

The Samsung NX mini is the first mirrorless camera from Samsung to deviate from the APS-C format sensor and features a 20.5MP 1″ BSI CMOS sensor. As such, the NX mini looks like a direct competitor to the Nikon 1 series, which features the same sensor format.

As you can see from the product images, the NX mini has a very compact design with a body that is less than 1″ thick. However, it still has room to provide a 3″ touchscreen LCD that flips up 180° so that it is viewable from the front side of the camera.

The NX mini is touted as a SMART camera with WiFi and NFC connectivity. The camera includes a new NX-M mount kit lens at 9-27mm (24.3-72.9mm equivalent) and is compatible with other NX lenses thanks to an adapter for the new mount. The NX mini covers a sensitivity range of ISO 100-25,600 (w/ expansion) and captures 1080/30p video.

The NX mini comes packaged with a full version of Adobe Lightroom 5 and uses MicroSD cards for its media storage. The camera with the 9-27mm kit lens and SEF-7A detachable flash retails for $549. The NX mini is also available with a new 9mm f/3.5 kit lens for $449. It will ship in early April. Check availability here at B&H Photo.

The 9mm and 9-27mm NX-M lenses will retail for $179 and $279, respectively. A 17mm F/1.8 OIS NX-M lens will be available at a later date.

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