Obviously in the district currently occupied by Kenyatta Johnson.
Good luck Ori!
Over the last seven years, I have worked tirelessly to build a small business from the ground up. From the beginning, I’ve stressed that there is more to my business than just the bottom line. Between OCF Realty, our three coffee shops, and our partners and investors, we have made a conscious effort over the years to improve the communities we all live and work in. We’ve helped breath new life into the South Street West and Point Breeze Avenue commercial corridors by leasing space to new businesses, opening businesses ourselves, and helping existing businesses in various capacities. We’ve installed dozens of security cameras and cleaned up many vacant lots. We have contributed to local schools and charities, and recently formed a not-for profit to help neighbors and businesses. We’ve done all of this through challenging economic and political times here in Philadelphia.
Whether the economy is up or down and whether the policies are popular or not, our leaders must have the willingness to dream big and the fortitude to do the right thing for their constituents. Our city, and the neighborhoods within the 2nd Councilmanic District, deserve a partner in City Hall that’s committed to doing everything possible to make things better. Can you imagine the good that could come to our communities if their Councilman was truly a willing and active partner? Philadelphians don’t need someone content to simply show up at ribbon cutting ceremonies after someone else has done all the hard work. Philadelphians need someone who will put in the time and work side by side with them to make this city the best it can be.
It’s for these reasons and many others that I have decided to run for the 2nd District seat in Philadelphia’s City Council. Though the election is over a year and a half away, I will likely be competing against Philadelphia’s political machine and have to start fundraising immediately to have a realistic chance at success. Campaign contribution rules limit the amount of money anyone can contribute in one calendar year, and that is my impetus for getting this incredibly early start.
I believe that I can win and I know that I can make a difference if I do. If at any point, though, I don’t see a path to victory, or if our elected leaders make significant new efforts to help the neighborhoods they represent, I will return your contribution to you. To start the campaign, I’m investing almost all of my limited personal savings, and my first campaign promise is to spend all of my money before touching yours.
If you are willing and able to show your support for my campaign, I hope that you’ll join me at my first campaign event at OCF Coffee House on December 12th, from 6:30-8:00pm. An invitation to the event is attached to this email. Please RSVP to xxxxxxxxx. [Redacted.]
I hope I can count on your support in this exciting endeavor. I thank you in advance, and encourage you to reach out if you have any questions.
Warmly and with much appreciation,
More here: http://www.phillymag.com/news/2013/1...-city-council/