
Hi guys, as some of you will have seen there has been quite a bit more info released on editing options for PES 2014. I originally posted a lot of this on my own blog a few days ago, but I have since found out a bit more so thought it was worth sharing here.


As was previously announced there are now more options for editing kits, instead of just adding a PNG for the front of the shirt, it is now possible to add one for the front of the shorts, front of the socks and one for each of the sleeves. The shirt PNG also now goes all the way up to the top and no longer cuts off below the collar. Also shirts can now have 5 layers, shorts 4 and socks 3 so kits should look even better. For more info on dimensions and to see some kits that have already been made check out the forums.

It will be possible to add 3rd and 4th kits for unlicensed teams, but there is still only one GK kit. Some licensed teams will have the option of a 3rd kit through DLC, you may have seen one of the pre-order bonuses containing 3rd kits for Man Utd & Milan (plus a few others). I think I read that these would be released as part of data packs at a later date as well although I could be wrong.


Stats have changed slightly, some have been removed, some renamed and there are a few new ones. The two new stats are “Ball Winning” and “Saving”, there has also been a adjustment to the player cards. They are now broken down into two sections Styles and Cards, the player styles effect how a COM controlled player plays as do the first 7 of the cards. The remaining 20 cards give players who have the card a boost in those areas.

Also on stats as well as the existing OVR rating the hexagon from previous PES games has returned. There is also now a whole page of stats that can’t be edited, but instead are worked out based on their editable stats to give you another way to judge player against others.


First the bad news, it is not possible to use face scans in PES 2014 and because of the new engine a lot of players who previously had preset faces no longer do. On the plus side though Konami have announced they will be adding more presets through DLC throughout the year, they are even taking suggestions here http://winningelevenblog.com/blog/what-faces-would-you-like-added-to-pes2014-after-release/ . Also the face build option has had a revamp and it is now possible to get some amazing results, so face scans might not be so much of a loss after all.

Editable Leagues

There are now three editable 1st divisions (containing 20 teams) and 1 2nd division (18 teams). Each of the 1st divisions is locked to a region, so one for Europe, one for South America and one for Asia. Each of these three leagues can be adjusted to contain 14, 16, 18 or 20 teams. If you reduce a leagues size from 20 teams the teams will go to the “Other Teams” section for that region.

Team Emblems

One of the best bits of news (& something we have all been asking for every year) is that there will be no limit on the number of team emblems. This means no more having to decide which teams to give a emblem to, and which to leave with a default.

Stadium Editor

As you will all no doubt know the stadium editor has been removed which is a shame. Much like everything else in the game the Konami make things is now different and I believe they were having issues with the results of stadiums created with the editor, hence it’s removal. Hopefully these issues will be ironed out and we will see it’s return next year, or possibly through a patch to PES 2014

Copa Libertadores & Asian Champions League

Both the Copa Libertadores & Asian Champions League players can be edited which is great news. You can also move the teams from these competitions to the editable leagues, so say you decide to make the Liga MX (Mexico) you can move the three teams from the Libertadores to that league so you won’t end up with duplicates.

Final Thoughts 

Overall as a option file creator I have to say the positives of the new things far outweighs the negatives of the options no longer available (I won’t say removed as it is a whole new game, they just haven’t been added). As this year everything is basically new, please go easy on the guys on the editing section of the forum, they are basically starting from scratch. Also if you have never done any editing before now might be a good time to get involved, as a PES site we might not be the first with news or information, but I believe the editing section of the forums is by far the best in the community in regards to the amount of quality content produced.

Thanks for reading, Paul

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