
It's easy to forget many of the common terms in pharmacology, not least because of how many different and competing terms we're required to digest. This section amalgamates the most common terms in pharmacology, acting as a convenient pharmacology glossary to aid your future study. Why not check out our comprehensive medical abbreviations glossary, which complements many of the topics discussed here.

























Substance that induces abortion.

absence seizure

Generalized seizure that does not involve motor convulsions; also referred to as petit mal.


The uptake of nutrients and drugs from the GI tract.


Compound that contains acetic acid.

acetylcholine (ACH)

Neurotransmitter of parasympathetic (cholinergic) nerves; stimulates the cholinergic receptor; excitatory neurotransmitter in the basal ganglia.


An enzyme that inactivates acetylcholine.

acid rebound

Effect in which a great volume of acid is secreted by the stomach in response to the reduced acid environment caused by antacid neutralization.


Process that alters the pH to less than 7.


pH less than 7.45 or a condition in which the tissues have relatively more acid or acid waste than normal; disturbance of acid-base balance; when the pH of the blood is below 7.35.

acquired immunity

Protection from viral reinfection in the form of antibodies produced during an infection (active) or produced after exposure to a vaccine (passive).

acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)

Viral induced disease characterized by multiple opportunistic infections as a result of depleted lymphocytes involved in the cell-mediated immune process.


Condition usually in middle-aged adults from hypersecretion of growth hormone.

acute coronary syndrome

Term used to cover any group of clinical symptoms compatible with acute myocardial ischemia.

acute myocardial ischemia

Chest pain due to insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle that results from coronary artery disease.


A chronic neurobiologic disease in which genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors induce changes in the individual’s behavior to compulsively use drugs despite the harm that may result.

Addison’s disease

Inadequate secretion of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids.

ADH (antidiuretic hormone)

Polypeptide substance synthesized by the hypothalamus and released from the posterior pituitary gland that regulates water balance in the body by altering urine volume at the collecting ducts.

adipose tissue

Tissue containing fat cells; fat.

adrenergic neuronal blocker

Drug that acts at the neuronal nerve endings to reduce the formation or release of NE.

adrenergic receptor

Receptor located on internal organs that responds to norepinephrine and epinephrine.


Substance that has the ability to attach other substances to its surface.


Alternate-day therapy.

adverse effect

General term for undesirable and potentially harmful drug effect.

afferent nerve

Transmits sensory information from peripheral organs to the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system).


A measure of the vascular resistance that the left ventricle must overcome in order to eject blood during contraction.


Drug that attaches to a receptor and initiates an action; drug that binds to a receptor and activates a physiologic response or drug action.


Acute condition in which there is a reduction in the number of white blood cells (WBCs), specifically polymorphonuclear cells (granulocytes); condition in which the number of white blood cells, in particular the granulocytes, is less than normal.


Continuous body movement in which an individual is restless or constantly paces about.


Loss of voluntary muscle movement; restless leg movement.


The presence of the plasma protein albumin in the urine.


Hormone released from adrenal cortex that causes the retention of sodium from the kidneys.


pH greater than 7.45 or a condition in which the tissues have less acid than normal; disturbance of acid-base balance; when the pH of the blood is above 7.5.


Irreversible chemical bond that some cancer drugs form with nucleic acids and DNA.


A substance capable of producing an allergic reaction.


Baldness or hair loss.

alpha adrenergic drug

Drug that stimulates the alpha adrenergic receptors.

alpha-1 adrenergic blocker

Drug that blocks the alpha-1 effects of NE and EPI.

alpha-1 adrenergic receptor

Receptor located on smooth muscle that mediates smooth muscle contraction.

alpha-2 adrenergic receptor

Receptor located on adrenergic nerve endings that reduces the release of NE.


Condition in which monthly menstruation (menses) no longer occurs.

amide local anesthetic

Anesthetic class that includes lidocaine, bupivicaine, and mepivicaine and has a moderate to long duration of action because metabolism occurs in the liver.


Peptide of 37 amino acids that is secreted by the pancreas beta cells along with insulin in response to increasing blood glucose levels.


Process that converts or incorporates nutritional substances into tissue; usually associated with conversion of proteins into muscle mass.


Decreased response to pain; condition in which painful stimuli are not consciously interpreted (perceived) as hurting; relief from pain; inhibition of the perception of pain.


