
Recent releases from the Packagist:

codeception/codeception (1.8.3)
BDD-style testing framework

flynsarmy/csv-seeder (v1.0)
Allows seeding of the database with CSV files

jariberg/frameworkcore (v1.0.5, v1.0.4, v1.0.3, 1.0.0)
framework core

lwc/kumite (2.0.1)
A simple library for multivariate testing in web applications

fedeisas/laravel-js-routes (1.3)
Laravel routes from Javascript

andrebian/wp-represent-map (0.3)
Represent Map Plugin for Wordpress

danielstjules/stringy (1.4.0)
A string manipulation library with multibyte support

cliffparnitzky/monitoring (1.0.0)
Monitoring extension for checking availability of websites.

fol/core (v1.1.0)
The core of FOL framework

fol/fol (v1.1.0)
PHP framework

ibsciss/zend-soap-service-provider (v2.3.1)
A soap service provider, based on ZendSoap from ZendFramwork project.

dcarbone/helpers (3.2.1)
Some simple helper classes for PHP

opis/closure (1.0.0)
Real serialization of closures is now possible. Serialize any closure in a safe and fast way.

whatthejeff/nyancat-scoreboard (v1.1.1)
Nyan Cat Scoreboard

simple-crud/simple-crud (v1.8.2, v1.8.1)
PHP mysql CRUD class

graham-campbell/binput (v1.0.0)
Binput Is An Input Protector For Laravel 4.1

graham-campbell/security (v1.0.0)
Security Is A Port Of The Security Class From Codeigniter 2.1 For Laravel 4.1

graham-campbell/markdown (v1.0.0)
Markdown Is A Simple PHP Markdown Wrapper For Laravel 4.1

graham-campbell/htmlmin (v1.0.0)
HTMLMin Is A Simple HTML Minifier For Laravel 4.1

appneta/traceview-bundle (v0.1.2)
Additional integration with AppNeta TraceView for Symfony2, including Twig support.

composer/installers (v1.0.11)
A multi-framework Composer library installer

feature/feature (v0.2.0, v0.1.0, v0.0.1)

rogeriopradoj/box-calculator.js (1.1.0)
Série de cálculos usados na Box, some calculations done at Box

cpliakas/psolr (0.4.1)
A PHP client for Apache Solr.

ac/web-services-bundle (0.2.1)
Provides tools for developing RESTful APIs.

symfony/symfony (v2.4.2, v2.3.10)
The Symfony PHP framework

ruflin/elastica (v1.0.0.0)
Elasticsearch Client

punkstar/gradwell_smsapi (1.0.0)
A PHP library for sending text messages with the Gradwell SMS API

maatwebsite/excel (v0.2.1)
Laravel wrapper for PHP Excel

luxifer/doctrine-functions (1.1.0)
Doctrine DQL Functions for Mysql

smrtr/mysql-version-control (0.3, 0.2, 0.1)
A crude version control system for mysql written in php

phundament/p3widgets (0.17.0)
Widget Manager

simplon/facebook (0.6.12, 0.6.11)
Facebook Library

nextras/forms (v1.3.1, v1.3.0)
Extra form components for Nette Framework.

corbanb/freebird-php (v0.2.2)
Twitter API v1.1 Application only authoization library

mademovement/freebird-php (v0.2.2)
Twitter API v1.1 Application only authoization library

nextras/mail-panel (v2.0.2)
MailPanel is extension for Nette Framework which captures sent e-mails in development mode and shows them in debugger bar.

behat/behat (v2.5.2)
Scenario-oriented BDD framework for PHP 5.3

backboneit/contao-dao (1.0.1)
Simple DAOs for Contao.

sweelix/daemon (1.0.0)
PHP 5.3+ basic daemon, usefull to create log live php scripts.

goatherd/phpcs_installer (v2.0-alpha1)
PHP_CodeSniffer standards composer installer

graste/environaut (v0.4.2)
Define, configure and protect your application environment and its requirements.

