
Hi everyone! Some of you may know from my recent Facebook and blog posts that I had been conducting the Anti-Procrastination Course for the past three months. Well, today I’m excited to announce the launch of the Anti-Procrastination Program, the product version of my course. Read on for more details!

The Anti-Procrastination Program, Your One-Stop Program to Eliminate Procrastination

Before Celes’ course even ended, I began making enormous progress! My productivity in life, went through the roof, in every area:

After only the first module, I left with profound realizations and my heart was singing as I completed the module’s homework.

I became more determined and organized each week. Every week (module), I made new self discoveries, gained more direction in my life and achieved more of my milestones as I went along.

By Week 4 (Module 4), I had started tackling my qualification course work.

By Week 6 (Module 6), I was moving along with my eventual plan of setting up my business when it is not even due for the next few years. I had already bought my domain names, made logos and was getting the website cover pages built! I will put them online within the next 3 weeks, well in advance of when they need to go.

By Week 8 (Module 8), I was 40% complete in my qualification course work. I had moved forward a further 20% in my qualification after just 4 weeks, when my first 20% took three years to complete!

~ Craig, Anti-Procrastination Course participant, who was procrastinating in his professional qualification prior to the course

The Anti-Procrastination Program is my one-stop program to overcome procrastination for life. It is based on a live course I conducted with real-life participants, on how to eliminate procrastination for life. Whatever it is that you may be procrastinating on — losing weight, starting a new business, working on your blog, achieving straight As, completing a course qualification, improving on your eating habits, quitting an addiction, starting a new career, etc. — this program will help you to stop procrastinating and take massive action right away.

Many of my past participants have experienced breakthroughs and achieved significant results in their personal goals — the very goals which they had been putting off for months (if not years) prior to the course. For example:

Participant Gail, who had been procrastinating on weight loss and healthy eating prior to the course. By the end of the eight-week course, she had lost 7 pounds – that’s almost 10% of her goal reached!

Participant Alyssa, who had been property hunting for two whole years and missed a lot of good deals because she was afraid to make a move. After Week 1 of the course, she went out there and bought the property she had been eyeing for quite sometime!

Participant Craig, who had been procrastinating in a professional qualification he’s taking for three years prior to the course, and had only completed 20% of it. By the time the course ended, he had already completed 20% more of this qualification, and at this rate, he’ll be completing his course by 2015 — one year earlier of his target of 2016!

Participant Matt, who had been procrastinating on his drawing blog goal for months before the course started. He’s now consistently making progress on his goal every day, specifically (1) studying drawing books/videos every day which he had wanted to do for months, (2) improving his drawing skills, (3) practicing drawing every day, and (4) writing a new article series. In Matt’s words, “It’s exciting and I feel proud of myself!”

Participant Boon Kiat, who was procrastinating on healthy eating, exercising, and pursuing his dreams before the course started. Through the course, he discovered his WHY, not just for his goals, but also his life – i.e., his life purpose! This has helped him to discover his passion in photography which he is now turning into his full-time career, and he has since been taking massive action since Week 3 of the course!

And that’s just the tip of the ice berg! Today, I’m very excited to be able to share these very principles with you via the Anti-Procrastination Program!

What the Program Comprises Of

The Anti-Procrastination Program is a very structured, eight-module program to help you to systematically tackle procrastination and turn your thoughts into action. Here’s what you’ll get:

One-stop, information-packed, 8-module program where you will learn the key principles and strategies to eliminate procrastination for life.

Module 1: Introduction & Building Your Desire (Lay the foundation to tackling procrastination, and the first step to eliminating procrastination for life)

Module 2: Remove Inner Resistance (Uncover and tackle your inner resistance that’s preventing you from action)

Module 3: Create Your Action Plan, Part 1 (How to channel your new-found energy in the most effective way, using “ESPER”)

Module 4: Create Your Action Plan, Part 2 (Create your power action plan that guides you every step of the way)

Module 5: Create Your Flow Environment (Having aligned our internal reality, it’s now about changing our external environment to achieve 100% momentum toward our goals)

Module 6: Create Your Productivity Ritual (The ingredient to peak productivity that everyone misses)

Module 7: Be the Master of Your Time (How to have unlimited time at your finger tips)

Module 8: Review and Moving Forward (Round up and design your game plan to achieve relentless action)

Video recordings of the 8 modules, conducted with over 20 live participants! (Meaning dynamic lectures with active participant sharing and Q&A.) That’s 14 hours worth of high-value content in total!