Substance (synthetic or naturally occurring) that inhibits the body’s reaction to painful stimuli or perception of pain.


Condition in which the body develops a severe allergic response; this is a medical emergency.


Male sex hormone responsible for the development of male characteristics.


Condition in which the number of red blood cells or the amount of hemoglobin (the oxygen-carrying substance) inside the red blood cells is less than normal; condition in which the oxygen-carrying function of the red blood cells to the tissues is decreased.


An abnormal widening or ballooning of a portion of an artery due to weakness in the wall of the blood vessel.


Chest pain or discomfort that occurs when the heart muscle does not get enough blood and oxygen.

angina pectoris

Chest pain due to decreased blood flow (ischemia) to the heart; caused by insufficient blood flow to the heart.


Edema and swelling beneath the skin.

angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE)

Treat high blood pressure and other conditions.


Drug that inhibits the enzymatic conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II.

angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB)

Drug that blocks the receptors for angiotensin II.

angiotensin II

Potent vasoconstrictor that also stimulates release of aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone.


Negatively charged ion.


Drug that neutralizes hydrochloric acid (HCl) secreted by the stomach.


Drug that attaches to a receptor, does not initiate an action, but blocks an agonist from producing an effect; drug that binds to a receptor and interferes with other drugs or substances from producing a drug effect.


Counteract; oppose.


Drug that prevents mast cells from releasing histamine and other vasoactive substances.

antianxiety drug

Drug used to treat anxiety; these drugs are also referred to as anxiolytics.

antiarrhythmic drug

Drug used to restore normal cardiac rhythm.


The ability to prevent or stop atherosclerosis, the deposition of lipid-containing plaques on the innermost layers of the arteries.

antibacterial spectrum

Bacteria that are susceptible to the antibacterial actions of a particular drug.


Antibacterial drug obtained from other microorganisms.

antibiotic susceptibility

Identification of the antibiotics, by bacterial culture and sensitivity testing, that will be effective against specific bacteria.


A specialized protein (immunoglobulin) that recognizes the antigen that triggered its production; a protein (immunoglobulin) produced naturally or induced by a foreign protein that provides immune protection against infectious organisms and foreign substances; normally produced when a foreign substance such as a pathogen enters the body.


Refers to drugs or effects that reduce the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system.


Drug usually administered IV that stops a convulsive seizure.

antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

Polypeptide substance synthesized by the hypothalamus and released from the posterior pituitary gland that regulates water balance in the body by altering urine volume at the collecting ducts; hormone from the posterior pituitary gland that causes retention of water from the kidneys; substance produced in the hypothalamus and secreted by the pituitary gland that modulates urine production and allows the kidneys to reabsorb water in order to conserve body water.

antiepileptic drug

Drug usually administered orally to prevent epileptic seizures.

antilipemic drug

A drug that reduces the level of fats in the blood.


Substance, usually protein or carbohydrate, that is capable of stimulating an immune response; any substance that stimulates an immune response, i.e., production of an antibody.

antigenic drift and antigenic shift

The ability of viruses to change the composition or structure of their surface proteins (viral coat) that are responsible for producing disease (pathogenicity).


Drug that blocks the action of histamine at the target organ.


Minimizing or stopping the response to tissue injury by reducing the pain, localized swelling, and chemical substances released at the site of injury.


A drug that is very similar to natural chemicals in a normal biochemical reaction in cells but different enough to interfere with the normal division and functions of cells; drug whose chemical structure is similar to that of normal body metabolites and that inhibits normal cell function.


Antibacterial drugs obtained by chemical synthesis and not from other microorganisms.


Drug that inhibits the growth and proliferation of cancer cells.

antipsychotic drug

Drug used to treat schizophrenia and other psychotic conditions.


Reducing an elevated body temperature.


Substance that inhibits secretion of digestive enzymes, hormones, or acid.


Substance that inhibits the growth of microorganisms on living tissue.


A drug that suppresses coughing.


Condition in which no urine is produced.


A state of anxiousness and hyperemotionalism that occurs with uncertainty, stress, and fearful situations.

aphthous ulcer

A painful open sore in the mouth or upper throat; also known as a canker sore.

aplastic anemia

Anemia caused by defective functioning of the blood-forming organs (bone marrow).


A protein that is attached to a second molecule that is not a protein.