danmichaelo/ncip (v0.1.0)
Basic NCIP library

masterminds/html5 (1.0.2)
An HTML5 parser and serializer.

hannesvdvreken/php-oauth (v0.1.1)
PHP OAuth services

claroline/rss-reader-bundle (2.0.6)
Claroline RSS reader plugin

diginedbv/unirest-php (0.99.1, 0.99)
Unirest PHP

yajra/laravel-oci8 (v1.2.0, v1.1.1, 1.1.0)
Oracle DB driver for Laravel 4 via OCI8

elasticsearch/elasticsearch (v1.0)
PHP Client for Elasticsearch

diginedbv/twitter-api-php (0.99)
Simple PHP Wrapper for Twitter API v1.1 calls

starship/starship (0.2.0)
Starship is a static site generator for PHP.

crisu83/yiistrap (1.3.0)
Twitter Bootstrap for the Yii PHP framework.

iron-io/iron_worker (1.4.2)
Client library for IronWorker (multi-language worker platform that runs tasks in the background, in parallel, and at scale.)

sweelix/image (1.0.0)
PHP 5.3+ image handler

cliffparnitzky/backend-extended-css-editor-filter (1.0.0)
Provides extended filter functions for the internal CSS editor.

sweelix/guid (1.0.0)
PHP 5.3+ simple GUID generator

comperio/silverstripe-cms (,
The SilverStripe Content Management System

authorizit/authorizit-plugin (v0.0.3, v0.0.2)
CakePHP plugin to support Authorizit. See http://www.github.com/pedrofs/authorizit

authorizit/authorizit (v1.0.1)
Ease to authorizing you system.

sweelix/curl (1.0.0)
PHP 5.3+ simple curl requestor

eloquent/fixie (0.1.0)
YAML-based data fixtures.

diginedbv/kloutapiv2-php (0.99)
Simple PHP Wrapper for Klout API v2

quexer69/yii-gcal-flow (3.3.0, 3.2.0)
This jQuery plug-in for yii-framework provides a widget to show event list of your google calendar with configurable options and fully customizable HTML design template. With composer support.

anahkiasen/rocketeer (1.1.2)
Rocketeer is a fast and simple deployer for the PHP world

pitekantrop/shittyprofiler (1.1.2)
A shitty profiler for Laravel.

timetoogo/php-generics (0.2.4)
Generic types for PHP

ondrakub/bank-php (v1.1)
Easy-to-use library for getting Czech code or name of bank.

ibsciss/supermonolog-service-provider (v2.0.3, v2.0.2, v2.0.1, v2.0.0)
An extended monolog service provider for silex framework. Add crossFinger & log rotation handlers as options.

webforge/common (1.7.4)
Boilerplate for Webforge and Psc - CMS

bread/push (v0.1.1, v0.1.0)
Push Notification

amcsi/amysql (v1.0.0-beta2, v1.1.0-beta2)
A MySQL(i) wrapper for PHP 5.1+ with useful tools and no extension dependencies.

crisu83/yii-consoletools (1.1.0, 1.0.1)
A collection of tools for developing console commands for Yii.

hfrahmann/opauth (1.1)
This is a package to use Opauth with your TYPO3 Flow project.

patchwork/dumper (v1.0.4)
High accuracy and flexible dumping for PHP variables

bit3/contao-theme-plus (3.0.0-rc9)
Theme+ for Contao OpenSource CMS

bread/media (v0.1.3)
Bread media library

bread/types (v0.3.5)
Bread types library

crisu83/yiistrap-widgets (1.7.0)
Extension library for Yiistrap.

hirviid/hirviid-cleeng-bundle (1.0.0)
This bundle provides a simple integration of the Cleeng PHP SDK into Symfony2

cordoval/gush (v1.3.6, v1.3.5)
Rapid workflow for project maintainers and contributors

vektah/parser-combinator (0.2.4)

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