Something Each Personality Type Will Judge Others For
Some people are more naturally judgmental than others. But the fact is, we all make judgments in one way or another. Here is what we believe makes each personality type feel judgmental towards others.
INFJs try very hard not to be judgmental towards others. They often judge themselves much harder than they do others, and have a way of being very hard on themselves. INFJs do not want to be seen as judgmental, and have a strong distaste of causing others pain. The only time an INFJ may appear judgmental is if they see that someone is going to hurt themselves or others. Their intentions are purely to help the other person, but people often misunderstand where the INFJ are coming from. INFJs have a strong intuitive sense and often can predict when someone is going down a bad path. Their attempts to reach out to those people, are not from a place of judgment but rather caring. INFJs are more judgmental towards society as a whole than they are towards specific people. They can often see the good in people, but become angry towards the way society behaves.
ENFJ are rarely openly judgmental, but sometimes it sneaks out in little ways. They have a deep compassion for people and can become angry towards others who do not. They witness people committing constant injustices and this angers the ENFJ. They are sometimes less capable of keeping these judgments to themselves, and might express to others how they can make better choices with their lives. They are often just trying to help those people better themselves and do not realize that is can come across as judgmental. They want people to be happy and can often see the ways in which they can achieve this happiness.
INFPs have extremely strong internal morals that they hold very close to them. They have their own views on what is right and wrong and are very clear about what they believe. They often judge themselves very harshly and push themselves to be a good person. Because of this strong desire to follow what is right, INFPs can be viewed as judgmental. They do not judge people for being weaker than others or for making mistakes in life. They are more likely to feel judgement towards people who harm others or commit immoral acts constantly. They are very forgiving and do understand that people make mistakes, but they also realize that people need to be held accountable for constantly doing bad things. If someone is harming another person the INFP doesn’t believe they should be accepted for doing so.
ENFPs do have a very strong sense of moral fiber. They know what they believe is right and wrong and try to follow those guidelines. The thing that makes the ENFPs appear to be very nonjudgmental, is because they are always trying to see the good in others. They often believe that people are capable of changing and can see that those people have goodness in them. If they find themselves liking someone or developing a crush, they may have a tendency to idealize those people and ignore their flaws or mistakes. They have a strong sense of people and naturally are good at understanding them, but often do not like to judge.
INTJs may have a tendency to be judgmental towards incompetent or stupid people. They have a distaste for people who constantly screw up their jobs, when the INTJ feels someone equipped to handle that job should be in that position. They can often see how things should be done, with a natural ability to fix the problem at hand. Because of this skill the INTJ may become frustrated with those people and consider them lazy and inept. More than anything INTJs judge people based on intelligence. They understand that people make mistakes, but the INTJ is very conscious of their work and realizes that other people are capable of that as well. They try to keep many of the judgments to themselves and tend to avoid openly offending others.
ENTJs are most judgmental towards people who are inefficient. They have little patience for individuals who cannot seem to get their work done properly. ENTJs are extremely driven and hard-working and become unbelievably frustrated with people who appear lazy or incompetent. They do not believe in making excuses for others behavior, since they do not make excuses for their own behavior. They dislike people who cannot be loyal and make up continuous lies, and will often feel judgmental towards those individuals. They have a strong sense of loyalty towards others and feel disdain for those people who betray them.
INTPs can often be very openly critical towards others, but do not often hold deep judgement about them. They will outwardly point out other people’s errors, but only become judgmental towards them if they ignore the INTP. They are more judgmental towards people who put on a fake face in front of others and do not show people their true colors. INTPs are often very skilled at reading others and can sense where they are coming from. When they see that someone is pretending to be something they are not, the INTP become annoyed that others often believe these lies. This may make them judgmental towards the person who is pretending, and towards the people believing their lies. INTPs have a strong dislike of people who act like they are better than others. They are oddly forgiving when people make mistakes, but do not feel accepting of people who are obnoxious or self-important. Even though they are critical, INTPs often care how they affect others and might judge people who have no consideration.
