
Recent releases from the Packagist:

intersvyaz/yii2-sqlparser (v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
Parsing sql-query

maci/product-bundle (v1.0.8.1, v1.0.8)
Symfony MaciProductBundle

maci/page-bundle (v1.0.8.1)
Symfony MaciPageBundle

maci/media-bundle (v1.0.8.1, v1.0.8)
Symfony MaciMediaBundle

maci/blog-bundle (v1.0.8.1, v1.0.8)
Symfony MaciBlogBundle

fungku/hubspot-php (v0.1.1, v0.1.0)
HubSpot PHP API client

felipecwb/routing (0.3.3)
More One Simple Router for PHP.

ppokatilo/magic-injection-bundle (v1.0.3, v1.0.2, v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
Magically inject dependencies into services

noccylabs/sdl (2.0.0)
Simple Declarative Language (SDL)

eleme/rlock (v0.3.2)
redis lock

maci/standard-base-project (v1.0.8)
The "Maci Standard Base Project" distribution

maci/admin-bundle (v1.0.8)
Symfony MaciAdminBundle

dreamfactory/lib-php-common-yii (1.5.13, 1.5.12)
DreamFactory Services Platform(tm) Yii Components Library

dreamfactory/lib-php-common (1.5.5)
DreamFactory Services Platform(tm) Common Components for PHP

dreamfactory/php-utils (1.0.6)
A library of helper classes for PHP

pipes/pipes (0.3, 0.2)
A thin wrapper over PHP iterators

rackem/rackem (0.5, 0.4.13, 0.4.12)
Rack for PHP

php-ddd/event (v0.1.0)
Library to manage event

emaphp/fluent-configuration (1.1)
A fluent configuration trait for PHP

ipalaus/entity (v0.1)
Base entity extracted from Eloquent ORM.

php-ddd/command (v0.1.0)
The command part of the Command Query Responsibility Segregation

vsn4ik/bootstrap-submenu (v1.2.6)
Bootstrap Sub-Menus

mendoframework/filter (v1.0.0)
Mendo Filter Component

lavoaster/blops-log-extractor (1.0.0)
BlackOps log file extractor

roots/soil (3.0.2)
Clean up WordPress markup, relative URLs, nice search

zelenin/rssgen (2.1.1)
PHP class for generating of RSS feeds. Full support of [RSSboard specification](http://www.rssboard.org/rss-specification)

zelenin/rss-generator (2.1.1)
PHP class for generating of RSS feeds. Full support of [RSSboard specification](http://www.rssboard.org/rss-specification)

ticketevolution/ticketevolution-php (2.2.0, 2.1.5)
A PHP 5.3+ library for the Ticket Evolution API.

tomk79/px-fw-2.x (2.0.0b1)
Pickles Framework(PxFW) は?'?é?的で大きなウェ?-サイト?'効率よく構築できる オー?-ンソースのHTML?"?成ツールで?'?

tomk79/filesystem (1.0.0)
file system utility.

mendoframework/translator (v1.0.0)
Mendo Translator Component

fbourigault/composer-mkdir (v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
Composer script for easy directories creation.

solve/solve (v0.3.15, v0.3.14, v0.3.13, v0.3.12)
- [ Solve Framework ]

takeatea/tea-theme-options (v1.5.1.5)
Simple, easy to use and fully integrated Theme Options for Wordpress.

solve/project (v0.1.8)
- [ Solve Project ] standart edition

solve/database (v1.0.3)
Database engine

earthit/php-template-project (0.1.1, 0.1.0)
PHP Template Project

centraldesktop/static-logger (0.3)
A static logger based on PSR-3

togos/tpfetcher (0.0.5, 0.0.4)
Fetch blobs by hash-based URN.

php-ddd/domain (v0.1.0)
Library to manage event

dwolla/dwolla-php (2.0.8)
An official Guzzle based wrapper for the Dwolla API.

mako/framework (4.2.1, 4.1.3, 4.0.9)
Mako Framework

boomcms/boom-robotstxt (v2.0.0)
robots.txt generator for BoomCMS

esky/enum (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
PHP Enum implementation

sparkpost/php-sparkpost (0.1.1)
SDK for interfacing with SparkPost APIs

duncan3dc/sql-class (1.6.2)
A group of classes that provide a simple database abstraction layer, and an on disk caching facility

novaway/filemanagementbundle (2.0.4)
Bundle for File and Image management in Symfony 2

hashids/hashids (1.0.4, 1.0.3)
Generate hashids like YouTube or Bitly from numbers to obfuscate your database primary ids, or navigate to the right shard.

tyler-sommer/nice (0.9.0)
A nice PHP microframework

phil/geolocation-bundle (0.3.5, 0.3.4)
A Symfony2 Bundle to handle geographic location. Add geolocation to your entities. Add address entities. Add user geo location. Add doctrine functions for calculating geographical distances in your project.

