Since the online Obamacare insurance exchanges opened last week the government-run healthcare websites have been plagued with problems. The government is currently working to find solutions to the online glitches, but it isn’t likely to find many ways to make the process of signing up for government healthcare more pleasurable for uninsured Americans.
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters on Monday that Obamacare users will now be shuffled into virtual waiting rooms as they attempt to sign up.
While Carney contends that the Obamacare websites are crashing because so many Americans are rushing to sign up on government healthcare exchanges, a Wall Street Journal report notes that hundreds of people have signed up:
About 30 million uninsured people live in the states the federal marketplace will serve, including Texas and Florida.
So far, Web-traffic problems are allowing only a small trickle of buyers, said John Gorman, chief executive of Gorman Health Group, an insurance-industry consulting firm with clients selling policies on the exchanges.
Large insurers have seen enrollment figures totaling in the hundreds each, said Sumit Nijhawan, chief executive of Infogix Inc., a data-integrity firm that works with such insurers as WellPoint Inc., Aetna Inc. and Cigna Corp.
And after failing miserably to successfully sign up for the healthcare on an exchange last Tuesday, CNN tried again. The result was unsurprising.
Meanwhile, the Obamacare Facebook page is being flooded with negative comments (there are some positive, but few):
In Conclusion…