Cell death, due to either programmed cell death or other physiological events.


Specialized proteins that form pores (channels) in the cell membrane that allow water to pass through but not small molecules like ions.


Renal excretion of water without electrolytes.

aqueous humor

Ocular fluid; watery substance that is located behind the cornea of the eye and in front of the lens.


Permanent black discoloration of skin and mucous membranes caused by prolonged use of silver protein solutions.


Disorder of cardiac conduction and electrical impulse formation.


Hardening or fibrosis of the arteries; accumulation of fatty deposits in the walls of arteries.


Joint pain.


Inflammation of the joints.


Excess fluid in the space between the tissues lining the abdomen and abdominal organs (the peritoneal cavity), usually associated with organ failure.


Inflammation of the bronchioles associated with constriction of smooth muscle, wheezing, and edema; respiratory disease characterized by bronchoconstriction, shortness of breath, and wheezing.


Condition in which there is no outward evidence (symptom) that an infection is present.


The ability to start or accelerate the deposition of fats and calcium in the walls of arteries, called atherosclerosis.


Fatty degeneration of arteries due to accumulation of cholesterol plaques; accumulation of fatty deposits in the walls of arteries.

atonic seizure

Generalized-type seizure characterized by a sudden loss of muscle tone.


An antibody produced by the immune system against one’s own cells; antibodies normally are produced when a foreign substance such as a pathogen enters the body.

autoimmune disease

Condition in which an individual’s tissues are damaged by his or her own immune mechanisms.


Drug-induced confusion that can cause increased drug consumption.

autonomic nervous system (ANS)

System of nerves that innervate smooth and cardiac muscle (involuntary) of the internal organs and glands.


Atrioventricular, as in the AV node.


Chronic or long-term vitamin deficiency caused by lack in diet or defect in metabolic conversion in body resulting in a vitamin-specific condition such as beri-beri.



Single-celled microorganisms, some of which cause disease.

bacterial resistance

Ability of some bacteria to resist the actions of antibiotics.


Antibiotic that kills bacteria; chemical that kills or destroys bacteria.


Chemical that inhibits growth or reproduction of bacteria but does not kill bacteria; antibiotic that inhibits the growth of, but does not kill, bacteria.


CNS depressant drug possessing the barbituric acid ring structure.

basal ganglia

A group of cell bodies (gray matter) within the white matter of the cerebrum that helps control body movement; involved in regulation of skeletal muscle tone and body movement.


Class of drugs used to treat anxiety and sleep disorders.


Bacterial enzymes that inactivate betalactam antibiotics; bacterial enzymes that inactivate penicillin and cephalosporin antibiotics.

beta-1 adrenergic receptor

Receptor located on the heart that increases heart rate and force of contraction.

beta-2 adrenergic receptor

Receptor located on smooth muscle that relaxes smooth muscle when stimulated.


Percentage of the drug dosage that is absorbed.


Two different amounts of estrogen hormone are released during the cycle.

bipolar mood disorder

Mood disorder where episodes of mania and depression occur alternately.

black box warning (boxed warning)

A warning that appears in the instructions for use surrounded by a thick black box to alert medical professionals to serious or life-threatening adverse effects associated with the drug usage.

blood pressure (BP)

The pressure of the blood within the arteries; depends primarily on the cardiac output and the peripheral resistance.

bone density

A quantitative measurement of the mineral content of bone; used as an indicator of the structural strength of the bone.

bone mass

A measure of the amount of minerals (mostly calcium and phosphorus) contained in a certain volume of bone.

bone mineral density

Amount of calcium and phosphorus deposited in bone matrix.


Slowed body movements.


Drug that is effective against a wide variety of both gram-positive and gram-negative pathogenic bacteria.


Drug that relaxes bronchial smooth muscle and dilates the lower respiratory passages.

buccal absorption

Absorption of drug through the mucous membranes lining the oral cavity.


CAD (coronary artery disease)

Narrowing of small arteries that supply blood and oxygen to the heart.


Producing heat.


Disease that involves the development and reproduction of abnormal cells.


Infection in the blood caused by the yeast Candida.


Infection caused by the yeast Candida; also known as moniliasis.


Pharmacologically active substance obtained from the marijuana plant.


