tasker (0.3.0)
Application asynchronous tasks manager and runner, cron-like PHP implementation

lubos/cakephp-google (1.0.0)
CakePHP Google plugin

icanboogie/activerecord (v2.0.1)
ActiveRecord Object-relational mapping

lubos/cakephp-opauth (1.0.1)
CakePHP Opauth plugin

shota/ultimate-oauth (v5.3.3)

lubos/cakephp-expandable (1.0.0)
CakePHP Expandable plugin

penneo/penneo-sdk-php (v1.0.0)
Penneo SDK for PHP

titon/route (0.14.1)
The Titon route package adds support for dynamic route handling and mapping.

thestudy/thirdpartycredentials (13.11.28)

dongww/silex-base (0.1.4, 0.1.0)
SilexBase 是以 Silex 为基?'构建的é??架程序,可作为中小型é??目?'?'的起点?'?

titon/cache (0.8.1)
The Titon cache package provides a data caching layer that supports multiple storage engines.

bldr-io/bldr (0.1.1, 0.1.0)
Yaml Build System

hashbang/pherl (v1.0.0)
Perl like functionality for PHP

hashbang/time (v1.0.0)
Library to provide various time functions

yajra/laravel-oci8 (v1.4.6, v1.4.5)
Oracle DB driver for Laravel 4 via OCI8

irestful/entitypartialsets (13.11.28)

jayzeng/virustotalapi (0.1.4)
VirusTotal Public API v2.0 PHP Wrapper

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