In 1998, when the Bill Clinton sex scandal broke and efforts began in Congress to impeach him, I predicted without reservation in my Bob Livingston Letter (, subscription required) that Bill Clinton would not be impeached.
Why was I so sure when all bets were against Clinton in his seemingly darkest hour? It came from several decades of examining and studying the spiritual undertow that dominates politics, world finance and geopolitical action.
There is only a very small remnant in America and the world who really grasp the dogma of religion as the apex of power politics. The rest are deceived. They don’t have a clue as to the esoteric and hidden religious force that motivates and dominates politics and finance in the United States.
Not more than a few thousand people in the entire world think their own thoughts and are alert to the nature and spirit of political anarchy that reigns as western civilization. We have come to believe as a people that chaos is order. The flip side of sanity and Christian morality is decaying society under the presumption of good. Men love evil more than they love good and they don’t know the difference.
The Clintons, both Bill and Hillary, are “human” manifestations of an organized and militant religion that is at total war with Christianity and liberty. The goal of this religion is to amalgamate humanity into a proxy for “social justice” and “democracy,” a euphemism for tyranny over and oppression of the American people. Man’s humanity has to be destroyed to make of him a permanent vassal of the state. The state builds its political power on deception and false pretense finally leaving the people with no inner imperative to question or oppose the New Order.
We have bought the Clinton morality and we have become slaves to its deception. We condemn the world for our own sins.
The “western democracies,” as referred to by the political establishment, are now the seat of Islamic world power. Serious background information is required for this to make sense. This is a super-secret and deep stuff, and you may be sure that it is not intended that you or any American should ever know this. As a matter of fact, the rank and file politicians do not themselves know this although they all support Islam.
The Islamic penetration of the West, including the organized Christian church, commenced at least 400 years ago. The Islamic secret societies infiltrated Christianity with a philosophy of humanism, universalism and occultism, as I described here. More on this can be found in the links below.
I never expected SHillary to be indicted any more than I expected Bill to be impeached, even though it is proven beyond a reasonable doubt that she is the most corrupt woman in the history of American politics. Now FBI Director James Comey has dutifully stepped in and cleared the table for Hillary Clinton’s appointment as the next puppet president.
A criminal indictment over the email scandal or the Clinton Foundation scandal was the only thing standing between the New World Order’s chosen candidate and the White House. That obstacle has now been removed, and Comey has played his part for the globalist cabal, as he did as a deputy in the George W. Bush Department of JustUs, and in previous “failed investigations” into the Clinton crime machine.
Some will say that Hillary is politically damaged because Comey’s comments implied the public cannot trust her judgement. What does the Witch from Chappaqua care about “public trust?”
SHillary has all the “trust” she needs. She is Council on Foreign Relations approved and Goldman Sachs owned.
Her name has been removed from official current CFR rolls for political expediency for the time being, but husband Bill’s and daughter Chelsea’s names remain on the official rolls.
The CFR runs American foreign policy, as Hillary has admitted. Hence her stint as Secretary of State after the globalists decided in 2008 that the CIA creation Barack Obama would better serve their needs at that time.
Most presidential candidates, top officials in the departments of State and Treasury and presidential cabinet members, regardless of which party label the president identifies with, are CFR. It has been this way for decades. The CFR and globalist banksters like Goldman Sachs and the world’s central banks, control America’s and the world’s political processes.
Hillary’s ties to the New World Order and Islamism run deep — right hand girl Huma Abedin is the daughter of Saleha Mahmood Abedin who, along with the wife of former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, ran the women’s division of the Muslim Brotherhood — and long term, and I discussed them in great detail in BLL in 1999 and reprised again here for Personal Liberty® readers. There was never a chance that the Witch from Chappaqua would be indicted.
The gang protects its own. The Department of “JustUs” [aka Department of (in)Justice] runs cover for the gang. Comey was not even pretending to be an investigator or prosecutor of Hillary’s crimes; he was acting as her defense attorney. Remember, Comey works for government. He does not work for the people. The court system works for government. It doesn’t work for the people. They all know from whence their paychecks and their power comes.
Not that Comey, with his long ties to the deep state, would ever double-cross Hillary and the globalist cabal; but he is well aware of the long body count of people who have crossed the Clintons.
Americans continue to quibble and argue and wrangle over “Republican” and “Democrat” – which is what the elites want you doing — and in doing so continue to miss the real enemy: government and the NWO cabal.
For more on this subject, to help you further connect the dots:
Has the CFR kidnapped Donald Trump
American politics – Hillary Clinton
Goldman Sachs’ shadow
Removing the scales
How have we fallen so far?
Israel, ISIS and the end of days
Islamic terror and the great deception
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