arcanedev/sanitizer (1.0.1)
Sanitizer Helper

statical/statical (v1.1.0)
Static proxy implementation

dcn/pages (1.0.9)

dcn/store (1.0.8, 1.0.7, 1.0.6)

dreamfactory/lib-php-common-platform (1.8.5)
DreamFactory Services Platform(tm) Components Library/SDK for PHP

kartik-v/yii2-widget-touchspin (v1.1.0)
A Yii2 wrapper widget for the Bootstrap Switch plugin to use checkboxes & radios as toggle touchspines (sub repo split from yii2-widgets)

shalomsam/core (v1.2.5-alpha)
Core PHP Framework

dittertp/gibberish-aes-php (v1.1.1)
AES encryption library

loadsys/cakephp_serializers (1.0.0-rc.1)
An object oriented solution to CakePHP model data serialization to JSON.

dcn/auth (1.0.4)
A PreBuilt Interface with no themeing for easy integration of Sentry into any website.

kartik-v/yii2-krajee-base (v1.1.0)
Base library and foundation components for all Yii2 Krajee extensions.

techdivision/servletengine (0.8.4, 0.8.3)
Servlet engine default implementation.

techdivision/persistencecontainerprotocol (0.2.6)
Implements the native Persistence-Container protocol.

techdivision/persistencecontainer (0.9.4)
Persistence container implementation for thread based PHP ApplicationServer.

techdivision/naming (0.1.7)
Naming package implementation providing basic lookup functionality for beans.

techdivision/appserver (0.10.5, 0.10.4, 0.10.3)
Thread based PHP daemon to implement stuff like message queues.

wu3rstle/slimtpl (1.0.3)
project template using slim, raintpl end eloquent orm

techdivision/application (0.3.4)
A threaded application implementation to allow a separate context for each application.

dreamfactory/yii (
Yii Web Programming Framework

solve/http (v1.1.1, v1.1.0)
- [ HTTP Foundation ]

humanmade/wp-maestro (v0.1.0)
WordPress project generator

synapsestudios/synapse-base (v0.6.0)
Base code for the API template

hellsan631/logosdb (v1.4.4)
Logos DB Object Handlers

wafflestealer654/computer-repair-website (1.0.13, 1.0.12, 1.0.11)
Designed for the computer repair class in my school.

dmstr/yii2-db (0.1.0)
Database extensions

nobrainerweb/silverstripe-content-blocks (v1.0.0)
Split your page content into manageable blocks/sections of content, each with their own template

corpsee/nameless (0.4.0)
Yet another framework based on Symfony Components.

phraseanet/php-sdk (0.6.1)
A library to interact with Phraseanet API

corpsee/nameless-source (0.4.0)
Yet another framework based on Symfony Components.

ezsystems/behatbundle (v5.4.0-rc1)
Behat bundle for help testing eZ Bundles and projects

ezsystems/comments-bundle (v5.4.0-rc1)
Commenting system for eZ Publish

unikent/readinglists-php (0.1, 1.1, 1.0)
Reading Lists API for PHP.

ezsystems/ezdemo-ls-extension (v5.4.0-rc2)
eZ Publish Legacy Demo Website extension

ezsystems/demobundle (v5.4.0-rc1)
Demo bundle for eZ Publish Platform

prismic/php-sdk (1.0.12)
PHP development kit for prismic.io

voceconnect/post-selection-ui (1.0.11)
A WordPress library to display a user interface to easily select posts from any post type

uthando-cms/uthando-article (1.4.0)
Article module for Uthando CMS

uthando-cms/uthando-navigation (1.5.0)
Navigation module for Uthando CMS

heroku/heroku-buildpack-php (v47)
Toolkit for starting a PHP application locally, with or without foreman, using the same config for PHP/HHVM and Apache2/Nginx as on Heroku

uthando-cms/uthando-common (1.5.4)
Common class module for Uthando CMS

ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel (v2014.11.5)
eZ Publish API and kernel. This is the heart of eZ Publish 5.

earthit/cmip-rest (0.0.83)
Collection-Modifiers-ID-Property REST framework

ongr/ongr-strict-standard (v1.0.0-beta.1)
Strict PHPCS standard for PSR-2 code based on Squiz standards

taviroquai/duality (v1.0.0-beta)
Micro PHP Framework

gos/acl-manager-bundle (v1.0.0)
ACL Manager for Symfony2

psecio/parse (0.3)
A PHP Security Scanner

terhuerne/aggregator (1.0.3)
With Aggregator, you can aggregate your hottest news right out of your Profiles at Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

zenify/coding-standard (v2.0.0)
Set of rules for PHP_CodeSniffer based on PGS-2 (http://php-fg.com) and Nette CS.