Causing cancer.

carcinoid tumor

A slow-growing type of cancer that can arise in the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, ovaries, and testes.

cardiac arrhythmia

Variation in the normal rhythm (motion) of the heart.

cardiac glycoside

Drug obtained from plants of the genus Digitalis.

cardiac output (CO)

The amount of blood pumped per minute by the heart.


Process in which complex compounds are broken down into simpler molecules; usually associated with energy release.


Refers to norepinephrine, epinephrine, and other sympathomimetic compounds that possess the catechol structure.


Pharmacological substance that stimulates defecation.


Positively charged ion.

caudal anesthesia

Injection of a local anesthetic into the caudal or subcaudal spinal canal.

cell-cycle nonspecific (CCNS)

Refers to cancer drugs that act in all phases of the cell cycle.

cell-cycle specific (CCS)

Refers to cancer drugs that only act when the cell is actively dividing.

centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxant

Drug that inhibits skeletal muscle contraction by blocking conduction within the spinal cord.


Bacterial enzymes that inactivate cephalosporin antibiotics.


Stands for continuous erythropoietin receptor activator.


Part of the brain that coordinates body movements and posture and helps maintain body equilibrium.

cerebral cortex

Uppermost layers of the cerebrum involved in sensory perception, voluntary motor control, and all higher intellectual abilities.


Largest and uppermost part of the brain that is divided into right and left cerebral hemispheres.


Chemical action of a substance to bond permanently to a metal ion.

chemical mediator

Substance released from mast cells and white blood cells during inflammatory and allergic reactions.

chemical name

Name that defines the chemical composition of a drug.


Use of antibiotics to prevent infection, usually before a surgical procedure or in patients at risk for infection.


Use of drugs to inhibit the growth of or to destroy infectious organisms or cancer cells; use of drugs to kill or inhibit the growth of infectious organisms or cancer cells.

chloride channel activators

A novel class of drugs that stimulate pore-forming receptors in the intestine, causing chloride ions to cross membranes.


A fat (lipid) normally synthesized by the liver; essential for the structure and function of cells.


Refers to the nerves and receptors of the parasympathetic nervous system; also refers to the drugs that stimulate this system.

cholinergic receptor

Receptor located on internal organs and glands that responds to acetylcholine.


Suffix meaning color.


Condition of long duration, usually months or years.

chronic bronchitis

Respiratory condition caused by chronic irritation that increases secretion of mucus and causes degeneration of the respiratory lining.

chronic heart failure (CHF)

Heart disease caused by weakness of the contractile force of the myocardium; condition in which the heart is unable to pump sufficient blood to the tissues of the body.


One of the microscopic particles of emulsified fat found in the blood and lymph and formed during the digestion of fats.


Partially digested food and gastric secretions that moves into the duodenum from the stomach by peristalsis.


Suffix denoting killing, as of microorganisms.


Pattern of characteristic symptoms (central nervous system [CNS] stimulation and headache) associated with the use of cinchona alkaloids (chemicals extracted from the bark of the cinchona tree); quinidine toxicity, which is characterized by ringing in the ears (tinnitus), dizziness, and headache.

circadian rhythm

Internal biological clock; a repeatable 24-hour cycle of physiological activity.


Convulsive muscle contraction in which rigidity and relaxation alternate in rapid succession.


Process by which the blood changes from a liquid to a solid “plug” as a reaction to local tissue injury; normal blood clot formation.

cold sterilization

Destruction of microorganisms at room temperature without the use of heat or ionizing radiation.

conduction system

Specialized cardiac tissue that transmits electrical impulses and regulates the activity of the heart.


A decrease in stool frequency.


Preventing pregnancy by preventing either conception (joining of egg and sperm) or implantation in the uterus.


Situations or conditions when a certain drug should not be administered.

controlled substance

Drug that has the potential for abuse and thus is regulated by law.


Coiled or folded back on itself.


Involuntary muscle contraction that is either tonic or clonic.


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, usually caused by emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

coronary artery

Artery that supplies blood flow to the heart.

coronary artery disease (CAD)

Disease of the coronary arteries that decreases blood flow to the heart; narrowing of small arteries that supply blood and oxygen to the heart; condition due to atherosclerosis and insufficient blood flow to the heart.


Cyclooxygenase, a family of enzymes that produce prostaglandins.

C-reactive protein (CRP)

A protein produced by the liver but only found in the blood in conditions of acute inflammation; an inflammation marker.


