There was a time when men still trained like men and moved heavy weights to gain size and strength.
A time when dudes used to walk or run on off days to maintain their conditioning and bodyfat levels.
Nobody did four weekly 30 minute circuits of swings, burpees and snatches.
You know why?
Because that shit makes you small and weak, pumps you full of cortisol, destroys your joints, and negatively affects your strength training.
I have been getting a ton of questions from readers and friends on social media lately regarding my diet and my training program.
To be quite honest, I really don’t do anything fancy.
I keep things simple both with my meal plan and with my training.
When it comes to nutrition I try to keep my diet as clean as I can – that means I try to eat healthy, natural, organic, unprocessed foods whenever possible.
When it comes to my training, I also like to keep thing simple (and safe).
I usually mix in some heavy compound lifts (military presses, squats, deadlifts, rows, etc)…
Bodyweight exercises (pull-up variations, push-up variations)…
Olympic lifts and strongman exercises…
And last but not least, some Triple OG Cardio (heavy bag, tire flipping, sled, sledgehammer slams, kettlebell slams, stairs, speed-rope, sprint variations) etc…
Folks often ask me “Jamin, why do you do 200-400 pull-ups in one workout” or “Bro, why do you squat or deadlift” for 90 minutes straight”…
The easy answer my friends is: TO GET STRONGER.
My training philosophy is simple: don’t train to look pretty, train to get stronger. When you get stronger, the gains will come.
With all of that said, I promised I’d outline my current meal plan/training split/supplementation regimen in a comprehensive blog post…
…so today I will detail what this past week looked like for me in regards to my meals, workouts, and supplements used each day of the week.
Keep in mind that my training plan is fluid, I don’t have a set template that I follow.
I usually train by feel and things often change from week to week.
Same thing goes for my meal plan.
I usually only eat when I’m hungry – and if I’m not hungry I usually don’t try to “force” calories down.
To me that just isn’t what health is all about. That is my body telling me “NO”…so I try my best to listen.
Also, when it comes to my nutrition, I rarely count calories. Instead, I usually “count” my macros visually.
I know that probably sounds like a bunch of BS but I have been doing this for so long I know exactly what 1 cup of rice looks like…
…and I know that if I cut a raw 16oz steak in half and cook it up that will usually gives me around 6-7 ounces of cooked steak for two meals.
I know many folks out there like to use scales and meticulously calculate every 0.378% of a calorie…or cry if they eat 17 almonds instead of 16 but that is just not a life for me.
Before you skip down to the good stuff, here are a few important things to keep in mind while reading through this plan:
1. I don’t count calories, but I do try to eat roughly 1g of protein (around 180-200g) and 1-2g carbs (180-400g) per pound of body weight daily depending on the day. Fats are kept in the 20-50g range per day.
2. I don’t follow a strict meal timing schedule, rather I simply listen to my body and eat when I’m hungry. Depending on the day, that’s usually every 2-4 hours.
3. I try to eat clean, natural, organic, gluten/dairy, free as much as possible but I’m not a Nazi about it. If I want ice cream or a greasy burger I’m going to have it. I usually “cheat” about once a week.
4. I try to limit my intake of unnatural substances (artificial ingredients, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, additives, chemicals, dyes, etc) as much as possible.
5. As someone who has had digestive issues, one of the main objectives of my meal plan is optimizing digestion/absorption and reducing/minimizing inflammation (while maximizing performance and physical appearance).
6. One of primary objectives of my training program is to sustain and promote joint health (while maximizing performance and increasing strength as much as possible).
7. Both my long and short term goals are a combination of physical performance + physical appearance as well as long term health + longevity. I try not to compromise one for the other (looks vs health) and always try to keep a good balance of savage/smart both in the gym and in the kitchen.
8. I usually train 5-6 days a week and try to hit the big muscle groups (legs and back) at twice a week, if possible. I usually try to do some form of cardio (run, speedrope, heavy bag, incline walk, pickup hoops, hike, etc) 2-3 times a week.
