An official at the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has proposed a ban on all personal electronic device usage while driving, in an effort to fight against distracted driving.
The Board reports having collected data that shows distractions from phones and other mobile electronic devices have caused, or at least been a factor in, car accidents which killed 50 people and injured an additional 259 people since 2003.
Research conducted in 2013 by AAA shows that hands-free devices are no less distracting for drivers than actually holding a phone to their ear. People mistakenly believe it is safer because their hands are free, however, the real distraction is cognitive, not just the physical act of holding the phone. And, while drivers surveyed agreed that distracted driving is a danger, they also believe bans on all devices would be difficult to regulate.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) asserts that performing visual-manual tasks, including texting and dialing, increases a motorist’s risk of crashing by 3 times. They also report that distracted driving kills thousands of people on U.S. roads every year.
Dangers of Distracted Driving
Distracted driving occurs anytime a driver’s attention is diverted away from the primary task by any other activity. The first distraction that people think of most often might be a cell phone or other electronic device. However, there are many other distractions including, eating, talking with other passengers, changing radio stations, planning your day or daydreaming. Even billboards and other objects outside the vehicle can serve as distractions.
Distracted driving occurs commonly in everyday driving and in crashes. In fact, most drivers report sometimes having engaged in distracted driving. Research has revealed that drivers engaged in a secondary task up to one-half of the time while driving, and 34% of drivers self-reported using a cell phone while driving on a somewhat regular basis.
NHTSA has discerned that distraction was a factor about 10 percent of all fatal motor vehicle crashes and 18 percent of all crashes causing injury in 2012. Because of the difficulty measuring the extent to which driver distraction is a contributing factor in a crash, it is impossible to know the exact toll. Wireless device records are usually only accessed in instances of death or serious injury, motorists may not admit fault, and police may not always be able to recognize the role of distraction. While methods of reporting are improving, current estimates likely underestimate how frequently distraction causes crashes.
Contact Our Denver Auto Accident Lawyers
If you or someone you love has been the victim of a car accident in Denver, Aurora, Lakewood, or anywhere in the State of Colorado, you need an experienced law firm on your side from the very start. Contact the Denver Law Firm of John R. Fuller, P.C. today at 303-597-4500 for a free initial consultation. We can help you claim the money you need to fully recover and protect your rights during the legal process.
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