Timo Hack is a really great friend of mine, he runs what I consider to be one of the best ministry schools in the world in Manchester in the UK. He is a great man, who walks in the supernatural, knows his identity in Christ and is fully convinced that God is a good God. He also disciples his students like no one else I know, they all come out of the school knowing exactly who they are in Christ, who God is and walking in incredible supernatural power.
I asked Timo if He’d be willing to do a short interview where he might be able to talk a little bit about how to disciple people in an environment of freedom and grace.
Let’s see what he has to say:
Phil: Hi Timo, why don’t we start by you telling the readers a bit about yourself and what it is that you do?
Timo: Very happy to! My name is Timo Hack, I’m 34, originally from Germany, am married to a gorgeous english girl Ruth, have 3 beautiful (and I mean beautiful) daughters (they will make 3 lucky guys very happy one day) and all of us are currently living in Sale near Manchester, UK.
Phil: Tell us more about your music, what kind is it, why do you write it and where can people listen to it if they want to?
Timo: I can’t help it! I mean, when you see God, how can you not but start singing! Worship is always a response to who He is. All my songs are born out of an encounter with Him, looking in a mirror and being humbled by His love, favour and insane grace! I love hearing stories from non-Christians that listen to the CD on repeat in their car, because ‘somehow it makes them feel good’ – that’s the anointing on it.
You can find me on all the big sites, iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, but also on my website where, believe it or not, you can download the entire album for free!! That’s my heart; whenever possible, to make things available for free.
Phil: In my mind running a school of ministry sounds like a lot of hard work, why do you do it?
Timo: Because it’s fun! Seriously! Things can be a lot of work – but when it’s fun I’m happy to go the extra mile. Seeing the guys starting to believe who they really are, absolutely loved, accepted and made holy, they start to walk in the supernatural, in freedom and in love. Seeing THAT is the kingdom! That’s why I do it.
Phil: What are some of the best fruits you’ve seen produced in or through your students over the last few years?
Timo: Mangos! I love mangos!
Ok, kidding aside; while it really isn’t about the miracles, we love every single one that happens. We’re seeing people healed, the blind see and all sorts – simply because the students start to believe that they are who God says they are. When the kingdom becomes a reality inside, you won’t be able to keep it from breaking out and you’ll see it happening on the outside!
Phil: The message of grace creates an atmosphere of incredible freedom. How do you lead people in such a free environment?
Timo: Very simple – by example! I have long given up on making people perform a certain way, or trying to control what they do or believe. No one can ever convince anybody of things of the kingdom! Everything in the kingdom comes by revelation! So I allow the students to see me, everything about me, and that always draws out an godly jealousy in people and they want to live in the same freedom, joy and grace. That’s the Holy Spirit giving the desire, and then the Holy Spirit will bring revelation. And I get paid to stand back and watch. Very cool!
Phil: Assuming people can’t just up and move to Sale, England to do iDestiny, what are some practical steps you would encourage people to follow to grow in who they are in Christ?
Timo: We’re actually recording the whole school and have it available for free on our podcast to everybody! Feel free to browse it, there are some incredible teachings on it – all free (just like the gospel itself! haha). Also we have a recommended book list on the iDestiny website for anybody that wants to continue digging deeper into the truths
Phil: In your experience, when people make the decision to be discipled and to grow in who they are in Christ, what have been some of the biggest obstacles that they have had to overcome?
Timo: I find that one of the biggest obstacles is confusion! Confusion about what is done, finished and fixed on the cross and what is a process that we get to embrace throughout our lives. And there are people in both extreme sides of the camp that miss out on the fullness because they are either rejecting the journey the Father wants to enjoy with His kids, or they’re rejecting the perfection of what Jesus did in, for and through them! If you wanna know more about that, I’m sure Phil can fill you guys in :)
Phil: If one of the readers today was thinking “I want to make disciples, but how do I start?” What are some simple steps they can take that will help them begin?
Timo: Be yourself! Seriously, be yourself! We often think that we have to be greater than we are, preferably someone like Bill Johnson. But you will only be ably to replicate who YOU are. Start looking beyond what you need and find someone who you can pour into. However, only true sons will be true fathers – and only fathers will be able to raise up sons! So allow yourself to be fathered by your heavenly Father and trust me, you won’t be able to help yourself but love others and raise up sons!
Phil: Finally if someone was interested in finding out more about the school, how can they do that?
Timo: Check out the iDestiny website, listen to the podcasts, watch the weekly video updates or just email us. We’d love to hear from you!
Do you have questions? If you have a question about how to disciple in an environment of freedom and grace, or maybe even have a question about Timo school in particular, please feel free to leave a comment and Timo will be monitoring this post for the next few days to share his thoughts.
I’d also love to hear from you about your experience in this. What have been your experiences of discipling people in an environment of freedom and in grace? How that changed as you’ve grown in this message?
The post Discipling in an environment of freedom and grace – Interview with Timo Hack appeared first on PhilDrysdale.com.