
If you have sustained a spinal cord injury in a car crash, you may already have a glimpse of how difficult your life will be. Even if you are not completely paralyzed, your injuries will undoubtedly make life more challenging—and this can result in extreme financial complications for you and your family.

Price Tag of Spinal Cord Injury

So just how much does a spinal cord injury cost? The cost of a spinal cord injury depends largely on the type of injury you suffered, the degree of disability, and the age you are at the time of the accident.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a car accident victim who suffers from high tetraplegia will require at least $1 million in total specialized care during the first year alone. The lifetime cost of a severe spinal cord injury totals well over $4 million over the course of an average lifetime.

This figure, while astronomically high, does not even take into consideration other financial burdens, such as:

Lost wages

Loss of future earnings

Pain and suffering


Adaptations to your home, such as ramps or lifts

Specialized vehicles

Wheelchairs and other disability equipment

Private health care premiums

Out of pocket travel expenses to doctor visits and specialists

And more

The more severe your spinal cord injury, the more compensation you will require just to avoid financial ruin. In addition to your lost wages and loss of future earnings, loved ones may be unable to work while they provide round the clock care for you. All of these factors must be considered when seeking compensation in a Denver personal injury lawsuit.

How Much Compensation Should I ask?

Your Denver personal injury lawyer will discuss your prognosis with physicians and healthcare professionals to determine how much compensation you will need to adapt to your new disability. Without a lawyer on your side, insurance companies may attempt to low-ball you and offer you a settlement that is far less than you actually need to recover.

Contact an Aurora and Denver Personal Injury Attorney

If you or someone you love has been injured by another driver’s negligence, it is important to retain the services of an experienced Denver personal injury attorney immediately. At the law offices of John R. Fuller, P.C., we fight aggressively for our injured accident victims and their families. We understand the numerous spinal cord complications that can arise after a devastating accident and work tirelessly to ensure that you receive the money you need to recover.

Contact our Denver personal injury attorneys for a free initial consultation to learn how we can help. Call us at 303-597-4500. We’re available 24/7 by phone, fax and e-mail.

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