Horror October is a new event organized by Leanne @ Literary Excursion. Several bloggers have signed up to join Leanne with a month full of posts including reviews, interviews, recipes, top ten lists, and a whole bunch of other fun! I’m thrilled to be participating in Horror October with some wonderful bloggers. Here’s a list of participants, and some of the possible posts you’ll see throughout the month (please note that post topics are subject to change):
Amanda @ Confessions of a Bookie Monster: horror book reviews
Candice @ The Grown Up YA: scary book villains, Halloween home stuff (baking, decorations, pumpkin carving)
Cayce @ Fighting Dreamer: something Stephen King-related, possibly a recipe, Top Ten Tuesday for Oct 29 (Scariest Looking Book Covers)
Helen @ My Novel Opinion: introduction, reviews, horror reading history, ten horror books to read, Stephen King for newbies & why you should read him, scary books vs movies tolerance, scary books adapted from movies/books that should be movies
Holly @ Bookish Musings: horror book reviews, a recipe, favorite creepy book covers, books to read to get in the Halloween mood
Jessi @ Auntie Spinelli Reads: horror novels in YA plus reviews, horror movies
Kim @ YA Asylum: new and upcoming horror YA, reviews, favorite horror books, Neil Gaiman and the start of MG/YA horror, horror game, giveaway
Leanne @ Literary Excursion: introduction, interview with Appraising Pages, how-to recipe post for jack-o-lantern macarons, photo field trip of Halloween in the French Quarter, horror in color (with pretty palettes!), cookie giveaway
Megan @ Adrift on Vulcan: introduction, interview with a zombie, possible drawings of creepy book scenes, possible horror author guest post
Michelle @ Unraveling Books: favorite horror movies, different types of horror books, lists, games
Nara/Chantelle @ Looking for the Panacea: discussion on what horror is, what makes a book scary, books that fit in the horror genre
Octavia @ Read. Sleep. Repeat.: weekly themed features of spooky books, horror story Stop & Chat, childhood scary stories, book reviews
Reanna @ Phantasmic Reads: top ten creepy/scary covers, paranormal: horror or not?, favorite elements, my Charmed obsession
Rinn @ Rinn Reads: introduction, giveaway, post related to True Blood, top 10 horror books, different representations of vampires
Sana @ Artsy Musings: introduction, essentials of horror, horror in YA, books about horror on deserted islands, horror Top Ten Tuesdays and Wondrous Word Wednesdays
Shannon @ Novel Reflection: introduction and schedule, horror movie reviews, and H. P. Lovecraft review(s)
Make sure you stop by the blogs listed throughout the month for all the fun!