yasinaydin/symfony1-updater (1.0.1)
A CLI updater for Symfony1 Framework

despark/laravel-project-starter (v1.0)
How we bootstrap Laravel's core at Despark.

photon/template-markdown (1.0)
Markdown parser for Photon template engine

owc/wp-shopify (v1.0.26, v1.0.25, v1.0.24)
Wordpress Shopify integration.

phpspec/prophecy (v1.3.0)
Highly opinionated mocking framework for PHP 5.3+

psecio/jwt (1.4)
A JWT (JSON Web Token) Encoding & Decoding library

icanboogie/http (v2.2.2)
Provides an API to handle HTTP requests.

jlaso/tradukoj-po-mo-module (1.0.2)
Gettext client API for https://www.tradukoj.com

friendsofsymfony/http-cache (1.1.0)
Tools to manage cache invalidation

marcj/propel-eventdispatcher-behavior (1.0, 0.1)
Integrates the Symfony2 EventDispatcher component in your Model classes for Propel2 alpha 3.

marcj/propel-eventdispatcher-bundle (1.0)
Integrates the Propel EventDispatcherBehavior into Symfony2.

helthe/turbolinks (1.4.2)
Helthe Turbolinks Component

anlutro/l4-core (0.18.2, 0.18.1)
Core L4 functionality.

iphp/core-bundle (v0.1.22)
Bundle for creating modules and site structure in symfony 2.1 project

scaytrase/symfony-form-extensions (2.0.2)
Additional form fields for Symfony 2 Forms

sleeping-owl/with-join (1.0.4)
Package to convert Eloquent BelongsTo subqueries into one query with left join.

swop/filter-expression-parser (v1.0.1)
Filter-like expression parser & lexer implemented in PHP

redooor/redminportal (v0.1.3)
RedminPortal is a backend administrating tool for Content Management and Ecommerce sites.

tyler-sommer/nice-bench (1.0.0)
A nice PHP benchmarking framework

genesis/phpunitassister (v0.3.0, v0.2.0)
Extends the phpunit WebTestCase class to provide easier mocking and assertions (chain mocking and chain assertions)

marcojanssen/silex-rest-service-providers (1.0.4)
Package containing several services for marcojanssen/silex-rest skeleton

symfony2admingenerator/generator-bundle (v2.0-beta.21)
Admingenerator for Symfony2 based on YAML configuration and Twig templating

syrup/component-bundle (1.9.35, 1.9.34, 1.9.33)
Syrup ComponentBundle

stephpy/timeline (v1.0.3)
Standalone library to create timelines

openl10n/cli (v0.1.1)
Command-line tool to interact with Openl10n

pagemachine/hairu (1.2.1)
Flexible login/logout form based on Extbase/Fluid

nizsheanez/yii2-json-rpc (v1.1.4)
A lightweight JsonRpc Server and Client for PHP

nicolopignatelli/valueobjects (v2.2)
A PHP library/collection of classes aimed to help developers using and undestanding immutable objects.

simogeo/filemanager (v1.5)
An open-source file manager

linslin/paging-slider (1.0.5, 1.0.4, 1.0.3, 1.0.2)
pagingSilder brings you Hardware-Accelerated Page Transitions for Web / Mobile Web Apps / PhoneGap Apps. Inspired by http://coenraets.org/blog/2013/03/hardware-accelerated-page-transitions-for-mobile-web-apps-phonegap-apps/ I have written an extension. This extension allows the page slider to control several pages, retrieve individual pages and slide from one side to another.

damianociarla/opauth-fosub-bundle (v1.0.7)
DCSOpauthFOSUBBundle is a Symfony2 bundle that integrates DCSOpauthBundle with FOSUserBundle and allows users to login/register to your site using third party authentication

g4/tasker (0.9.2)
Application asynchronous tasks manager and runner, cron-like PHP implementation with ability to run tasks with resolution in seconds

simplon/helper (0.7.1)
Helpers for recurring tasks.

niif/simplesamlphp-module-aa (v1.0.2)
Attribute Authority for simpleSAMLphp

simplon/template (0.1.0)
Simple templating solution w/ assets handling (mustache, phtml, assets)

skalmi/cakephp-diffbot-datasource (0.0.7)
CakePHP DiffbotSource Plugin with DataSource

k1low/xls (2.5.6)
Xls: PHPExcel wrapper for CakePHP

mendoframework/flash (v1.0.1)
Mendo Flash Component

joaofigueira/analytics (v2.0.0)
Retrieve analytics data

opus-online/yii2-elastic (v1.1.4)
ElasticSearch spooler and components for Yii2

simplon/mustache (0.1.9, 0.1.8, 0.1.7, 0.1.6)
Lightweight & fast implementation of Mustache - Logic-less templates.

phpdocumentor/reflection (1.0.7)
Reflection library to do Static Analysis for PHP Projects

ongr/testing-bundle (v1.0.4, v1.0.3)
Provides data fixtures and example ESB documents for functional tests.

