In order to stay savvy, you should stay on top of all the latest marketing tech news. Our roundup is a great way to get all the news you need for the week. Here’s what you need to know:
Mobile tech is a major portion of the tech world, and it keeps growing and evolving. Here are this week’s important mobile tech stories.
Is PayPal Ready for Ready?
PayPal’s president David Marcus left to work at Facebook. Is Bill Ready, leader of Braintree, going to take over all of the duties performed by Marcus?
Mapping Some Competition
Google Maps is getting some competition from 1.5 million volunteer mappers. The project aims to undercut Google Maps’ data charges.
Tango Channels
The mobile messaging app Tango now has a service called Tango Channels that allows companies like Spotify and 500px to push updates and content to consumers.
There are always new hardware and devices coming out. Here’s the new tech that you need to know about this week.
Get a Ring from Your Ring
Some women carry their phones in their purses. Because of this, they don’t feel the phone vibrate when they get a call, text, or other notification. Christina Mercando raised about $1 million from First Round Capital to create Ringly, a ring that’s connected to your smartphone, which buzzes and lights up when your phone does.
Track Environment with CliMate
CliMate is a tiny environment tracker that connects by Bluetooth to an app on your smartphone. CliMate is currently raising funds on Kickstarter.
Social media is a powerful force in the marketing tech world. Here’s what you need to know from this week.
Obama Answered Questions on Tumblr
President Obama is an advocate for using social media and alternative media to reach out to younger Americans. He took to Tumblr to answer questions relating to education.
Facebook Rolling Out New Targeting Options
Facebook announced on their business blog some new options for improving targeting for advertisers. These new efforts will be geared towards video advertising.
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