9. I try to practice intermittent fasting several times per month. The reason I do this is because the more meals you eat each day…the more stress you place upon your digestive system each day. Fasting will give your digestive system a much needed break, allow the liver to detox, and give the body a chance to heal itself and recover.
10. For the purposes of this article, I just want to quickly point out that I am currently on a maintenance plan so you won’t find any deep, dark, never-seen before shredding or mass gaining secrets in this post.
With that said, I recommend you use this guide as a template and take from it pieces that you can use and apply to your own plan.
Here is my full weekly split (Monday-Sunday):
8am (on an empty stomach):
Gifted Nutrition BCAAS
Gifted Nutrition Glutamine
Meal 1: 9am
1 cup oatmeal + cinnamon
2 scoops Gifted Nutrition Ultimate Iso Whey
1 tbsp raw coconut oil
Meal 2: 12pm
6oz turkey meatloaf
1 cup white jasmine rice
Mixed Salad
Meal 3: 3pm
6oz grilled chicken
1 cup white jasmine rice
Sautéed spinach
Meal 4: 6pm
Thai Beef Lettuce Wraps
Training: 7pm
Pre-workout Gifted Nutrition Accelerate
Intra-Workout Gifted Nutrition BYLT
Post-workout Gifted Nutrition 1316
1. Barbell squats 5×5 (225lbs – 275lbs)
2. Barbell lunges 4×20 (135 lbs)
3. Wide grip pull-ups 4×8
4. Neutral grip pull-ups 4×8
5. Towel pull-ups 4×8
*Super set all pull-up sets with :30 plate pushes or :30 heavy bag or :30 speed rope*
Meal 5: 9pm
6oz ground bison
1 cup brown rice pasta
2 tbsp organic tomato sauce
Meal 6: 11pm
1 scoop Gifted Nutrition 1316 Whey
Gifted Nutrition Glutamine Powder
Gifted Nutrition s3
Greens Powder
8am (on an empty stomach):
Gifted Nutrition BCAAS
Gifted Nutrition Glutamine
Meal 1: 9am
8 scrambled egg whites
Roasted red potatoes (cut into hash browns)
1 tbsp raw coconut oil
Meal 2: 12pm
6oz grilled sea bass
1 cup white jasmine rice
Mixed Salad
Meal 3: 3pm
Lemon Chicken Kale Stir Fry
1 cup white jasmine rice
Meal 4: 6pm
Pan Lemon Salmon
Grilled asparagus
1tbsp avocado oil
Training: 7pm
Pre-workout Gifted Nutrition Accelerate
Intra-Workout Gifted Nutrition BYLT
Post-workout Gifted Nutrition 1316
1. Pushups 2×50
2. Barbell bench press 10×3 reps (Tempo 4,0,1) Superset with neutral grip pull-ups 10×8
3. Incline dumbbell bench press 4×8 Superset with barbell rows 4×8
4. Military press 3×8 Superset with seated cable row 3×15 (Tempo 2,2,1)
5. Power cleans 3×5 Superset with kneeling dumbbell shoulder press 3×8
6. Cable flys 5×10 (Tempo 1,2,1) Superset with muay thai hindu pushups 5×10
*Choose a weight that is appropriately challenging for each exercise
Meal 5: 9pm
6oz Grilled Yellowfin Tuna
Roasted Potatoes
Sliced Cucumbers
1tsp raw coconut oil
Meal 6: 11pm
1 scoop Gifted Nutrition 1316 Whey
