
10 Reasons Everybody Should Incorporate Bodyweight Training

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From the Olympians on the gymnastic rings to the everyday push up, bodyweight training (hereafter referred to as BW training)  is a fantastic inclusion into any training plan. Once you have mastered the basics, there is a seemingly endless array of exercises that can be utilised. Here are my top 10 reasons for having BW training incorporated into your plan.

Relative Strength

Gymnastics or BW training gives you a fantastic expression of your strength to weight ratio. Not only do I feel it’s important you can move your own bodyweight well (most sports are based on this) bodyweight movements can be a great barometer when it comes to changes in scale weight.

Gaining weight but your pull ups are suffering? It may be an indication you are gaining too quickly. Conversely   when cutting it can be fairly common to lose some absolute strength however it can be motivating to see relative strength exercises go up.

Learn to move your body and move it well.


Anyone who has played around with some handstand or maybe even gym ring work will tell you – it’s fun, and I mean FUN! There is something innately enjoyable about mastering your own bodyweight.

Integrated Mobility

Not only do lots of BW exercises challenge your coordination and strength, but they can also be a real test of mobility. Many gymnastics moves themselves are great at developing mobility, and this can have great carry over to other lifts.

A Focus on Mastery (Not Weight)

In the weights room we can often get fixated with more weight on the bar. At times, this can lead to poor form or injury.  With BW movements the focus is often on mastering a certain skill before trying to go to the next progression. This can be a welcome break for people who regularly chase numbers or are suffering from gym burnout.


Many BW exercises mirror positions required in other lifts. An obvious one may be the handstand press up with the overhead press, but it goes well beyond this.

We could look at the activation of the lats on a front lever and the way it transfers to keeping the bar close on a deadlift, at how sternum pull ups will help gain a strong arch when bench pressing, the shoulder stability that can be gained from dips or the eccentric hamstring strength from a Nordic leg curl and its importance to runners. The list goes on.

Get strong at BW movements and watch your barbell lifts sky rocket.

Full Body Integration

When you think of the press up, what do you think is working? Chest? Triceps?

If we are moving with mastery we will be squeezing the glutes and quads, we will be keeping the core engaged to ensure “head to heel a body of steel”, we will be screwing the hands into the floor and then and only then do we perform a repetition.

BW training challenges the entire body and helps it to work as a single unit, rather than focusing on isolation of specific parts.

Minimal Kit Required

Stuck in a hotel room with no gym? Maybe you just want to get out in the sun and train outside? The beauty of BW training is it needs little to no kit. As long as you have your body, you will never be stuck for a workout again once you have mastered BW training.

Goal Specific

Think you can’t build muscle or strength doing BW exercises without using external load? One look at the Olympic gymnasts or more recently guys such as the BarStarzz, may tell you different. The key is to match the appropriate exercise to the appropriate goal.

Want to improve strength? Choose an exercise you can only perform 3-5 repetitions before failure.  Hypertrophy your goal? Regress the exercises and go for 8-12.

Your muscles have no idea if they are lifting an external load (weights) or your own bodyweight (based on levers and mechanical advantage).

BW training has far greater application than just muscular endurance or circuits.

Suitable For All

Regardless of whether you’re a rank beginner or a gym veteran, there will always be at least one bodyweight exercise that’s applicable to your skill level.

There Is Always Another Level

Mastered the pull up? How about 10? What about an archer pull up or even a one-arm pull up? BW training always provides you with a new goal to chase down, regardless of ability. This variety can help maintain motivation and ensure training remains mentally and physically stimulating.

So, there you have it – my top 10 reasons to incorporate BW training into your plan.

Do you currently incorporate BW training?

Are you on your way to your first pull up or chasing down a planche?

Please share your experiences with BW training in the comments section below.

Coach Gregg.

The post 10 Reasons Everybody Should Incorporate Bodyweight Training appeared first on Shredded By Science.

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