
All cancer patients, who are receiving the conventional chemotherapy treatment experience some serious nutritional problems. The cancer patients follow strict diet plans and procedures in order to get the best anti-cancer nutrition, but still, some problems occur. Well, the real problem is that the powerful and aggressive chemotherapy treatment is too strong for the digestive tract to handle. In this article we are going to mention the most common symptoms that every cancer patient has to face and has to deal with. And we will also write some nutritional recommendations of how to fight with each problem separately.

Cancer nutrition: low protein and calorie intake

Many cancer patients feel like they don’t have any appetite and they don’t want to eat anything. But, the real problem is that the cancer cells are eating up all nutritional reserves in the human body. So, this is why you need to consume lots of protein and calories, in order to stay strong and to fight off infections. Many different studies have found that if you keep yourself “strong” and if you consume foods, high in protein and calories – you will increase your chances of recovering from this terrible disease significantly. That’s because your body can handle all those drugs and medications, during the conventional chemotherapy method, much better.

These are the best high-calorie and high-protein foods, which you need to consume while you are on the chemotherapy treatment:

Olives and canola oil

Seeds, nuts and dried fruit

Avocado and beans

You should also reduce the intake on low-calorie drinks and drink more:

Smoothie shakes

Fruit juices

High-protein drink supplements

Note: make sure you also reduce the amount of milk you drink and dairy product you consume, because the treatment drugs might make you lactose intolerant and the dairy products will cause you gas, bloating, diarrhea and cramping.

Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are the most common symptoms of the conventional chemotherapy treatment. So, in order to reduce the effects of this two symptoms, we highly recommend these tips. These simple tips will help you with this problem.

Make sure you drink at least 10 glassed of water every day, because dehydration will make you feel nauseous

Add some lemon juice to warm water and drink it at least 2 times every day. It will help you with the vomiting problems

You should try and take some encapsulated ginger, ginger candy or fresh ginger. Ginger is extremely powerful root and it will help you get rid of nausea

Make sure you eat small and frequent meals every few hours, whether you are hungry or not

Mouth sores

Mouth sores – this is also a common symptom that cancer patients usually get while they are on the chemotherapy treatment. Cancer patients who take lots of oral medications and drugs usually have this problem. Here are some tips on how to treat this type of problem:

Make sure you avoid salty, spicy and acidic good. You need to avoid these foods because they will aggravate the pain in your mouth

You need to eat more soft and blended food. Consume foods like porridge, milk, pudding, custard rice and soups

Anorexia and depression

You may feel weak and tired all the time, while you are on the chemotherapy treatment. And you should also know that it’s a normal thing to have some food changes while you are on this treatment – it’s cause of the chemotherapy drugs and medications. You should try these tips on how to fight these symptoms and beat anorexia and depression:

You need to exercise. You can go swimming, yoga, cycling and brisk walking

Go to lunch with your friends and family. It will improve your mood with some good music, good food and plenty of light

We all know that cancer is very difficult and serious disease, but by following these simple tricks and procedures and consume the proper nutrition, you will feel much better and you can fight this disease more efficiently. You can reduce the bad side effects of the chemotherapy treatment and fight this terrible disease more efficiently – all you have to do is follow these simple guidelines

Fight constipation and diarrhea

Constipation and diarrhea – can also be common side effects of the cancer chemotherapy treatment. But, you shouldn’t be worried, because they can be prevented and reduced with proper nutrition.

Cancer patients with constipation should follow these rules:

Eat more fresh fruits

Drink lots of water

Eat foods high in fiber: beans, lentils, vegetables

Eat dried fruits

Cancer patients with diarrhea should follow these rules:

Make sure you eat foods like banana, rice and apples

And you need to drink lots of water and other liquids in order to stay hydrated

Modified diets

Well, the proper nutritional plan is the best way to fight the chemotherapy side effects. These side effects can be even worse, if you don’t follow these simple tricks. If you want to follow the best diet plan while you are on the chemotherapy treatment, make sure you follow these guidelines:

Clear liquids – make sure you drink lots of liquids like fruit juices, gelatin, broth, fruit ice coffee, tea and popsicles. You can also drink these liquids if you suffer from diarrhea and vomiting, it will help you to control it

Full liquids – you should also drink plenty of water, milk, ice cream, yogurt, milk shakes, cereal, creamed soups, commercial supplements, custard, etc. this diet plan is highly recommended for cancer patients who have problems with eating or if they suffer from mouth pain

Soft / low fiber diet – the name of this diet plans says it all. It suggests that you should avoid raw vegetables, fruits and foods with skins, seeds and nuts. You should also consume white potatoes and drink fruit juices. This diet plan is recommended for cancer patients who have digestion problems

Low lactose – we all know that lactose is the milk’s natural sugar and it’s indicated in cancer patients who suffer from bloating, lactose intolerance and diarrhea after they eat foods, which contain lactose.

Note: all cancer patients should consume at least 5 meals of fruits and vegetables a day. You should also consume greens and berries. All cancer patients should eat whole grain foods, like high fiber breads and cereals, brown rice, barley, oats, etc. Avoid refined and processed foods like muffins, donuts, white bread and all other sugary stuff, because as we all know – cancer cells feed on sugar. So, reduce the intake of sugar and they will start to die.

You should also reduce the consumption of red and processed meat. Eat plenty of poultry, fish and tofu. And you should also know that foods are the best sources of vitamins and supplements. So, you need to avoid takin vitamin and mineral supplements, and get all vitamins and minerals from raw fruits and vegetables.


Following a healthy diet plan is extremely important step in fighting this terrible disease and reducing the bad side effects of the conventional chemotherapy treatment. These simple guidelines will help you with that. Or, just let me say this in few words – drink plenty of water, eat nutritious and healthy food, avoid processed foods and vitamin supplements. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to share with your friends and family.



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