Gifted Nutrition Glutamine Powder
Gifted Nutrition s3
Greens Powder
8am (on an empty stomach):
Gifted Nutrition BCAAS
Gifted Nutrition Glutamine
Meal 1: 9am
1 cup oatmeal + mixed berries (strawberries/raspberries/blueberries)
2 scoops Gifted Nutrition Ultimate Iso Whey
1 tbsp raw coconut oil
Meal 2: 12pm
6oz Top Sirloin Steak
Baked Yam
Sliced Cucumbers & Cherry tomato salad
Meal 3: 3pm
Chicken Veggie & Potato Skillet
Meal 4: 6pm
6oz Grilled Sockeye Salmon
Steamed Collard Greens
1 tbsp raw coconut oil
Training: 7pm
Pre-workout Gifted Nutrition Accelerate
Intra-Workout Gifted Nutrition BYLT
Post-workout Gifted Nutrition 1316
1. Biceps 3×12 (barbell curl, dumbbell curl, hammer curl)
2. Triceps 3×12 (dips, skull crushers, press-downs)
3. Ab wheel 20 reps superset with rope crunches 10 reps (4 rounds)
4. Hanging leg raises 10 reps superset with scorpions 10 reps (4 rounds)
5. (Cardio Tri-set) :60 Heavy Bag + :30 Deadmill Sprints + :30 Treadmill Mountain Climbers (5 rounds)
Meal 5: 9pm
Grilled Balsamic Chicken
1 cup white jasmine rice
Steamed green beans, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms
Meal 6: 11pm
1 scoop Gifted Nutrition 1316 Whey
Gifted Nutrition Glutamine Powder
Gifted Nutrition s3
Greens Powder
THURSDAY (Training Off Day)
8am (on an empty stomach):
Gifted Nutrition BCAAS
Gifted Nutrition Glutamine
Meal 1: 9am
1 cup oatmeal + mixed berries (strawberries/raspberries/blueberries)
2 scoops Gifted Nutrition Ultimate Iso Whey
1 tbsp raw coconut oil
Meal 2: 12pm
6oz grilled turkey breast
1 cup white jasmine rice
Steamed veggies (broccoli/carrots/cauliflower)
Meal 3: 3pm
Lemon Parsley Shrimp
1 cup white jasmine rice
Steamed mixed greens (cabbage/collards/chard)
Meal 4: 6pm
Thai Chicken Basil Stir Fry
Meal 5: 9pm
Roasted Red Pepper & Chicken Avocado Salad
Meal 6: 11pm
1 scoop Gifted Nutrition 1316 Whey
Gifted Nutrition Glutamine Powder
Gifted Nutrition s3
Greens Powder
8am (on an empty stomach):
Gifted Nutrition BCAAS
Gifted Nutrition Glutamine
Meal 1: 9am
1 cup oatmeal + cinnamon
2 scoops Gifted Nutrition Ultimate Iso Whey
1 tbsp raw coconut oil
Meal 2: 12pm
6oz Grilled Halibut
1 cup white jasmine rice
Mixed Salad
Meal 3: 3pm
6oz Ground Beef (95% lean)
1 cup white jasmine rice
Sautéed spinach
Meal 4: 6pm
Coconut Garlic Shrimp & Roasted Tomatoes
Training: 7pm
Pre-workout Gifted Nutrition Accelerate
Intra-Workout Gifted Nutrition BYLT
Post-workout Gifted Nutrition 1316
1. Light cardio (Timed mile, 45 minute incline walk, heavy bag, jump rope, or a combo of each)
Meal 5: 9pm
6oz Grilled Swordfish
1cup white jasmine rice
Mixed Salad
Meal 6: 11pm
1 scoop Gifted Nutrition 1316 Whey
Gifted Nutrition Glutamine Powder
Gifted Nutrition s3
Greens Powder
9am (on an empty stomach):