Audio podcast of the 8 modules which you can listen to whenever you jog, commute, drive, iron your clothes, before you sleep, etc.!

Slide handouts (pdf) of all 8 modules for you to review in your own time

Lifetime, 24/7 access to the members portal, where you can view the video lectures any time you want, wherever you are!

What You’ll Learn / Achieve

Through this self-administered program, you will…

Understand your root reasons for procrastination. Right from Module 1, we’ll plunge head-first into understanding the real roots of your procrastination (any procrastination). This is critical to bust procrastination at its root.

Learn to tap into your inspiration such that you’ll be naturally motivated all the time, without having to force or discipline yourself to take action.

Bust through procrastination beliefs keeping you from action. All of us have beliefs — some good and empowering ones, others not so good and quite disempowering, hence leading to procrastination. Starting from Module 2, we’ll be identifying your limiting beliefs making you procrastinate and breaking through them.

Create your power action plan. What’s the use of talking without action? By Module 3, you’ll create your power action plan to take action on your desired goals. You’ll be taking action on your action plan for the next five weeks of the course, all while applying the new principles taught on a weekly basis.

Defeat perfectionism. A huge cause of procrastination is perfectionism — fear of taking action because you’re afraid that the results may not be as perfect as you want or resistance towards failure. We’ll be tackling this in Module 4.

Create your flow environment. How to create a supportive, “procrastination-proof” environment where you take action 100% of the time. We’ll be doing this in Module 5.

Create your productivity ritual. In Module 6, we’ll create your productivity ritual, a routine of daily activities that keeps you motivated every day, such that procrastination no longer becomes an issue (the very concept I shared in my latest book, 10 Rules of Super Productive People). This ritual is essential to helping you be in tune with your natural “flow,” and help you create results seamlessly, every day.

Eliminate your excuses. Are you constantly coming up with reasons for not taking action? Would you like to have more “reasons” or “results” to show for in the next five years of your life? In Module 7, we’ll be working on excuse elimination, i.e., eliminating any excuse that’s keeping you from action.

Learn procrastination-resolution techniques. How to break through any procrastination and become a natural action-taker. We’ll be learning many crucial tips to tackle procrastination throughout the eight modules.

A Sneak Peek of What You Will Be Getting…

For those of you curious about how the program is like, here’s a preview of the first 14 minutes of Module 1 (the entire program is eight modules long, spanning 14 hours):

(If you’re unable to see the video above, watch it via this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozHk-1ElKcw.)

Some Testimonials from Past Participants…

Here are testimonials from some of the participants about the program:

“ Before taking Celes’ course, I was in the middle of pursuing a professional qualification to attain professional status in my field. This qualification typically takes about 2 to 3 years to complete. It was part of my grand plan to eventually set up my business. However, after nearly 3 years, I had completed only 20% of my professional course work — due to procrastination. Any excuse to take action, made with best intentions even, ran in to days, weeks and before I knew it, years.

Before the course even ended, I began making enormous progress! My productivity in life, went through the roof, in every area:

After only the first module, I left with profound realizations and my heart was singing as I completed the module’s homework.

I became more determined and organized each week. Every week (module), I made new self discoveries, gained more direction in my life and achieved more of my milestones as I went along.

By Week 4 (Module 4), I had started tackling my qualification course work.

By Week 6 (Module 6), I was moving along with my eventual plan of setting up my business when it is not even due for the next few years. I had already bought my domain names, made logos and was getting the website cover pages built! I will put them online within the next 3 weeks, well in advance of when they need to go.

By Week 8 (Module 8), I was 40% complete in my qualification course work. I had moved forward a further 20% in my qualification after just 4 weeks, when my first 20% took three years to complete!

My course will be complete before end of next year and that means I will have completed the remaining 80% in just over 1 year. 20% to 100% in one year! This is just amazing progress. The funniest thing is, it’s not even hard work. It’s just consistent, focused, positive effort… and I’m even enjoying it, enjoying life!

