Recent releases from the Packagist:
phine/sami-github (1.0.0)
A Sami theme for GitHub Markdown formatted documentation.
emapper/emapper (v2.1.0)
A simple and extensible data mapper library for PHP and MySQL
nanapi/cakephp-aws-datasource (1.0.1)
Aws DataSource Plugin for CakePHP
cyantree/grout-translator-module (0.0.1)
module for translations
voodoophp/voodoo (1.6.0)
A micro PHP 5.4 Modular MVC framework, that contains only the libraries to get you started
cyantree/grout-web-console-module (0.0.1)
module which provides a web based console
cyantree/grout-service-module (0.0.1)
module for simple webservices
cyantree/grout-mail-module (0.0.1)
module which provides simple mail processing
cyantree/grout-logging-module (0.0.1)
module which provides logging capabilities for development purposes
cyantree/grout-doctrine-module (0.0.1)
module which connects to the ORM Doctrine
cyantree/grout-console-module (0.0.1)
module which provides a console interface
net_bazzline/component_psr_and_log4php_adapter (1.0.0)
php component psr logger log4php bridge Log4Php Logger Interface
lasso/vmail-bundle (v0.1.1)
an implementation of postfix virtual users
drinkust/kust (0.2.2)
Simple PHP MVC system with a few tools
mrimann/remote-script-verifier (v1.1.0)
Supports in verifying the behavior and output of a remote script - used e.g. in a quiz.
wookieb/map (0.1)
Implementation of map in PHP
symfonycontrib/confirm-bundle (v1.0.0)
Symfony2 confirmation form bundle.
rgou/bootstrap-bundle (v0.9.1, v0.9.0)
Twitter Bootstrap Symfony2 bundle with generator for Doctrine ORM and ODM
zircote/swagger-php (0.7.2)
Swagger-PHP library implementing the specification to describe web services, operations/actions and models enabling a uniform means of producing, consuming, and visualizing RESTful web services.
chilldev/dependency-injection-extra (0.0.1)
Commonly used patterns for Symfony2 DI provided out of the box.
mf2/mf2 (v0.1.21, v0.1.20)
A pure (generic) microformats-2 parser
iakumai/php-ffmpeg (0.5)
FFMpeg PHP, an Object Oriented library to communicate with AVconv / ffmpeg
matuck/torfeed (2.0.0)
Process torrent feeds into usable items
openbuildings/jam (0.4.11)
Small but feature rich ORM, has extensible models and builders, baked in upload functionality, supporting multiple backends (rackspace, ftp), polymorphic associations, form builders, nested forms, validators
matuck/kickasstorfeedhandler (2.0.0)
Process torrent feeds from kickass torrents into usable items
matuck/standardtorfeedhandler (2.0.0)
Process torrent feeds into usable items
matuck/tpbtorfeedhandler (2.0.0)
Process torrent feeds for the pirate bay
ellipsesynergie/backenator (v1.0.3)
ORM (Object Relational Mapper) build on top of Eloquent that maps REST resources
aws/aws-sdk-php (2.4.6)
ensepar/tcpdf (5.0.003)
TCPDF is a PHP class for generating PDF documents.
ensepar/html2pdf (1.0.1)
Unofficial fork of 'html2pdf' with Composer support. (Fixed composer dependency problem)
ensepar/html2pdf-bundle (1.0.1)
Use HTML2PDF as a Symfony2 Service
intervention/helper (1.1.1)
Easier handling and formating of strings and dates
laraeval/laraeval (v1.0.4)
PHP Code evaluator for Laravel 4
claroline/kernel-bundle (1.0.4, 1.0.3, 1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Claroline kernel bundle
dispatch/dispatch (2.4.1)
a microframework/front-controller
silverstripe/framework (3.1.0-rc2, 3.0.6-rc2, 2.4.12)
The SilverStripe framework
silverstripe/cms (3.1.0-rc2, 3.0.6-rc2, 2.4.12)
The SilverStripe Content Management System
sakren/translator (1.2.2)
Translator for PHP
graste/environaut (v0.2.2)
Define, configure and protect your application environment and its requirements.
zenstruck/form-bundle (v1.3.0)
Provides Twitter Bootstrap form theme, a help type extension, Ajax/Tunnel/Select2 entity form types and javascript helpers
elementtree/elementtree (0.3.4)
simple PHP XML-like tree
mlpz/postmark-bundle (v0.0.6)
postmark bundle
webignition/url (1.9)
Represents a URL, a library to be used in many other places. Applies semantically-lossless normalisation for comparisons.
mynameiszanders/yiiskeleton (1.0.0-alpha)
Yii skeleton app for quick bootstrapping of new projects via Composer's create-project command.
nategood/httpful (0.2.9)
A Readable, Chainable, REST friendly, PHP HTTP Client
claroline/installation-bundle (1.0.5, 1.0.4, 1.0.3, 1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Claroline installation bundle
formilo/formilo (1.0.0)
Symfony2 inspired FormBuilder for everyone else!
fkr/nominatim-bundle (v1.0.2)
Integrates nominatim api (Geolocation API based on OpenStreetMap) into Symfony2
seegno/bootstrap-bundle (1.1.1)
Bootstrap utilities for Symfony2
geocoder-php/geocoder-service-provider (0.0.1)
Geocoder service provider for Silex
cspray/spraysole (0.1.0)
Create console driven applications powered by PHP
kphoen/geocoder-service-provider (1.0.0)
Geocoder service provider for Silex
nordsoftware/yii-parsley (2.1.0)
Parsley.js integration for the Yii PHP framework.
thomascantonnet/tc-errorhandler (v1.2.5)
ErrorHandler for ZF2 apps
camspiers/statistical-classifier (0.6.1, 0.6.0)
A PHP implementation of Complement Naive Bayes and SVM statistical classifiers, including a structure for building other classifier, multiple data sources and multiple caching backends
claroline/migration-bundle (1.0.0)
Claroline migration bundle