ENTPs may appear more judgmental than they actually are. They occasionally will express judgments about others, but are usually just being playful or sarcastic. They don’t hold those surface judgments very deep and will often forget about them as soon as they are spoken. They do have a strong impatience for stupid people who spit out their incorrect opinions constantly. They are very conscious of their knowledge and work hard to understand a wide variety of subjects. When the ENTP sees people who are ignorantly acting as though they are smarter than the ENTP, they will become very frustrated. They are mostly judgmental towards people who lack intelligence and knowledge. They also dislike people who act as though they are smart, but refuse to debate with the ENTP to prove their point.
ISTJs often do not express their judgments openly, but keep them inside. This might potentially build up into a negative opinion of others over time if it is not expressed. ISTJs hold themselves to very high standards and because of this they hold others to the same standards. If ISTJs find a way to properly express the judgments that they feel, than they can help move past them. They often see how the people close to them could better their own lives, and want to help them understand how to do so. ISTJs have a strong sense of right and wrong that is often very black and white, because of this they can be seen as judgmental.
ESTJs have a tendency to judge people who cannot seem to get their own lives together. They see how things could be done more efficiently and often become annoyed that people refuse to listen to them. They have a strong sense of duty and want to get things done the right way. People who are messy or disorganized and cannot seem to get the job done, will receive judgments from the ESTJ. They believe very strongly in right and wrong and doing what needs to be done. They might make snap judgments towards people who don’t follow the guidelines of society the way that the ESTJ does.
ISFJs do try not to be judgmental and can often be very forgiving towards others. The one thing that ISFJs tend to judge, is if people are harming others. ISFJs are very consciously aware of how their actions affect others, and become disappointed in people who do not possess this same ability. When they see people hurting others constantly and refusing to be considerate, ISFJs will immediately dislike those people. They want everyone to get along and truly despise discord, when people disturb this peace the ISFJ will become frustrated.
ESFJs are often seen as judgmental, but are not consciously aware of this. Deep down they possess a strong caring for everyone, and want to make people happy. When they witness people harming others, especially if it is harming their loved ones, the ESFJ will become immediately judgmental. They are consciously aware of how their actions affect others and try very hard not to hurt people. When they are around people who have no caring about others, the ESFJ will dislike this person strongly. They often feel judgmental towards people who act superior to the ESFJ or other people. They hold most people as equals until they witness certain actions from them.
ISTPs judgments of others often come from a factual and not a personal place. They do not make emotional judgments but rather pick up on certain behaviors that prove their judgments. They notice people’s behaviors and their actions and make decisions based on that. ISTPs often remember things very well and take into account all of the actions of others. If someone proves to be stupid by constantly saying stupid things, they realize that this person is probably stupid. These judgments are not made based off of emotion, and are usually correct. It doesn’t make them treat this person poorly, it just means they will take note of it in the future.
ESTPs judgments often come from a competitive place. They feel judgmental towards people who are too over the top or attention seeking. They dislike people who are ignorant and will not accept the new knowledge that the ESTP tries to provide them. ESTPs understand that people may not have a lot of knowledge, but dislike when those people refuse to learn. ESTPs are often willing to teach people but become frustrated when people turn them down. They often try not to be judgmental but it does come out more often than they would like.
ISFPs are probably one of the least openly judgmental people. They try to be nice to everyone and dislike the idea of hurting anyone’s feeling. They may hold internal judgments when they witness people being immoral or harming others without caring. They believe that everyone should be able to do the right thing, and are hurt personally when they see people being cruel towards others. ISFPs try to reserve judgments, but sometimes it is challenging when people continue to be harsh. In the end they are very forgiving and just want people to try harder.
ESFPs tend to have a conscious awareness of people and realize where they should and should not judge. They tend to prefer having fun and expressing forgiveness more than they do judgments. Sometimes ESFPs judge others who they feel are attacking them or their loved ones. If they fear this person intends to harm them, they will become judgmental before they even get a chance to do so.
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