For years, I’ve read books on procrastination, tried hypnotherapy, joined online groups, and engaged a coach as I felt for a long time that I wasn’t living a full life despite having plenty of ideas of what I’d like to do, for work, travel etc. but I’d not finish anything properly before moving on to the next thing. I even went to see “expert Doctors and Professors” talk about procrastination to try and get ideas. Each time, I would leave feeling more confused and with weight added to my shoulders. This Anti-Procrastination Program has made all the difference for me.

On a personal level, I just wanted to say a really heart-felt thank-you to you Celes, for the difference that your course and leadership has made to my life. I will never forget the positive results gained and your warm but professional teaching methods. It’s strange to say, but I now feel for myself what it is like for “those people” who are super productive, efficient, successful and happy! I would read articles and books and feel envious but still constantly search for something that would make me live my life like them. Now I feel like I am living my life as it should have always been lived.

Thank you Celes, I have recommend this course to two of my good friends and will continue to recommend it to others! ”

~ Craig, London, Anti-Procrastination Course Participant

“ I gained a lot from the Anti-Procrastination Course. I’ve cleared a lot of my backlog tasks at work. Relationships with my subordinates improved as we get lesser tension due to the backlogs.

But the best thing I’ve done is after the first week, I went out there and bought the property that I’ve been eyeing for quite sometime. I’ve been property hunting for two whole years and missed a lot of good deals just because I’m afraid to make a move. Then I finally understood that I had let fear of the property market condition overtake my passion in real estate investment.

I have learned the reason for my procrastination on a lot of my goals all this year. Right now the path seems clear for me without the cloud of procrastination blocking my view. The best thing I like about this course is that the exercise and assignments of the course really makes me go out there and do what I need to do and stop procrastinating.

I just wanna say thank you, Celes. ”

~ Alyssa Chong, Malaysia, Anti-Procrastination Course Participant

“ I am very pleased to have participated in Celestine’s Anti-Procrastination Course.  The contents and results were extraordinary.

I was very dubious before signing up, being a skeptical person by nature. However, I’d spent my life suffering from this debilitating mental syndrome–and feeling bad about myself because of it.  Having read some very promising articles on Personal Excellence, I decided to take the risk.

I had actually anticipated being disappointed or hearing the same old saws I’d heard over a life time of criticism from myself and others.  That’s a negative approach, I know, but it’s well-founded on experience.  I’d attended a few self-help classes through other providers and felt cheated.  Either they were crystal-blue-persuader-we-are-all-shining-stars-let’s-sing-kumbaya sharing circles, or they were fast talking, self-promoting hucksters out to brainwash you into spending half your life savings to join their courses to save your life.  Or they were just poor quality.

Still, I know that participation often yields more tangible results than just reading a self-help book, so I took the plunge.

This course was neither saccharine nor pushy.  I was pleasantly and productively surprised.  Celes’s presentation was straightforward, logical, instructional, and stuck to basics without hand-waving or false promises of success. She is very respectful of class members, repeats questions and answers, reinforces important points clearly, and acknowledges participation in a supportive manner.

The material was well-organized and flowed from topic to topic in a way that built knowledge and helped evoke self-awareness. (Believe me when I say I am a tough customer and resistant to any gaps in logic or faulty examples.) The unfolding of Celes’ hypotheses of the causes of procrastination and the straightforward strategies to combat them were practical and workable.  In fact, the simplicity of her approach reduced my lifelong issue from a mountain to a much more manageable molehill.  Her style of delivery was genuine and appeared effortless, making it easier to absorb the material on a meaningful level.

Through this course, I learned that I am not intrinsically lazy and that procrastination is not my normal milieu–that it is a symptom.  I learned the deep-seated causes of procrastination, which are the true obstacles that I need to overcome.  Celes offered practical steps to change behavior.  These steps are flexible and allow me to customize them in ways that are suited to my personality and habits.

I would highly recommend this course to others if you want sincerely helpful strategies and clear understanding.  It was an eye opener for me. ”

~ Diana Diehl, USA, Anti-Procrastination Course Participant

“ Before the course, I was procrastinating on finding a new job (and I didn’t know why). I was in a job which I no longer felt fulfilled by, and because my job was demanding and always required overtime, I had gradually given up personal time, health and relationships.  I felt negative, beaten by circumstances due to mistakes made earlier in life, and felt stuck in my job due to financial commitments. When I joined the course, I was only aiming to look for another job with proper work hours.

