
Monday 8/31
a) 50 GHD Sit Ups + 50 Hip and Back Extensions
b) Back Squat 5x3 at 80% (205)
c) Every 2 minute for 20 minutes: Clean Pull + Hang Clean + Clean (135)
d) 30 barbell rollouts

Tuesday 9/1
a) Bulgarian Split Squat, 3x5 each leg (95)
b) 4 rounds for time:
4 kettlebell overhead squats, 20kg
6 elevated push ups
8 weighted v-ups, 20lb medball
20 alternating lunge steps with kettlebell in the front rack, 20kg
300m run
Time: 17:00

Wednesday 9/2
a) 20 minutes to work up a 1RM clean (185)
b) EMOM 12:
Min 1: 5 burpees + 8 cleans (75)
Min 2: 12 backward lunge steps with barbell in the front rack (75)
Min 3: 4 burpee box jump overs + 6 chin-ups strict
c) 5 rounds for quality, not for time
10 burpees
10 push press (65)
6 chin-ups, strict
4 ring dips

Thursday 9/3
rest day

Friday 9/4
a) 10 minutes to practice handstand walking
b) 10 minutes to practice freestanding handstand pushups (11 unbroken)
c) EMOM 15: hang squat clean + jerk at 115lbs (very light, recovering from shoulder injury)
d) 5x5 barbell bent rows, 115#
e) 10 minutes to practice strict muscle ups, new PR!
f) Strict "Cindy"
20 minute AMRAP:
5 pullups + 10 push ups + 15 air squats
Score: 20 rounds

Saturday 9/5
a) 800m run warm up
b) Back Squat: 5 reps at 165, 3 reps at 190, 1 rep at 215
c) AMRAP 20:
1 wallball
1 burpee
2 wallball
2 burpee
3 wallball
3 burpee ...
20# wallball, 9ft target

Sunday 9/6
60 minute Spin class

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