Gifted Nutrition BCAAS
Gifted Nutrition Glutamine
Meal 1: 10am
3 Protein Pancakes
6 Egg Whites
3 slices Turkey Bacon
Training: 11am
Pre-workout Gifted Nutrition Accelerate
Intra-Workout Gifted Nutrition BYLT
Post-workout Gifted Nutrition 1316
1. Barbell front squats 10×1 (225-315 lbs)
2. Deadlifts 5×5 (275-315lbs)
3. Reverse hack squat 3×10
4. Dumbbell lunges (20 reps) super set with Deadmill sprints (:30 seconds) 10 rounds.
5. Plate pushes 3×20 (45 lb plate)
Meal 2: 1pm (Post-Workout Cheat Meal)
Meal 3: 5pm
6oz grilled chicken
1/2 cup white jasmine rice
Sautéed zucchini
Meal 5: 9pm
Argentinian Chimichurri Steak
Mixed Salad
Meal 6: 11pm
1 scoop Gifted Nutrition 1316 Whey
Gifted Nutrition Glutamine Powder
Gifted Nutrition s3
Greens Powder
9am (on an empty stomach):
Gifted Nutrition BCAAS
Gifted Nutrition Glutamine
Meal 1: 10am
8 Egg White Omelet (peppers/onions)
1 cup Oatmeal
Training: 11am
Pre-workout Gifted Nutrition Accelerate
Intra-Workout Gifted Nutrition BYLT
Post-workout Gifted Nutrition 1316
1. Cable rows (1-2-2 tempo) 4×25 + renegade row push-up 4×20
2. DB bench press 6×8 (80-100lbs) + barbell rows 6×8 (185-225lbs)
3. Dips 4×20 + neutral grip pull-ups 4×10
4. Wide grip pull-ups (1-1-4 tempo) 4×8 + pec fly 4×10
Meal 2: 1pm
6oz Bison Steak
1 cup white jasmine rice
Steamed asparagus
Meal 3: 4pm
6oz Baked Chicken
1 cup white jasmine rice
Steamed green beans
1tbsp avocado oil
Meal 4: 7pm
Pesto Grilled Chicken
Spaghetti Squash
Sun Dried Tomatoes
Meal 5: 10pm
Apple Mustard Pork Tenderloin
Mixed Salad
Meal 5: 9pm
6oz Ground Bison
1 cup white jasmine rice
Steamed Green Beans
Meal 6: 11pm
1 scoop Gifted Nutrition 1316 Whey
Gifted Nutrition Glutamine Powder
Gifted Nutrition s3
Greens Powder
And that is what a typical week looks like for me.
If you’ve gotten this far I know you probably have a few questions, so before you skip straight to the comments section be sure to read through the following tips:
For my advanced lifters, it is very important that you progressively build up your strength and constantly push yourself to lift heavier weights – however, you may eventually reach a point of diminishing returns if you only train using conventional techniques (i.e. barbell & dumbbell).
This is why I strongly recommend you begin to incorporate “underground lifts” like tire flipping, sledgehammer/kettlebell slams, sandbags, sled pull/push, kegs, atlas stones, etc into your training regimen.
These types of lifts/movements will help you get stronger in ways dumbbells and barbells can’t…and can help transform you into an absolute beast in the gym.
Not only will these old school techniques help you get more gains, they will also help you get stronger, more explosive, and more powerful.
If you are a beginner, you may not be ready to jump into this type of training just yet and may need a program that is a little more basic and easier to follow.
Of course you can try the training split outlined here, but it may be a little too advanced from a cardiovascular/strength/recovery perspective. You can always adjust the weight amounts/rest times but the training volume may still be a bit much.
So if you read through this weekly split and thought “that looks like a lot” or “i wouldn’t know what to modify or add to my own plan” you may want to check out one of my more comprehensive programs that will walk you through everything from start to finish. You can find all of my full programs here.
Training Tempo: you may have noticed some exercises in this post say something like “tempo (1-3-2)”. To help clear up any confusion, the first number (1 in this case) refers to the lift of the weight (aka the concentric movement); the next number (3) is the pause at the top of the movement (aka the contracted position); and the third number (2) is the lowering phase (aka the eccentric movement). If you take leg extensions at 1-3-2, for example, you would take 1 second to lift the weight, squeeze for three seconds at the top of the lift, then take 2 seconds to lower the weight.
There is a lot of rah rah out there online these days with Instagram Fitness Celebrities telling you all these different ways to “crush” you workout and be a “beast” in the gym.
That stuff is cool and all, but your primary focus should be on your optimizing your nutrition – and the primary goal of your nutrition plan should be to promote optimal health.