Through the course, I realized why I was procrastinating before – I had yet to discover my WHY for my goal and had uncovered inner resistances – and the course has helped me tackle them one by one.  I have gotten in touch with my inner self and discovered my ideal career that will drive me – it is in a totally different industry and to bring new-found value to man. This goes beyond just looking for the “next job” with “better work hours.” I’ve already begun researching and finding relevant jobs and have been sending in my resume, whereas before I had been delaying on this for over a year!

Through the course, I’ve learned a systematic and easy-to-follow framework for tackling procrastination, which includes: uncovering my inner desires, uncovering (and addressing) inner resistances, setting my ESPER action plan, creating a physical and sociological workflow environment, and how to manage my energy and time for maximum results. This course may be about overcoming procrastination (and Celes has nailed the topic perfectly at it every root), but the tools she has provided do so much more than that — they guide us into living a highly productive and purpose-filled life! I’ve learned that we can be masters of our destinies instead of being victims of circumstances. Today, my psychology and mindset have been altered, and I can only see great days ahead.

Celes’ materials and sharing in the course had helped me understand through simple-to-understand concepts that had never occurred to me before. That helped me shifted my paradigm and change the way I see the world around me. Celes doesn’t give direct answers in the course; she helps us uncover hidden truths within ourselves (which is so much more powerful) and in that process, she ‘teaches’ us to be our own teachers. I’ve realized my past failures are nothing but stepping stones towards greatness.

I will definitely recommend this course to others – this is a life-changing course! ”

~ Alex Kwek, Singapore, Anti-Procrastination Course Participant

“ What surprised me the most about taking this course, was I now see pretty much everything in my life differently.  My ‘un-finished’s and/or procrastinations’ were merely the surface, or shell, of much deeper issues.  ‘Trying’ to address, or stop procrastinating, was me just spinning my wheels.  It was no wonder I was getting nowhere.

By the second module, numerous ‘light bulbs’ and ‘ah-ha’ moments had inspired me to address some very deep seated issues… issues I never even thought about when I signed up. Surprise, surprise.  My life is different now… I am inspired and excited about the days ahead.  The physical environment changes are great to see (my office is purged, papers are tossed, furniture reorganized, etc.), but for me, the shift in the un-seens (relationships/personal interactions) are even more impressive.

Truly eye-opening.  I see where the draining factors or damn’s are and now know I can create MY own personalized flow… it was about learning to respect my SELF.  I am feeling empowered and reclaimed a chunk of my dignity. ;)  My life just turned on the head of an eight-week-course-dime.

Thank you SO much Celes, for yet another GREAT course! ”

~ Nancy Lopez, USA, Anti-Procrastination Course Participant

“ Before the course, I was procrastinating on exercising and eating healthily. Not only that, I had bouts of emotional eating from time to time. Before this happened, I was actually a very avid cyclist and triathlete. I loved hiking, trekking and climbing mountains! So when I joined this course, my initial intention was to figure why I was experiencing these procrastination. A deeper part of me wanted to know why I wasn’t enjoying these activities anymore — activities I used to enjoy.

Through this course, I realized that part of the reason for my procrastination was that I had not discovered my WHY for my goals. From as early as Module 1, I’ve discovered my WHY: to touch people with the beauty of our planet and its diverse life-forms so that we may better appreciate each and every inhabitant, human, animal or tree. This is not just a WHY for my goal, but the WHY for my LIFE — my life purpose. As a result, I’ve also discovered my passion in photography which I want to turn into my full-time career.

Since then, I’ve been taking action every day on my goals! Now, I schedule nature photoshoots almost every weekend and even on weekdays. My pictures are getting better and better and people are commenting on my pictures. =) I’ve been spending the past few weekends photographing in nature, and moving forward I’ll be taking part in nature photography competitions (I’ve already identified three), join a photography workshop to improve my skills (I’ve already signed up for one that’s starting next month), turn my passion into a business, and embark on an Africa trip next year to volunteer for a wildlife conservation project. When I return, I’ll be launching my first photo exhibition and use that to raise funds for the wildlife!

Celes is an AMAZING and EXCELLENT life coach who genuinely cares for our personal development. I am feel very blessed to have chanced upon her blog which led me to this course. She is a real life-saver whom I am really grateful to for having touched my life. Through this course, I’ve gained clarity on my life direction, gained an increased sense of self-esteem and self-confidence, and learned to take concrete action and set a concrete plan, along with milestones and action steps.