A metabolite of muscle metabolism that is excreted in the urine in proportion to renal function.

creatinine clearance

A measure of renal creatinine excretion that is used to evaluate renal function.


Condition in which the development of the body and the brain has been inhibited due to congenital hypothyroidism.


Drug tolerance that develops between similarly acting drugs.

CRP (C-reactive protein)

A protein produced by the liver but only found in the blood in conditions of acute inflammation; an inflammation marker.


Removing the sensation of touch or pain by applying extreme cold to the nerve endings.

Cushing’s disease

Excess secretion of adenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).


Pertaining to the skin.


Suffix meaning cells.


DCT (distal convoluted tubule)

Part of the nephron that is closest to the collecting duct.


Another way to write a fraction when the denominator is 10, 100, 1000, and so on.

decubitis ulcer


deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

A blood clot that forms in a vein deep inside the body.


Process of discharging the contents of the intestines as feces.


Bursting open or separation of a wound, usually along sutured line.


Causing destruction of bacterial protein function; also adulteration of alcohol, rendering it unfit for drinking.

dendritic cell

An antigen-presenting white blood cell that is found in the skin, mucosa, and lymphoid tissues and that initiates a primary immune response.


Bottom number of a fraction; shows the number of parts in a whole.


Requirement of repeated drug consumption in order to prevent onset of withdrawal symptoms.


The decrease in electric potential across a cell membrane that results in excitation and generation of an action potential.

depolarizing blocker

Produces paralysis by first causing nerve transmission, followed by inhibition of nerve transmission.


Mental state characterized by depressed mood, with feelings of frustration and hopelessness.


Inflammatory condition of the skin associated with itching, burning, and edematous vesicular formations.


Infection of the skin, hair, or nails caused by a fungus.

designer drug

Chemically altered form of an approved drug that produces similar effects and that is sold illegally.

diabetes insipidus

Chronic condition caused by inadequate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH), in which individuals are extremely thirsty and produce very large amounts of pale urine.

diabetic neuropathy

Nerve disorders caused by diabetes resulting in numbness, pain, and weakness in hands and feet.


Abnormal looseness of the stool or watery stool, which may be accompanied by a change in stool frequency or volume.


Mechanical and chemical breakdown of foods into smaller units.


Method of dosage with cardiac glycosides that rapidly produces effective drug levels.


Condition in which a single object is seen (perceived) as two objects; double vision.


Substance that kills disease-causing microorganisms on nonliving surfaces.

dissociative anesthesia

Form of general anesthesia in which patients do not appear to be unconscious.

distal convoluted tubule (DCT)

Part of the nephron that is closest to the collecting duct.

disulfiram-like reaction

Reaction to alcohol ingestion characterized by intense nausea as a result of drug-induced accumulation of acetaldehyde, similar to that produced by disulfiram (Antabuse).


Condition that causes urine to be excreted; usually associated with large volumes of urine.


Diabetes mellitus.


Inhibitory neurotransmitter in the basal ganglia.


A measurement of the amount of drug that is administered.


Chemical substance that produces a change in body function.

drug absorption

Entrance of a drug into the bloodstream from its site of administration.

drug addiction

Condition of drug abuse and drug dependence that is characterized by compulsive drug behavior.

drug compliance

Following drug prescription directions exactly as written.

drug dependence

Condition of reliance on the use of a particular drug, characterized as physical and/or psychological dependence.

drug distribution

Passage of a drug from the blood to the tissues and organs of the body.

drug excretion

Elimination of the drug from the body.

drug indications

Intended or indicated uses for any drug.

drug metabolism

The enzymatic biotransformation of a drug into metabolites.

drug microsomal metabolizing system (DMMS)

Group of enzymes located primarily in the liver thatfunction to metabolize (biotransformation) drugs.

drug resistance

Lack of responsiveness of cancer cells to chemotherapy.

drug tolerance

Requirement of larger doses to be consumed in order to obtain the desired effects; decreased drug effect occurring after repeated drug administration.

ductless glands

Containing no duct; endocrine glands that secrete hormones directly into the blood or lymph without going through a duct.

DVT (deep vein thrombosis)

A blood clot that forms in a vein deep inside the body.


Inadequate secretion of growth hormone during childhood, characterized by abnormally short stature and normal body proportions.


