
“Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.”

~ A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

A Simple Guide to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol

As most of you know, I published my first print paleo book on January 1st: A Simple Guide to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol. The response has been overwhelming. When you write a book, you put your heart and soul into it, hoping it will resonate with others, but you never know until it’s out in the world. I’m both humbled and honored by what people have said. Here’s a review roundup, and if you scroll to the bottom of the post, you can enter my gratitude giveaway!

Reviews from Paleo Bloggers

“I cannot recommend A Simple Guide to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol enough. It’s the perfect introduction to the AIP, as it guides you through the most simple, practical approach to the protocol. It will walk you through everything you can expect in the process and set you up for the best possible chance of success.” ~ Rachael Bryant, Meatified

“This book is comprehensive but concise, which is not an easy balance to strike! It covers every aspect of healing from eliminating foods and why, to finding support, to dealing with flares, to circadian rhythms, and how to appropriately detox…that is a ton of material! But each section lays out the applicable nuts and bolts in a perfectly understandable, straightforward way and then moves on! No fancy science words, no unnecessary fluff, just the facts and what to do about them.” ~ Samantha Beth McClellan, Sweet Potatoes and Social Change

“The simplicity of style makes this easy reading for anyone whose first language isn’t English, and it’s perfect to share with friends and family that want to understand your new diet.” ~ Stella Arenillas Garcia, Whole Earth Life

“It is written so that even someone who is very ill, perhaps even suffering from ‘brain fog,’ will be able to understand without too much effort. But at the same time it doesn’t talk down to you, which I really appreciate! That’s a tough balance to achieve, but somehow Eileen does it.” ~ Jaime Hartman, Gutsy by Nature

“Reading this book gives me a cosy feeling, just like having a conversation with someone dear who cares about me.” ~ Maria Krummen, Zesty Paleo

“With the rapid growth of the autoimmune movement and availability of information, it is vitally important to be able to trust the source of your advice. Eileen is one of the most informed advocates of the AIP that I know of, in fact she was one of the original bloggers on the subject so you can rest assured her advice is 100% accurate.” ~ Kate Jay, Healing Family Eats

“Eileen has a way of breaking down each step in following the AIP diet so it is not too hard to follow. You do not come away feeling overwhelmed but rather empowered knowing you can make the necessary dietary changes and succeed.” ~ Carrie Lewman, Real Food – Authentic Living

“I could pout and say, “No fair! I wish there was an ‘AIP for Dummies’ book like this when I started out!”, but the good news is YOU have that tool now. So, use it.” ~ Erin, Enjoying This Journey

“These days, there is a wealth of information on the Autoimmune Protocol, but sometimes that can cause analysis paralysis when confronted with all of the gritty details. Enter A Simple Guide to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol….Everything you should know before you begin is included, making this an ideal read for anyone about to start the process.” ~ Mickey Trescott, Autoimmune-Paleo

“My favourite things about this book: 1) Eileen creates a voice that is conversational, understanding, and balanced. Reading her book is like having a chat with a trusted and wise friend. 2) The information is accessible – not heavy in arcane science and able to be read within a single day! 3) The chapters are comprehensive, working the reader through the basics of what to eat and not eat on the AIP as well as addressing many important lifestyle factors that can impact on symptomatology.” ~ Martine Partridge, Eat Heal Thrive

“Ready to start AIP? A Simple Guide to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol has you covered! ….Already on AIP? This book still has a lot to offer. It’s a great little resource to double check questions that do pop up every once in awhile….I also think this book is perfect for family and friends who want to know more about AIP in order to support you.” ~ Rebecca Boucher, Lichen Paleo Loving AIP

“Just like her super-helpful blog, Phoenix Helix, Eileen is a master resource for all trying to heal an autoimmune disease….This guide makes the complicated AIP as easy as the ABCs.” ~ Brittany Barton, Sparkle Kitchen

“It is a formidable resource for all of those who are fighting chronic illness and autoimmune disease.” ~ Sophie Van Tiggelen, A Squirrel in the Kitchen

“I enjoyed this book and believe in its approach so much that I have went so far as to ask our entire administrative/office staff to all read a copy.” ~ Marc Roark, COO, Paleo on the Go