For anyone dealing with procrastination issues or just living a more fulfilling life, I HIGHLY recommend this course. I have benefited much from it and the value I got from it far exceeds the price I paid. ”

~ Boon Kiat, Singapore, Anti-Procrastination Course Participant

“ The course was amazing. Procrastination had been a huge problem all throughout my life.  I have always had many goals I wanted to pursue but when it came to taking action I usually found myself putting things off. Part of the reason was because of overwhelm; another reason was because I felt I would likely procrastinate again later on, so I thought, what’s the point of acting if I am going to give up anyway?

This has changed after taking Celes’ course. Now, I am more productive on my goals than ever before. I’m taking massive action and I’m enjoying the work more than I ever have in the past. I’m consistently making progress each day toward my goals, whereas before, I was putting off related tasks for months. Specifically, I’ve been (1) studying drawing books/videos every day that I had wanted to do for months, (2) improving my drawing skills, (3) practicing drawing every day, and (4) writing a new article series which I think will be some of the best I have ever written. It’s exciting and I feel proud of myself.

I like that the course was focused on permanent solutions to a deep-rooted problem like procrastination. It wasn’t at all about how to make to-do lists, how to organize your calendar, or how to use a tickler file.  Right from the beginning Celes helped all participants search for the root cause of procrastination in each of us. Celes’ course has helped me to see that there are deeper root causes behind procrastination that I never realized before.  I understand now how I can increase my motivation for a goal, get rid of any fears I have about achieving it, set milestones I know I will be able to reach, and create an action plan that doesn’t bind me but instead inspires me.

One important thing I have learned is procrastination is just a symptom, not the problem. If you keep telling yourself, “I need to stop procrastinating,” you are focusing on the wrong thing! I used to do this and I would run in circles and end up feeling almost helpless. With this course, I’ve learnt how to improve my motivation level towards my goals permanently as well as proper tools and strategies to actually take action and accomplish them. The course was both practical and focused on actual results, and not just about ra-ra inspiration.

Now, I have all the tools to consistently take action and achieve my goals with greater speed than ever before.

Celes was a fantastic coach throughout the course–I cannot say enough about her! She’s an incredibly intelligent and genuine person. I already knew for a fact that she is a high-achieving individual so she is exactly the right person to be teaching this course.  You could really tell she was energetic and passionate during the seminar and the success of each student was extremely important to  her.

I would absolutely recommend this course to others. In fact, this course is great for both procrastinators AND people who don’t really procrastinate and just want to get more done – its great strategies will help you to be more productive and efficient than you already are. Celes has created by far the most powerful resource on beating procrastination and taking real action that I have ever come across. ”

~ Matt Leyva, USA, Anti-Procrastination Course Participant

Download the Anti-Procrastination Program NOW

The Anti-Procrastination Program is a rigorous eight-week program (one module per week) that deep-dives into your procrastination behavior and addresses it at its root. By the end of the program, you will find yourself a master action-taker, with procrastinistic tendencies long behind you (provided that you duly apply the strategies you learn).

The original course cost $338 USD. The program, that’s based on the course, is priced at $127 USD. For a limited time, you can get the program at only $97 USD, which is 24% off from its price. That’s only $7 per hour of the program, which is a real steal considering the material in the program is worth several thousands of dollars and have helped many to take massive action on their goals.

Imagine being able to act whenever you want, take consistent action on your most important goals (such as achieving your ideal weight, starting your new business, making that much-needed career shift, improving your eating habits, increasing your wealth, finding your soulmate, etc.), and never be weighed down by procrastination issues again. Such is a result that can’t be quantified in any monetary term.

This is a limited-time offer. Get your copy below, start working on it, and eliminate procrastination for the rest of your life!

(Note that this is an e-program, not a physical product. You will be sent the link to access the 24/7 members portal and download the video recordings, audio podcasts, and pdf slides right after making payment.)

EXCLUSIVE OFFER: Order Anti-Procrastination Program with any other item on PE (e-book, e-course, etc.) and get 10% off! Simply key in coupon “10percentoff” (without quotes) at checkout.

Any Questions?

Let me know via the comments section. Thanks!

The post [Get 24% Off] How Do Top Achievers Stay Motivated? Introducing: Anti-Procrastination Program, Your One-Stop Program to Eliminate Procrastination! appeared first on Personal Excellence.

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