
Important Links: product website | firmware upgrades

My unit ID: 3334620240, Training Center S/N: TC42019554, # on the package: 13V036569

Key Combinations and Special Modes

Service Mode: Starting the FR305 up whilst pressing the [Enter] button enters the unit into a “test” sequence. source

Soft Reset press at the same time: [mode] and [lap/reset] (forces a “restart” of the device, source)

Hard Reset press the [mode] key and keep it pressed while pressing the power button for 2 seconds to switch it on. You will be asked whether to erase all user data.

Best Practices on the Command Line

With garmintools/garmin-forerunner-tools and gpsbabel


For the installation of the needed tools, see the corresponding sections.

Get data from Forerunner as .gmn (saved to working directory):

To import data to a program such as Sport Tracks use ./gmn2tcx from garmintools:

Damit erhält man eine tcx Datei wo auch Pulswerte usw. gespeichert sind.

Möchte man aber einen gelaufenen/gefahrenen Track auf z.B. Gpsies laden, so sollte man den Track folgendermaßen aus dem Forerunner 305 ziehen:

Soll ein Download statt finden von Gpsies, so holt man sich die Datei als gpx Route, und kann diese mit :

in die Datendatei umwandeln, und dann folgendes Skript anwenden: createroute.sh.

Die Route kann dann gekürzt werden mit:

löscht jede fünfte Zeile raus, um die Trackpoints zu reduzieren.


die Route direkt von Gpsies als gpx Route in den Forerunner 305 laden:

Dabei wird direkt eine Reduzierung der Punkte vorgenommen. Das scheint aber nur beim Forerunner 305 zu funktionieren.

Garmin Forerunner 305 on Arch Linux (2014-06)

Install garmintools from AUR

Run sudo rmmod garmin_gps and add blacklist garmin_gps and install garmin_gps /usr/false to the (probably new) file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf.

Add the file /etc/udev/rules.d/10-garmin.rules with the content SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="091e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0003", GROUP="users", MODE="0666" and then apply this rule directly with udevadm trigger.

Run garmin_get_info.

And also get the braiden scripts https://livesoncoffee.wordpress.com/2013/10/21/garmin-forerunner-and-ubuntu-12-04-updated/

and create and run this bash script in the data folder:

Add this rule to /etc/udev/rules.d/10-garmin.rules:


Run sudo systemctl enable garmin and sudo udevadm control --reload-rules.
Then when you unplug and plug back in the device, the data should be pulled and converted.




In der Datei /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist muss man die Zeile blacklist garmin_gps auskommentieren (einfach # vor die Zeile machen).
Damit man als normaler Nutzer Zugriff auf den erkannten Garmin-Treiber am USB-Anschluss hat, muss man die Datei /etc/udev/rules.d/51-garmin.rules bearbeiten/anlegen und die Zeile SYSFS{idVendor}=="091e", SYSFS{idProduct}=="0003", MODE="0666" einfügen.


GPSBabel parameters:

-i = inputformat

-f = inputfile / -device

-o = outputformat

-F = outputfile / -device

-r = routes

-t = tracks

-w = waypoints

advanced example from http://www.gpsbabel.org/htmldoc-development/fmt_gtrnctr.html:
using the filter simplify and transform
gtrnctr as fileformat enables gpsbable to handel heart rate etc.:

write GPX-file to your Garmin:

read out a tracks:

read out a track and save it in Google Earth (kml) format




I find a nice route on the Internet (e.g. in the .PCX format).

I import that file in my GPS-Software Touratech QV 4

I export it to .GPX

I convert it to .TCX course using the TCX Converter

I upload the course to my Forerunner 305 using Garmin Training Center

I enjoy the ride / run / skating course ;)





Written in java, better than pytrainer.


search for the latest file on http://sourceforge.net/projects/mytourbook/files/

to start it



not open source but freeware written in java

install (also needs java runtime!)

extract.pl – perl script to plot heartrate

perl script to plot heartrate using gpsbabel and gnuplot

see also http://gist.github.com/345083

tcx2gpx – a perl script to convert tcx files to gpx

http://www.nightwatch.org.uk/tcx2gpx/ or http://gist.github.com/346488

maybe this is too old! use rather the gtrnctr format of gpsbabel!
It defaults to scanning for bike routes. Use the -? option to find out how to change this.

Golden Cheetah


there is no direct support for the Forerunner 305, but you can import TCX (Garmin Training Centre) files.

garmin-upload-tools (auto-upload to motionbased, uses garmintools)


latest version 1.4.0: http://developer.garmin.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1695#1695

A package which when installed will download new activities from the device and upload these to your motionbased inbox automatically when you plug it into a usb port.
The package is nothing more than a few scripts, plus a bit of platform setup stuff such as installing the UDEV hook to make sure the USB event triggers the action, and logrotates happen etc.