“Looking to learn more about the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol, but overwhelmed by the amount of information out there? This guide from Phoenix Helix breaks it down in a simple, elegant, and do-able manner.” ~ Russ Crandall, The Domestic Man

“Anyone that’s looking to start the AIP would benefit from taking a few hours to read this book and then referring back to it when they need to. It’s a pretty short read, but it’s jammed pack with great info.” ~ Louise Hendon, Paleo Flourish

“Many times, I believe we are our worst enemies. We allow the voices in our heads and fear to sabotage our efforts. Eileen’s chapter on Overcoming Self-Sabotage will give you actionable tips you can use to overcome those nasty saboteurs.” ~ Tara Perillo, Paleo Cajun Lady

“Eileen’s book is a resource dedicated to anyone whose autoimmune disease knocked them down so hard, they wondered if they would ever rise again.” ~ Gabriella Schneider, Beyond the Bite

“Most people don’t have a year to spend research books and blogs….Eileen’s book brings the research together for you.” ~ Jessica Ginn Boehm, The Feel Good Days

Testimonials from Healthcare Practitioners

“I work with thousands of clients with autoimmunity and many are interested in exploring the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) but feel intimidated or overwhelmed by it. With her new book, Eileen provides an easy to understand and dare I say fun approach to AIP….I can’t wait to share this book with my clients, students and fellow practitioners!” ~ Andrea Nakayama, Educator and Functional Nutritionist

“There is growing scientific evidence behind how the AIP works, but the layperson doesn’t need to understand complex science in order to get started. That is what I love about this book – it is a practical, real-world resource for navigating the AIP. I plan to use this book as a patient education tool.” ~ Katy Haldiman, Registered Nurse, Certified Nutritional Therapist and Herbalist

“I wish I had this book when I first started exploring the Autoimmune Protocol to help manage my Hashimoto’s! AIP can be intimidating and overwhelming to undertake but Eileen’s book makes it approachable and easy to understand….I plan to recommend it to all of my clients with autoimmunity.” ~ Caroline Stahlschmidt, Functional Nutritionist and Certified Holistic Health Coach

“It’s an easy to read, clear guide that spells out everything you need to know to get started on healing autoimmune disease. I’ve already recommended it to several patients” ~ Dr. Fiona McCulloch, Naturopath

“I love little hand-held books. This is a fantastic, comprehensive autoimmune protocol guide…. It’s easy to read and is abundant with valuable information, helpful tips + motivational tidbits.” ~ Hayley Stobbs, Acupuncturist and Nutritional Consultant

“This book takes the science and brings practicality, and will be a tool I use with many of my health coaching clients going forward.” ~ Emma King, Holistic Health Coach

“This guide is a simple step-by-step blueprint for making the autoimmune protocol your own. When you own it – you do it!” ~ Dr. Jill Tieman, Clinical Nutritionist and Chiropractor

Testimonials from Paleo Leaders

“My mother, mother-in-law and myself all had autoimmune disease, which is why I’ve been trying to educate people about the power of the Paleo AIP for decades. It’s personal. This book is the ultimate get-started guide in an easy-to-read package. Leave your excuses at the curb, buy this book and change your life today.” ~ Robb Wolf, New York Times Bestselling author of The Paleo Solution

“A Simple Guide to the Autoimmune Protocol delivers on its promise by presenting the dos and dont’s of the AIP while focusing on practical implementation rather than complex science….It’s the perfect tool for anyone who wants to learn about and get started on the AIP as quickly and painlessly as possible.” ~ Sarah Ballantyne, PhD, New York Times bestselling author of The Paleo Approach, The Paleo Approach Cookbook, and The Healing Kitchen

Feedback from Readers with Autoimmune Disease

“I began following Eileen’s website not long after following the AIP and frequently reference her articles. I found them to be so positive and compassionate. This book mirrors that tone, and I will carry it with me everywhere so that anytime I have a weak moment or need a positive affirmation to keep me on track, I can reference it.” ~ Lizzie

“This book is organizational genius. With bullet lists and boldface, Eileen brings the critical information into focus for the foggy brain. The chapters begin with the non-negotiables: the foods to avoid. From there, it’s a slow progression through strategies for what to eat, what to do, and how to cope, from basic principles to advanced troubleshooting. Every puzzle piece is there.” ~ Meghan

