
Finding the perfect photograph to use can be a challenge. Most photographers seek to copyright their work giving them the exclusive rights to its use and distribution. When you simply want to use a photo for a school presentation or your personal blog, navigating the legal landscape can be a nightmare. Luckily, the folks over at Creative Commons have created an Android app to allow you to find quickly and request images that you can legally use.

Creative Common’s app, The List, aims to connect content creators and users so that open license imagery can be created and shared. If you need an image of a ‘cupcake with sprinkles’ then just open the application and submit a request. Other members will then receive a notification and have the ability to fulfill your need.

The Creative Common’s license allows for the distribution of “creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share.” Some rights may be reserved by the content creator that require attribution or specific limitations. For a full explanation of Creative Commons, you can visit their website by clicking here or by watching the video below.

Digital Trends quotes Creative Commons CEO Ryan Merely as saying that “the Commons is a collective creation, and we see the opportunity to create a dynamic and vibrant pool of available images from people who want to share – and to directly connect photographers and those who want images they can build upon.”

Merely also explains that the company sees “opportunities to use The List to enhance the content on platforms like Wikipedia, to share images for open journalism, to collaborate to build open textbooks, or to document observations in citizen science. And we know that users will come up with many more ideas of their own.”

As previously mentioned, ‘The List’ is in a state of public beta and may contain a number of software bugs and other glitches. If you are still interested, you can download the app from GitHub and then manually install it on your phone by clicking here.

(via Digital Trends)

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