I love reading blogger interviews. It’s very cool to meet the people behind the blogs. So I decided to start my own feature. Welcome to Phantasmic Friends! If you are interested in being a feature, please fill out the form HERE.
I’m overly excited, because today I have the chance to share the awesome that is Jessi from Auntie Spinelli Reads! For those who don’t know, Jessi was my wonderful co-host for the Beat the Heat Readathon back in July/August. I’ve met lots of amazing bloggers since I began, but there’s no denying this – Jessi is one of the very best, and I’m honored to call her “friend”.
Let’s welcome Jessi!
Welcome to Phantasmic Friends, Jessi! It’s super-great having you here today!
Thank you, darling! I’m thrilled to be here!
Please introduce yourself! Tell us a little (or a lot) about you:
Oh I suck at this, haha. Well, I’m 25, and I currently reside in Ohio (it’s such a lame state, trust me). When I’m not reading or blogging, I’m usually working, playing video games, or wasting time on the internet. I’m crazy about cats! I love piercings and tattoos – I currently have 13 piercings (mostly in the ears) and 5 tats. And I want more! They’re very addicting.
How long have you been blogging? What type(s) of books do you blog about?
It will be 2 years on October 23rd! Wow! I used to blog about anything paranormal, but now I mostly only do YA. I don’t read adult books much these days >.<
[Reanna] *makes note on calendar* Happy early blogoversary!
Why did you decide to start?
I have a terrible memory. Really, really terrible. I had been trying to find a way to keep track of the books I read, and was considering using Word docs. One day I was looking for a picture of a certain book and I stumbled on this pic of a stack of books. I was like, WAIT. These books aren’t even out yet! How did this person get them (In the days before I knew what an ARC was)?! I clicked on the picture and stumbled on my first ever book blog, Makeshift Bookmark! I was fascinated by her site, and thought to myself, I could totally do this! So, I did!
Where are you blogging from?
The super lame and boring Ohio, near the Dayton area.
What’s the best thing about book blogging? And the not so best?
Best is definitely the people! Before blogging, I had NO ONE to talk books with. Literally, no one. I had zero friends that read for fun. But now, not only have I met many, many WONDERFUL people, I can also share my passion for books with others!
Least is probably either a) the time or b) the drama. I have trouble sometimes finding time to catch up on reading and blogging. Not only that, but some days reading feels like a chore! I kind of miss the days when I read just because. And I don’t like how sometimes when an author doesn’t like a ‘negative’ review, they throw a tantrum. Then the blogger and author get into it and it’s all pitchforks and torches. Can’t we all just get along?
How do you spend your time outside of blogging and reading?
Not very well? Lmao. I’m usually working. I work 40-45 hours a week at a veterinary hospital as one of two shift leads in our Lodging Department (kennel). I work 3 doubles a week – 13 hour shifts – so some days I don’t feel like doing much when I get home. I also spend time with my wonderful man! Other than that, I spend WAY too much time on the internet.
You, along with the adorable Inky from Book Haven Extraordinaire, started a feature a couple months ago called Nators Discuss! The posts I’ve read have been very enlightening – and entertaining What other topics can we look forward to from the Nator Twins?
Aw, thank you! We’ve been kind of flying by the seats of our pants when it comes to picking topics (procrastinators we are), but we’ve had plenty of good suggestions. A few upcoming topics may include DNFing, book boyfriends, review processes, and strong characters.
You’ve recently joined up with an amazing group of bloggers to start Merp Squad Blog Tours. Can you tell us a little about what you’re up to there?
Yeah! Hannah @ Book Haven Extraordinaire, Nikki @ Fiction Freak, Eileen @ Singing and Reading in the Rain, Annabelle @ Sparkles and Lightning and I dubbed ourselves the Merp Squad, and recently we adopted Ashley @ Nose Graze as well! We decided to try something new, so we now have a touring site that offers free blog tours to authors. We’ve got lots of exciting books going on tour soon, so you should totally sign up to be a tour host!
[Reanna] Yes, peeps. You should totally check out Merp Squad!
You attend a lot of book signings. What’s the furthest road trip you’ve taken to see an author? Who was it?
The furthest was 6 hours to Cookeville, TN for the YA2U event. It was Beth Revis, Marie Lu, Marissa Meyer, Victoria Schwaab, and Megan Shepherd. That was my first ever book signing, it was awesome!
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Hmm. Listening to Backstreet Boys? They never get old!
Do you prefer ebooks, paperbacks or hardcover? How come?
Anymore, I’m a hardback person. I used to like paperback better, but my tastes have changed. Hardbacks are prettier and more durable, despite being more expensive. I’ll always, always choose the real thing over an ebook. I love the smell of books!
What are you currently reading, or what did you recently finish?
Currently reading If You Find Me by Emily Murdoch. I’ve heard great things about it!
What was the last book that blew you away?
Kinslayer by Jay Kristoff. I’ve had hella trouble finding enjoyment in any other book lately because I still have a book hangover from it!
What are three things you never leave the house without?
Cell phone, wallet, and a book of course!
What are some of your favorite books?
The Fever series by Karen Marie Moning is my all time favorite series. Also the Iron Fey series, Stormdancer and Kinslayer by Jay Kristoff, Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause, Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver, and the Hunger Games trilogy.
If a fairy godmother told you could be put into the world of your favorite book for 24 hours, which book would you pick and why?
Umm….Unravel Me? So I could elope with Warner? ;D
If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
1) Julie Kagawa, because she’s awesome!
2) Karen Marie Moning, because she’s my favorite author and I’ve never actually gotten the chance to talk to her because she’s elusive like the white whale and never talks to people on social media…
3) Jay Kristoff, because he’s hilarious and sarcastic!
Favorite book from childhood?
Unicorns of Balinor. Lol!
Is there any advice you’d like to share with fellow bloggers?
Stay true to yourself and don’t forget why you blog! Too many people get caught up in the numbers and free ARCs.
[Reanna] Excellent advice
Speed Round:
Favorite TV show(s)? Once Upon a Time. It’s the only show I can commit to!
Favorite Movie(s)? Pacific Rim, Fifth Element, Tangled
Milk, white, or dark chocolate? Milk or white. Dark chocolate is nasty!
Dogs or cats? Cats x1000. Dogs are alright, but I’m a crazy cat lady!
Pie or cake? Umm…cake, I guess. But it has to be white or yellow (yes I’m picky)
Coffee or tea? Neither…
Name a place you’d love to visit someday: Australia
If you could have any superpower what would you choose? The ability to fly!!!!!
Thanks for hanging out with me today, Jessi! You’re awesomesauce <3
Thank you for having me, Reanna! *glomps*
Where to find Jessi:
Auntie Spinelli Reads | Merp Squad | Twitter
Facebook | Goodreads | Instagram