Config file at /etc/garmin-upload-tools/garmin-upload-tools.conf.

Run gut -h or man garmin-upload-tools for help.
The upload to motionbased is done via a simple Perl mechanize bit of scripting. It logs you in and then uploads the file(s). Only new (not uploaded before) files are uploaded.

Requirement: garmintools (see above)

now the installation of garmin-upload-tools_x.x itself:

change configuration:


get the new data:

convert a .gmn file to something else (Hst Kml Gpx Csv Txt Html)

if that does not work, you can do the conversion using the garmin-forerunner-tools package:



extremely nice!!! specifically to the Forerunner 305!

README: http://code.google.com/p/garmintools/source/browse/trunk/README

as svn version:

or install it on Ubuntu where it is packaged as garmin-forerunner-tools:




Service able to create and convert gpx files to .crs / .tcx files.
Course generator for Garmin Training, Center, Edge 305 and Forerunner 305 etc.

offline as of march 2010 (planned to be back online some time)

Viking GPX Viewer


not so much for sporting…

geo-* — Rick Richardson’s Linux tools for geocaching (using geocache.com)


actively developed as of 2010-02



to install in $HOME/bin:

OR to install in /usr/bin…

Create a $HOME/.georc file with at least these lines in it:


manual pages: http://geo.rkkda.com/manual.pdf

Setup for OpenStreetMap


Zum Hochladen und Ansehen gehe ich über die GPSies Website.

Der Transfer zu OSM geht dann leider nicht mehr direkt von GPSies.de aus, daher lade ich die Datei wieder als gpx-track von gpsies runter und dann manuell in OSM wieder rauf.

Noch habe ich die richtige optionenkombination für gpsbabel nicht gefunden um den konvertierungsvorgan zu vereinfachen. aber das wird noch.

Auf dem KDE Desktop ligt schon ein icon das die tipperei bis hochladen und Ansehen abnimmt file:/*home/knoppix/Desktop/Forerunner auslesen.desktop das ich hier mal abdrucke, sieht scheusslich aus, aber geht.

the braiden scripts – very good

http://braiden.org/?p=62 or on Archive.org

execution is pretty simple:

Save the runs on the device; garmin_save_runs

Convert the .gmn files to .tcx; ./gmn2tcx 2005/05/20090529T091703.gmn > run.tcx (hint: you can list as many gmn files as you’d like and save to one .tcx)

Login to connect.garmin.com and upload the file.

The next step is to automate these steps. I think it should be pretty easy to automatically run these tasks whenever the device is attached.

I’ve added a couple extra scripts to the project:
* saveruns, basically a wrapper arround garmin_save_runs from garmin tools, but it creates a pending folder with symlinks to all .gmn files which are pending upload to Garmin Connect.
* uploadruns, which uploads the pending queue to garmin connect.

Now synchronizing can be done in a single command line;

SportTracks with Mono




garmin-sync, A CLI tool for syncing data to and from Garmin GPS devices. It can currently only download track data, including information about runs and laps. Written in Python, no change since 2008. https://launchpad.net/garmin-sync/

Turtle Sport


Turtle Sport is a free Java GUI software for Garmin fitness products (forerunner and edge).



Alternative Software


garminplugin (for Firefox on geocaching.com and cyclogz.com) http://www.andreas-diesner.de/garminplugin/

Gpx2height, can extract height and time distance data and plot data with gnuplot, http://gwosdek.eu/index.php/Gpx2height

SportWatcher, http://www.theosys.at/sportwatcher/

Software for Mac

TrailRunner, uses Garmin Training Center and LoadMyTracks as synchronization helpers.

Ascent, costs 34 EUR, http://www.montebellosoftware.com

rubiTrack, costs 29 EUR, http://www.rubitrack.com

Training Peaks, 119 $ per Year, http://home.trainingpeaks.com/




gpsbabel for Python


Uploading data from a Garmin Forerunner 305 on Arch Linux 2014-02-01

Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid with Garmin: http://blog.bernd-distler.net/2009/01/12/ubuntu-810-und-garmin-etrex-venture-hc

gpsbabel und Garmin Forerunner 301/201/305/205

very nice forum post

Extensive forum thread on the Garmin Edge 305 (you also find inspiration on Forerunner models): Erfahrungsbericht: Garmin Edge 305 (German)

Support for newer Garmin devices based on ANT+: Garmin 310XT sync w/ Linux

Nice workflow with gpsbabel: The Garmin Edge 205 Under Linux

Basic advice on how to use a USB Garmin on GNU/Linux

Thread: Linux Support? Garmin Communicator Plugin?

Show more