
If you are in the market for pet insurance, you need to know about the most common cancers in pets, like Lymphoma in Dogs, Feline Leukemia and other types of pet cancers. When it comes to pet insurance coverage, some pet cancers may be excluded, particularly if the breed you have chosen is predisposed to the disease. Here are the most common types of pet cancer affecting pet health:

Lymphoma in Dogs and Cats Though, lymphoma affects both dogs and cats, lymphoma in dogs is more widespread. In cats, the disease most commonly occurs in the gastrointestinal system. Male cats are affected by lymphoma more than females, and certain breeds of dogs are at a higher risk. Lymphoma in dogs is more common under the following breeds: the Boxer, Golden Retrievers, Scottish Terriers and Basset Hounds. There is no cure for lymphoma in pets. However, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery are the most common treatment methods for lymphoma in dogs and cats to extend its life.

Canine and Feline Leukemia Leukemia can occur in both dogs and cats, but the cause of leukemia in dogs is lesser known. The disease may occur spontaneously in young puppies, and symptoms can vary greatly from dog to dog, often mimicking other diseases. Pet health insurance may exclude leukemia; be sure to read your policy carefully. Dog and feline leukemia is a virus that attacks the white blood cells. Feline leukemia is a retrovirus that attacks the immune systems of infected cats and can lead to a variety of cat health problems. The feline leukemia virus is transmitted through infected urine, feces, blood and saliva. The feline leukemia virus causes, in addition to leukemia, lymphoma, other cancers, anemia, reproductive problems, intestinal problems and immune system disorders. Cats are routinely vaccinated against leukemia because it is easily spread among the feline population.

Bone Cancer Bone cancer is a disease more commonly seen in large breed dogs. Locally invasive, bone cancer spreads rapidly throughout the pet.

Mammary Glands Cancer of the mammary glands strikes female cats and dogs that have not been spayed, or those that were spayed after their first heat cycle. While mammary tumors are not guaranteed in intact pets, the instance rises dramatically in pets that remain unaltered. The mammary glands in companion animals are put together in “chains,” meaning that removing one gland is often not enough to rid the pet of cancer. In the event that you veterinarian has recommend that you spay your dog or cat and you did not follow their advice, some insurance policies will deny the claim citing you did not follow the advice of your veterinarian which is a common exclusion.

Brain Tumors Brain tumors are not common in pets, but they do occur. Because these tumors are hard to detect without expensive diagnostic testing, they are most often fatal. Brain tumors often result in seizure activity and dramatic behavioral changes in the companion animal.

Sarcomas Sarcomas account for about 15 percent of all soft-tissue cancers in dogs. Less common in cats, sarcomas are seen frequently in dogs that are middle-aged or older. Large breeds are more apt to have sarcomas than smaller breeds. When detected and removed early, these tumors are rarely fatal.

When it comes to pet health, it is important that you understand the types of pet cancer and other diseases that may afflict the pet you have chosen to welcome into your family. Pet insurance rates can vary among different breeds and certain conditions may be excluded. Before signing up for any of the many pet insurance plans, be sure that you read the fine print.

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