Condition characterized by frequent watery stools (usually containing blood and mucus), tenesmus, fever, and dehydration.


A persistent abnormal sense of taste.


Distortion in voluntary muscle movement, spastic; uncontrollable, abnormal involuntary repetitive body movements.


Difficult or painful menstruation; condition that is associated with painful and difficult menstruation.




Feeling of discomfort or unpleasantness.


Muscle spasms, facial grimacing, and other involuntary movements and postures.

dystonic reaction

Reaction characterized by muscle spasms, twitching, facial grimacing, or torticollis.


ECL (enterochromaffin-like cells)

Cells that synthesize and release histamine.

ectopic beat

Extra heartbeat, a type of cardiac arrhythmia.

ectopic focus

Area of the heart from which abnormal impulses originate.

eczematoid dermatitis

Condition in which lesions on the skin ooze and develop scaly crusts.


Swelling caused by fluid in body tissue.


Effective dose 50, or dose that will produce an effect that is half of the maximal response.

efferent nerve

Carries the appropriate motor response from the brain and spinal cord to the peripheral organs.

electrocardiogram (ECG)

Recording of the electrical activity of the heart.

electroencephalogram (EEG)

A surface recording of the electrical activity of the brain.


Ion in solution, such as sodium, potassium, or chloride, that is capable of mediating conduction (passing impulses in the tissues); dissolved mineral that can conduct an electrical current and that exists as an ion.




A substance that causes vomiting.


Substance that is soothing to mucous membranes or skin.


Disease process causing destruction of the walls of the alveoli.


Present continually in a particular geographic region, often in spite of control measures.


Pertaining to glands that secrete substances directly into the blood.


Process by which cells absorb molecules (such as proteins) from outside the cell by engulfing them with their cell membrane.


Naturally occurring within the body; originating or produced within an organism, tissue, or cell.


Lining of the uterus.


Neuropeptides produced within the CNS that interact with opioid receptors to produce analgesia.


Type of tablet or pill with a coating that enables it to pass through the stomach without being dissolved, so the stomach lining will not be irritated; the drug is then released in the intestine.

enterochromaffin-like cells (ECL)

Cells that synthesize and release histamine.

enterohepatic recycling

The process whereby drug is eliminated from the liver/biliary tract into the GI tract and then reabsorbed from the GI tract back to the liver.

enzyme induction

Increase in the amount of drugmetabolizing enzymes after repeated administration of certain drugs.

enzyme inhibition

Inhibition of drug-metabolizing enzymes by certain drugs.

epidural anesthesia

Injection of a local anesthetic into the extradural (outermost part of the spinal canal) space.


CNS disorder characterized by uncontrolled nerve cell discharges and manifested by recurring, spontaneous seizures of any type.

epinephrine (EPI)

Hormone from adrenal medulla that stimulates adrenergic receptors, especially during stress.


When drugs (substances) produce the same intensity or spectrum of activity; usually, the absolute amount of drug (for example, 5, 10 mg) that produces the response is different for each substance, but the response generated is the same.


Redness of the skin, often a result of capillary dilation; abnormal redness of the skin, caused by capillary congestion.


Process through which red blood cells are produced.


Stands for erythropoietin stimulating agent.


Thick crust or scab that develops after skin is burned.

essential amino acids and fatty acids

Substances that are required for critical body function to sustain life and are not produced by the body.

essential hypertension

Major form of hypertension for which the cause is unknown.

ester local anesthetic

Anesthetic class that includes procaine, cocaine, benzocaine, and tetracaine; metabolism is primarily by plasma cholinesterases.


Feeling of well-being or elation; feeling good.


Having normal thyroid gland function.


State of normal body fluid volume.


Process of removal of waste material from the bowel.


An abrasion of the epidermis (skin) usually from a mechanical (not chemical) cause; a scratch.

exertional angina

Angina pectoris caused by increased physical exertion.


The discharge of substances contained in vesicles by fusion of the vesicular membrane with the outer cell membrane.


Originating or produced outside the organism or body; originating outside the body, or administered into the body from outside.

exogenous, or reactive, depression

Depression caused by external factors or life events.


Protruding eyeballs out of the socket.


Substance that causes the removal (expulsion) of mucous secretions from the respiratory system; drug that helps clear the lungs of respiratory secretions.


Eject from the mouth; spit.


