
Recent releases from the Packagist:

raulfraile/ladybug-bundle (v1.0.0-alpha1)
Symfony2 bundle for Ladybug library (Simple and Extensible PHP Dumper)

rah/rah_cache (0.1.0)
Flat full-page caching plugin for Textpattern CMS

dwolke/dw-apcinfo (0.0.1)
a simple apc-info module for ZF2.

slim/slim (2.3.1)
Slim Framework, a PHP micro framework

kherge/box (2.2.1, 2.2.0)
A tool to simplify building PHARs.

predictionio/predictionio (v0.5.0)
PredictionIO API PHP Client

herrera-io/file-system-functions (2.0.0)
A collection of file system related functions.

herrera-io/version (1.0.0)
A library for creating, editing, and comparing semantic versioning numbers.

eo/airbrake-bundle (v1.0.0)
Airbrake.io integration for Symfony2

mdn/mgrid (0.0.1)
Grid for PHP 5.3

cmfcmf/openweathermap-php-api (v1.0.0)
An php api to parse weather data from OpenWeatherMap.org. This api tries to normalise and abstract the data and remove inconsistencies.

octanephp/filelocator (1.0.0)
A simple file locator library.

candycms/core (3.0.10)
Core elements for candyCMS.

kkamkou/tp-minify (1.2)
Zend Framework 2 module which uses the Steve (mrclay) Clay's Minify library for styles and scripts obfuscation

syringe/dependency-injection (1.2.2, 1.2.1)
Syringe Dependency Injection Component

syringe/configuration-builder (1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Syringe Container Configuration Builder

hammerhead-tech/bootstrap-bundle (v2.3.2.1)
Symfony HHT Bootstrap Bundle

mremi/dolist-bundle (v1.0.0)
Implementation of Dolist library for Symfony2

vektah/bugfree-dangerzone (0.2.0)
Type verification for php source. Ensures uses and all types within a file verify against the projects auto loader.

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