“I got the book last week and this morning gave it to a friend just diagnosed with RA. I’m buying another one or two – it was so nice just to hand her something that I knew could help her. To have a simple guide to start the process will, I hope, make the change to the Autoimmune Protocol so much easier!” ~ Gail

“Eileen has a marvelous gift of taking complicated concepts and making them clear to the reader. I felt like I was sitting with a good friend who gently pointed me in the right direction and gave me a simple guide that is worth its weight in gold.” ~ Sunny

“Many people who are considering AIP are consumed by pain, fatigue, and brain fog. It’s difficult in that condition to get through each day, let alone take the steps of research, planning and preparation needed to start feeling better. This book makes it simple.” ~ Alison

“This book is exactly what I need. Both my daughter and I have autoimmune disorders, and I’ve been searching for convenient information that doesn’t require weeks of reading. There is SO much information out there about AIP, it’s difficult to condense it all into a usable format. I’ve been following Eileen for awhile, and this is her best yet. I can carry this with me in my purse, and easily check to make sure I’m on track. I’d highly recommend this book to anyone who has an autoimmune disorder that wants to get their health back.” ~ Annette

“WOW! This small book can be easily tucked within your purse or backpack, but don’t let its size mislead you. It contains EVERYthing you need to know about the AIP.” ~ D. Paige

“Being new to AIP, I’ve bought a number of cookbooks. They are beautiful books with great recipes, but none tell me how to manage everyday life outside of my own home on the plan. Eileen Laird has done that in a simple, clear and concise way. Her book has prepared me to eat at restaurants, travel out of town, handle social settings and navigate family gatherings all while staying AIP compliant.” ~ Amy

“Reading Eileen Laird’s Simple Guide to the AIP is like sitting down with your closest and wisest friend, who is giving you a pep talk backed up with all the facts you need to stop your disease process and enjoy living life again.” ~ Emily

Did You Read My Book? Can I Ask a Favor?

Would you take a minute to write a review on Amazon.com? Other readers count on those reviews to decide whether a book is worthwhile. Just login to Amazon and then visit my book’s sales page. Scroll to the bottom, and you’ll see a button that says “Write a Customer Review”. It would mean the world to me! Reader reviews touch my heart the most. You are the reason I wrote the book.

If You Bought My Book, You’re Eligible for Freebies!

I created two printable PDFs exclusive to people who buy the book. One is the AIP Food Pyramid (Foods to Eat) alongside a list of the Foods to Avoid. You can print it for your fridge as a daily reference. The other is a printable grocery list, which you can take with you each time you go shopping. To get the PDFs, just email me your receipt through my contact page.

Gratitude Giveaway – 3 Winners – No Purchase Necessary!

I’m so grateful for the warm reception my book has received, I want to pay that gratitude forward. So, I’m giving away some free copies of my book and ebooks, along with some of my very favorite AIP Convenience foods! Have you tried Wild Zora’s Lamb Rosemary Bar or Paleo Angel’s Power Balls? They are perfect emergency snacks to carry in your purse or car, and I always bring some with me on vacation. I can personally vouch for how delicious these are, and they are 100% AIP – no forbidden ingredients.

One winner in the USA will win a 12-pack of the delicious, AIP-Friendly Wild Zora Lamb Rosemary Protein Bars, along with a paperback copy of my book!

A second winner in the USA will win an 8-pack of the delicious AIP-Friendly Paleo Angel Power Balls, along with a paperback copy of my book!

And I love my international readers as well! So one of you will win a PDF e-book package of all 3 of my books: A Simple Guide to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol, Reintroducing Foods on the AIP, and 85 Amazing AIP Breakfasts! (I’m sorry – we can’t ship food internationally).

Even if you already have my book(s), definitely enter the giveaway, because it’s so rewarding to share these resources with someone in your life who has autoimmune disease, or with family members who want to know more about your healing protocol.

Here are the rules for entry: Just write a comment below, letting me know the following: (1) Are you entering the US or International Giveaway? (2) If US, which do you hope to win – the Wild Zora bars or the Paleo Angel balls? (3) How has the AIP changed your life, or how do you hope to have it change your life?

The winners will be chosen randomly on Sunday 2/14/16. Good luck!

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