Area outside the cell.

extrapyramidal syndrome (EPS)

Movement disorders such as akathisia, dystonia, and parkinsonism caused by antipsychotic drug therapy.


false transmitter

Substance formed in nerve endings that mimics and interferes with the actions of the normal transmitter.


Twitchings of muscle fiber groups.

fertility drug

Drug that stimulates ovulation.

fibrocystic breast disease

Condition in which cystic lesions form within the connective tissue of the breasts.

fight or flight reaction

Response of the body to intense stress; caused by activation of the sympathetic division of the ANS.

first-pass metabolism

Drug metabolism that occurs in the intestines and liver during oral absorption of drugs into the systemic circulation.


Phenomenon occurring long after the use of LSD in which the hallucinogenic effects are relived in some type of memory flash.

foam cells

A type of cell formed after macrophages in the artery wall digest LDL cholesterol; a transformed macrophage.


Part of a whole.


Follicle stimulating hormone. In the female stimulates the development of the follicles, and in the male stimulates spermatogenesis.


Substance, chemical solution, or drug that kills fungi; chemical that kills or destroys fungi.


Inhibits the growth of fungi but does not kill off the fungi; chemical that inhibits growth or reproduction of fungi but does not kill fungi.

fungus (fungi)

A group of microorganisms with a membrane-bound nucleus that includes yeasts and molds.



Gamma-aminobutyric acid, an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS.


Organism in an immature stage of development.

ganglionic blocker

Drug that blocks the nicotinic-neural (Nn) receptors and reduces the activity of the autonomic nervous system.

ganglionic stimulant

Drug that stimulates the nicotinicneural (Nn) receptors to increase autonomic nervous system activity.

gastric lavage

Flushing of the stomach.


Condition, also called delayed gastric emptying, in which the stomach muscles do not function properly.

general anesthesia

Deep state of unconsciousness in which there is no response to stimuli, including painful stimuli.

general anesthetic

Drug that abolishes the response to pain by depressing the central nervous system (CNS) and producing loss of consciousness.

generalized seizure

Seizure originating and involving both cerebral hemispheres that may be either convulsive or nonconvulsive.

generic name

Nonproprietary name of a drug.


Gastroesophageal reflux disease.


Medical specialty that deals with individuals over 65 years of age.

germ cells

Cells that become the reproductive cells eggs (in ovary) or sperm (in testes).


Substance, chemical solution, or drug that kills microorganisms.


Increased secretion of growth hormone in childhood, causing excessive growth and height.


Glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide, also known as gastric inhibitory peptide.


Glucagon-like peptide-1.


Hormone released by the alpha cells of the pancreas to increase plasma glucose concentration.


Steroid produced within the adrenal cortex (or a synthetic drug) that directly influences carbohydrate metabolism and inhibits the inflammatory process.


The synthesis of glucose from molecules that are not carbohydrates, such as amino and fatty acids or glycerol.


Glucose transport proteins.

glycated hemoglobin

Form of hemoglobin that is produced when glucose attaches to hemoglobin in the RBC.


The storage form of glucose in humans and animals.


Hydrolysis of glycogen to yield free glucose.


Presence of glucose in the urine.


Gonadotropin releasing hormone (also called luteinizing releasing hormone); hormone released by the hypothalamus that stimulates the anterior pituitary to secrete LH and FSH.


Condition in which the thyroid is enlarged, but not as a result of a tumor.


Organs that produce male (testes) or female (ovaries) sex cells, sperm or ova.

gram negative

Bacteria that retain only the red stain in a gram stain.

gram positive

Bacteria that retain only the purple stain in a gram stain.

gram stain

Method of staining and identifying bacteria using crystal violet (purple) and safranin (red) stains.

grand mal

Older term for a generalized seizure characterized by full-body tonic and clonic motor convulsions.



Time required for the body to reduce the amount of drug in the plasma by one-half.

hallucinogenic drug

A drug or plant substance that produces psychotomimetic effects and sensory distortions.

halogenated hydrocarbon

Compound that contains halogen (chlorine, fluorine, bromine, iodine) combined with hydrogen and carbon.


Resin from the marijuana plant that contains higher levels of THC.


Human chorionic gonadotropin. A glycoprotein hormone produced in pregnancy to maintain progesterone production.

heart rate (HR)

Number of heartbeats per minute.

heartburn (acid indigestion)

A painful burning feeling behind the sternum that occurs when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus.


