
Achievement in life starts with the right mental mindset. As artists and entrepreneurs, we have taught ourselves how to create and maintain a successful business. However, having the right people, mentors, and teachers in our lives positively influences how we view ourselves and our contribution to the world. It is critical to surround ourselves with positive people and information. So why not fill our lives with exactly that? The following 20 blogs and websites (in no particular order) are incredibly inspiring.

#1 Christina Greeve


Christinagreve.com offers a wealth of positive information for photographers. Her articles are intentionally meant to be inspiring and motivating. Her blog offers photography tips, motivation and coaching, as well as advice on business and branding. She truly believes that as artists we need to believe in ourselves and our potential…and our businesses will change accordingly.

Christina began her career in psychology and life-c2oaching. She has since added photography to her list of achievements and is an outstanding photographer and creative artist. Christina has been featured in Digital Camera Magazine and Digital Photographer.

Be Inspired By: Photographic motivation and inspiration

#2 Shutter Sisters


In 2008, this community of photographers was born from the idea of inspiring each other within the realm of photography. In the past 7 years, Shutter Sisters has grown into a warm and inviting community of women photographers to share their photographic journey. The best part about Shutter Sisters is as they grew, a platform for men was also created and is now known as Camera Men.

Together, Shutter Sisters and Camera Men are known as Our Collective.

If you are the type of artist that is refreshed and invigorated by others’ work, this is the place to go for your daily dose of creativity in the form of great influence by others. All art is beautiful and the proof is in this blog.

Be Inspired By: A community of like-minded photographers with incredible talent

#3 A Beautiful Anarchy

abeautifulanarchy.com/ by David duChemin

You may already know who this incredible guy is. And if you don’t, let me introduce you. David duChemin is, simply put, awe inspiring.

Not only is he a renowned photographer, he is a humanitarian. David uses his talent for the purpose of serving and helping others through his assignments for the NGO community. Beyond this, his blog impresses as it inspires, captivates, and encourages his audience to make the most of their photographic journey as an artist and an individual with clear purpose in this world. In fact, his blog A Beautiful Anarchy inspires us with the intriguing tagline, “When the life creative becomes the life created”. Now that is living with purpose and intent.

This blog is a journey of another’s life that connects us as humans with powerful parallels to our own lives, and is not to go unread.

Be Inspired By: Freedom, love and words of wisdom

#4 Hand Select Your Clients

handselectyourclients.com/blog/ by Angela Pointon

Each time Angela’s blog article arrives in my inbox, she addresses the very issue I am trying to find the best marketing solution for. The timing is truly impeccable. This week it was “What to Do When Potential Clients Go Underground”. Yes, Angela, tell me more (as I think of the last potential client that just went MIA). She addresses marketing concerns we have as business owners with great resolution. And boy does she hit the nail on the head.

Angela is a marketing and business guru having been Chief Operating Officer of a marketing agency for seven years. She speaks publicly, writes online courses, is an author and columnist, and a professor at Drexel University. She has an incredible amount of marketing and business advice to offer and her words are pure gold. Follow her now, your inner entrepreneur will be glad you did.

Be Inspired By: Brilliant marketing and branding ideas

#5 Life Hack


Lifehack is one of those blogs that instantly intrigues every time it lands in your inbox. The term ‘life hack’ is defined as a strategy or technique adopted to make one’s time and life more efficient. And that is exactly what this blog does. Lifehack is widely recognized among the web with articles pertaining to productivity, lifestyle, money and communication. Clearly it has it all and exactly why it’s on this Top 20 list.

Be Inspired By: Learning how to best lead an efficient life

#6 Marie Forleo


Marie Forleo, wow, how can I explain her? Combine sharp and sassy with a side of wit and what you get is a sharp business woman who tells you like it is and sets you free while doing it. (Finally!) Marie Forleo’s mission is to “create a business and life you love”, while reaching your greatest potential. I have been a Marie follower for years now and she is honestly what propelled my thoughts of being an entrepreneur to actually becoming an entrepreneur.  She will instantly provoke feelings in you that melts fear into a sad little puddle you step over to cross into achievement. She is quite extraordinary and I promise you, we will only see more of her. She is that impressionable and inspirational. And Tony Robbins loves her. And Oprah loves her…and so it goes. J

Be Inspired By: Keen business sense you can also apply to your personal relationships.

#7 A Little Opulent


A Little Opulent is an online lifestyle magazine that offers a little bit of everything. While searching out some of the most inspirational articles out there, you can simultaneously enjoy creative outlets such as culture and entertainment, home and living, and art and design. It’s a nice release for all the heavy and deep thinking we do as artists and entrepreneurs.

Be Inspired By: Fueling your inner passion and embracing your creativity

#8 Creative Something


The creator of Creative Something, Tanner Christensen, developed this incredible blog and delves deep into the art of creativity and what propels us to keep creating. As artists, we not only create but are known to think deeply and therefore need to understand why we do what we do. As a result, we are more creative for it. Creative Something fosters the cultivation of creativity and inspiration. As artists, we endure highs and lows and his blog will keep the lows at a minimum.

Be Inspired By: Understanding how deep your creative inner-self is and how to ignite it

#9 In Spaces Between


In Spaces Between is the kind of site that makes you feel warm, fuzzy and welcome immediately. That’s coming from a female, so men tell me if you agree! (I think you will!) Creator, Rachel MacDonald is a writer, coach and speaker and has a great deal of wisdom to share. She bravely left her PR position to delve into what she felt would make her heart happiest. And it appears she hasn’t looked back. As a successful blog and life coach, Rachel is definitely an inspiration to follow, and her articles rock!