league/squery (2.1.0)
PHP wrapper for osquery

versionable/prospect (1.0.2)
Library for making HTTP requests

tvr/tyii (1.0.0)
Help component for testing yii controllers

nonzod/yii2-foundation (v0.0.2)
The Foundation extension for the Yii framework

hyyan/dashboard (0.3)
Wordpress plugin to let themes customize the dashboard in their own way

temafey/phalcon-engine (v0.6.3)
Web project engine base on Phalcon framework

yowcow/mime-base64-urlsafe (0.1.1)
PHP-version of URL safe base64 encoding/decoding

thelia/keyword (v2.3.0)
Associate contents, folders, categories and products to one or more keywords

brightmachine/laratash (5.0.3)
A Laravel 5+ wrapper for mustache.php, a PHP implementation of http://mustache.github.io/

turnaev/mysql-workbench-schema-exporter (v1.3.9)
MySQL Workbench Schema Exporter

simsite/simsite (v0.13)
SimSite Core

samsoncms/samsoncms (1.0.0)
SamsonCMS web-application

chesterfield/html (1.0.0)
Laravel için hazırlanmış ve ekstra özellikler eklenmiş bir HTML bileşenidir.

researchpanelasia/sopx-auth-v1_1 (0.0.7)
SOP v1.1 authentication

mollie/opencart (5.2.0)
Mollie module for OpenCart

solve/admin (v0.1.0)
- [ Solve Admin panel ] for standart edition

fritzmg/contao-sharebuttons (0.3.2, 0.3.1, 0.3.0)
Simple Contao extension to provide share buttons as a module and content element

typo3/neos (1.2.0-beta1)
The next generation of the popular open-source CMS.

typo3/neos-nodetypes (1.2.0-beta1)
Node type configuration for TYPO3 Neos

typo3/neos-kickstarter (1.2.0-beta1)
A simple generator for Neos assets, like sites and plugins.

typo3/neos-base-distribution (1.2.0-beta1)
TYPO3 Neos Base Distribution

label305/docx-extractor (0.1)
PHP library for extracting and replacing string data in .docx files.

hoa/regex (
The HoaRegex library.

forxer/tao (0.8.2)
Tools in PHP for Web Development, based on famous libraries.

hostnet/hn-dependency-injection-plugin (2.2.2, 2.3.1)
Introduces the Symfony 2 DI container in a Symfony 1 application.

libra/datatables-assets (1.10.4)
DataTables assets for web project that use public dir as document root, like application on Zend Framework 2. It nice combines with 'libra/libra-assets-installer'for automatic linking to dir and becomes accesible by url: base_name/vendor/datatables-assets/*

neeckeloo/monolog-module (v0.1.0)
Monolog integration into Zend Framework 2

phroute/phroute (v1.4.3)
Fast request router for PHP

hiromi2424/transition (1.1, 2.0)
Transition component is a CakePHP component to help your transitional pages logic.

kartik-v/bootstrap-star-rating (v3.3.0)
A simple yet powerful JQuery star rating plugin for Bootstrap.

get-stream/stream (2.0.2)
A PHP client for Stream (https://getstream.io)

nanjingboy/assetloader (v0.1.7)
A simple tool to load javascript & css files

k1low/yav (2.5.6)
Yav: Yet Another Validation Set

barryvdh/laravel-debugbar (v1.8.1)
PHP Debugbar integration for Laravel

typo3/fluid (2.3.0-beta1)
Next-Generation Templating Framework for TYPO3 Flow and TYPO3 Neos, also backported to TYPO3 CMS

typo3/kickstart (2.3.0-beta1)
A simple generator for controller and views.

typo3/party (2.3.0-beta1)
A PHP implementation of the OASIS Customer Information Quality (CIQ) XML Standard.

typo3/welcome (2.3.0-beta1)
This package provides a start screen for the TYPO3 Flow distribution with links to online resources.

typo3/eel (2.3.0-beta1)
The Embedded Expression Language (Eel) is a building block for creating Domain Specific Languages

typo3/flow (2.3.0-beta1)
TYPO3 Flow Application Framework

typo3/flow-base-distribution (2.3.0-beta1)
TYPO3 Flow Base Distribution

k1low/po (2.0.0)
Po plugin for CakePHP.

k1low/multivalidatable (2.0.0)
Multi validation set plugin for CakePHP.

k1low/has_no (2.0.0)
Simple binding model practice plugin for CakePHP.

k1low/routine (2.5.6)
Custom CRUD Set for CakePHP

vegas-cmf/session (v1.0.1)
Vegas CMF Session Manager

fwlib/fwlib (v2.3.3)
Common PHP library

radnan/rdn-factory (v1.0.2)
Zend Framework 2 module to help create factory classes

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