Medications containing iron compounds, used to increase hemoglobin production.


Appearance of blood or red blood cells in the urine.


Protein in red blood cells that transports oxygen to all tissues of the body.


Loss of blood from blood vessels.


Crystalline disposal product from the digestion of blood from blood-feeding parasites.

hepatic microsomal metabolism

Specific enzymes in the liver (P450 family) that metabolize some drugs and can be increased (stimulated) by some medications or decreased (inhibited) by other medications so that therapeutic drug blood levels are altered.


Protrusion of an organ through the tissue usually containing it; for example, intestinal tissue pushing outside the abdominal cavity, or stomach pushing into the diaphragm (hiatal hernia).

high-density lipoprotein (HDL)

One of the forms of cholesterol transported in the blood with lipoprotein; known as “good” cholesterol.


Condition usually in women in which body and facial hair is excessive.


Substance that interacts with tissues to produce most of the symptoms of allergy.


Human immunodeficiency virus, responsible for producing AIDS.


A skin condition characterized by intensely itching wheals caused by an allergic reaction; also called urticaria.


Normal state of balance among the body’s internal organs.


subtype of the influenza type A virus; also referred to as swine flu or pig flu


Substance produced within one organ and secreted directly into the circulation to exert its effects at a distant location.


Abnormally high degree of acidity (for example, pH less than 1) in the stomach.


An abnormally painful response to a stimulus.


Unusually high concentration of calcium in the blood; high serum calcium; elevated concentration of calcium ions in the circulating blood.


Abnormally high level of chloride ions circulating in the blood.


Excess hydrochloric acid in the stomach.


Increased blood flow to a body part like the eye; engorgement.


Higher than normal level of glucose in the blood; fasting blood glucose higher than 126 mg/dl.


High levels of insulin in the blood often associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance.


High serum potassium.


Abnormally high fat (lipid) levels in the plasma.


Increase in muscle tone or contractions causing faster clearance of substances through the GI tract.


An increase in the amount of electrical charge on either side of a cell membrane so that there is an increase in the electric potential across the membrane usually due to an outflow of potassium ions or an inflow of chloride ions. A change in the cell membrane potential that makes the inside of the cell even more negative, so it can’t respond to stimulation.


Exaggerated response such as rash, edema, or anaphylaxis that develops following exposure to certain drugs or chemicals.


Abnormally high blood pressure.


Abnormally high body temperature.


A condition where the concentration of salt (sodium, electrolytes) is greater than that found inside the cells.


The accumulation of vitamins (fat soluble) in storage tissues that creates a deleterious condition related to the excess substance.


Drug used to induce and maintain sleep.


Abnormally low level of chloride ions circulating in the blood.


Condition in which the color of red blood cells is less than the normal index.


Lower than the normal range of plasma glucose concentration in the blood; fasting blood glucose below 40 mg/dl in women or 50 mg/dl in men accompanied by symptoms of diabetes.


Abnormally low level of potassium ions circulating in the blood; low serum potassium; decrease in the normal concentration of potassium in the blood.

hypolipidemic drug

Drug used to lower plasma lipid levels, also referred to as an antilipemic drug.


Abnormally low level of sodium ions circulating in the blood.


Abnormally low concentrations of phosphate in the circulating blood.


Part of the brainstem that regulates functions such as body temperature, water balance, appetite, and the pituitary gland; center of the brain that influences mood, motivation, and the perception of pain.


A condition where the concentration of salt (sodium, electrolytes) is less than that found inside the cells.


Reduction of oxygen supply to tissues below the amount required for normal physiological function.


IA (intra-articular)

Joint space into which drug is injected.

IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)

A functional disorder of the colon with abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, diarrhea. and/or constipation.

IGF (insulin-like growth factor)

A stimulator of cell growth and proliferation.


Condition that causes individuals to resist acquiring or developing a disease or infection.


Ability to stimulate and increase immune function.


Study of drugs with immunosuppressive and immunomodulating actions.


Having inhibition of the body’s immune response (ability to fight infection), usually induced by drugs or viruses.


Ability to reduce the activity of the immune system.

improper fraction

Fraction that has a value equal to or greater than 1.


Undesirable interaction of drugs not suitable for co

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