Be Inspired By: How to face life decisions with brevity and the freedom that results from doing so

#10 Positively Present


This is one website that seriously hits all the marks. Here, the mission is to be present in the moment while maintaining a positive attitude. These are two behaviors that can be fairly difficult for people (like us) who work their butts off and are always adding another item to our to-do lists. Positively Present selects a different quote each week, a “word of the month”, and even a music playlist to enjoy each week. Just what you need to stay on track, it’s perfect.

Be Inspired By: Weekly adages making ordinary life more extraordinary

#11 Steve Olson


Steve Olson’s blog is for “people pursuing freedom”. Freedom equates to countless distinctions in the human mind. For Steve, he explores the meaning and pursuit of freedom while addressing a variety of topics from education to relationships (and everything in between). His posts are unique and encourage you to ask yourself if you really believe what you always thought you have.

Be Inspired By: Inviting more freedom into your life and the personal responsibility that comes with it.

#12 Start with Why


Simon Sinek is a very popular name, and with very good reason. We struggle to understand why we do what we choose as a career or as a passion. We also ask ourselves what we could do better when we don’t see the results we are looking for. Well, it all starts with understanding our “why”. Our “why” is what motivates us to do what we do. Simon cleverly states,

“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe.”

Very well said Simon. Now I want to go back and re-think everything I have ever done and why. But, I won’t. I’ll simply use his advice while moving forward…and never look back.

Be Inspired By: Exploring your “why” and how understanding your “why” will open doors you never thought possible. Get the book here (affiliate).

#13 David Seah


David Seah’s blog is ingenious. He offers ways to organize information and goal setting in a way one could never think was possible. And he does it so well. I’ve always believed the world was divided into two different types of people, those of us who are naturally organized and those of us who are not. (You know which you are.) Whichever category you fall into, you won’t be able to get enough of what he offers. In fact, he clearly states his goals for 2024, yep…2024! And while reading them, you begin to wonder why you aren’t doing the same goal setting (or maybe you are and don’t feel guilty like I do).  David is pure genius while naturally motivating his audience.

Be Inspired By: Intense goal setting in an organized and productive manner.

#14 Escape Adulthood


The creators of Escape Adulthood, Kim and Jason, clearly state what their mission is: “to escape Adultitis”. I wasn’t exactly sure what Adultisis was when I first found their blog, but, sadly, suspected I had it. And I did…74% to be exact. (You can take your test here: http://adultitis.org/intake/ )

Kim and Jason’s mission is to eliminate Adultitis through the secrets of childhood and battling against what Adultitis can cause: stress and anxiety, even depression. I think we all need a dose of their medicine. Don’t you?

Be Inspired By: Exploring your inner child, laughing more, and reducing stress and anxiety.

#15 Zen Habits


Leo Babauta’s blog Zen Habits centers on finding simplicity in the daily life. The simplicity of his site clearly reflects his beliefs of minimizing what we need in life. His site is easy to navigate and truly a breath of fresh air. Leo ascertains that it is not our obstacles that get in the way of our contentment, it is us. If you are looking for a dose of self-reflection and inspiration, this is the blog for you.

Be Inspired By: A giant dose of Zen. Truly. It’s okay, just breathe.

#16 Wealthy Gorilla


Wealthy Gorilla rocks. This blog was created by Dan Western to help others achieve their dreams and to fulfill their true potential. It is a fairly new blog, created in 2014 and has already seemed to gain quite the momentum. How could it not, Dan has filled it beautifully with superior articles on achieving career success. Dan even impresses with his logo…doesn’t everyone want to be a wealthy gorilla?

Be Inspired By: Advice on success and motivation for achieving a life you really desire.

#17 Pick the Brain


Pick the Brain is an exceptional site dedicated to overall self-improvement. Seems heavy I know, but it’s not too much. The articles are nicely organized and aimed at improving productivity and motivation through self-education. This comprehensive blog site provides an abundance of information that will quickly improve your days if you heed the advice given. Note: “if”. You can do it…we all can.

Be Inspired By: Bettering yourself and your life through training your thoughts and changing non-productive habits.

#18 43 Folders


43 Folders, created by Merlin Mann is quite remarkable. His site dedicated to becoming more productive in our creative lives, yet Mann insists you should not spend much time on his site or your creative self will go to pot, all because you won’t be accomplishing the very thing you woke up to do. I love the irony and truth here! He offers humor and insight in an entertaining yet informative manner. In fact, he begins his site with:

Ask yourself… “Why am I here right now instead of making something cool on my own? What’s the barrier to me starting that right now?”

Well said Mann. Now we should all get back to work.

Be Inspired By: Making and creating the time to do your best work. Also enjoy Mann’s humor while hopefully avoiding your own procrastination.

#19 TED


I can only assume you have listened to a few TED talks on YouTube before, or at least know what I am referring to. And if you have not, get out from under your rock! The first TED talk I ever listened to was by Elizabeth Gilbert and it was eye opening for me. Not only were her words incredibly inspiring, I was also astonished by how I had access to listen to some of the most uplifting people talk, as if they were in my living room. And now TED has a blog. It couldn’t be more perfect.

Be Inspired By: Gaining wisdom from some of the most influential people in the world today.

#20 Dumb Little Man


Dumb Little Man created and run by Jay White is a brilliant blog that covers just about everything: health, happiness, relationships and money. You are guaranteed to be positively influenced from the variety of information on his well designed blog.

Be Inspired By: A daily dose of articles that inspire and apply to every aspect of your life.

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