It isn’t very glamorous and it won’t get you a ton of Vine views or Instagram likes, but I am challenging you to focus on your health first and place your physique goals second.
The reason is simple: only after you have truly focused on health will you start to see faster progress made on the secondary goals such as getting ripped, building muscle, looking awesome naked, and getting more likes.
This means you probably shouldn’t be following a nutrition plan that will create vitamin & mineral deficiencies, allergies, gastrointestinal issues, or severe hormonal imbalances – even if that nutrition plan does get you temporarily “ripped”.
I have said this in many articles over the years – eating 6 meals a day places a ton of digestive stress on the human body…
…and certain foods (even so-called health foods) can cause a ton of inflammation, which is arguably the number one thing we need to control if we want to sustain long-term health.
With that said, I am also challenging you to avoid fitness tribalism. Don’t follow the crowd – instead, find a nutrition plan that works for you personally.
Don’t just copy my plan or some insta-famous trainer’s plan because everyone else is doing it and it’s cool, but instead, you may want to take elements from several plans and create a custom plan that works for you and your goals.
Here are a few key principles you should try to abide by regardless of what nutrition plan you follow:
1. Always try to eat the highest quality food possible.
2. Try to buy from local farmers markets as much as you can.
3. Try to use organic, hormone free & antibiotic free meat, wild caught fish (avoid farm raised fish), and pesticide free fruits and veggies as much as you can.
4. Reduce and eliminate foods that are processed and/or have artificial flavorings/ingredients/colors/dyes/etc.
I know you have probably heard all of this stuff before, but your nutrition plan is arguably the most important component to your long term success, especially if you want to get bigger, stronger, faster, more ripped (and stay healthy in the process).
Using healthy recipes can help: I am not the greatest creative chef out there so I like to borrow healthy recipes from my healthy chef friends to keep my meals tasting great while still eating clean.
With that said, I would like to extend a big thanks to my bro Dave Ruel from Metabolic Cooking and my friend Rachel Maser from Clean Food Crush for providing the amazing recipes you saw in this article.
I use many of their recipes regularly to keep my meals from becoming “boring and gross”, which can easily happen when you’re trying to eat clean.
I know this may sound corny and cliché, but eating healthy doesn’t have to be boring.
Trust me on this.
Sure, there are people out there grinding it out eating nasty tilapia and broccoli every meal but these folks probably just don’t know any other way.
Don’t be like these poor tortured souls – head over to Dave’s and Rachel’s sites and swipe their recipe guides just like I did.
You’ll thank me later, I guarantee it.
When it comes to making gains it’s not what you eat that counts, but what you digest and absorb.
You can eat as much food as you want to try and get jacked…
…but if you don’t absorb the nutrients from that food you’ll only be left stuck at the same size as when you started out (or smaller) – not to mention sad, depressed, and frustrated.
This isn’t just true for people with stomach problems like me. This holds true for all of us – and this is one of the main reasons I try to consistently focus on optimizing the health of my gut flora and my gut wall.
You can learn more about how to optimize your gut health and increase your nutrient absorption in this post.
If you’ve been reading my stuff for a while you’ll know that I believe supplements can definitely help your progress both in an out of the gym.
However, we cannot overestimate the value of any particular supplement from a performance perspective by allowing ourselves to start slipping up in other areas because we think that supplement will pick up the slack.
No supplement will help you a whole lot if your diet, training, or sleep schedule are a mess.
With that said, here are a few quick summaries of the supplements I use and why you should consider using them:
Branched chain amino acids (BCAA) – aka (valine, isoleucine, leucine) are essential nutrients that the body obtains from proteins found in food (i.e. meat, legumes, dairy products) that can help regulate protein synthesis, increase muscle recovery, and decrease exercise-induced muscle damage/soreness. I like to take BCAAs in the morning for a little energy/immune system boost and during/after my workout to help diminish fatigue/muscle breakdown. Gifted Nutrition BCAA comes in the ideal ratio of 2:1:1, and also contains L-Glutamine for an added immunity and muscle repair boost.
Glutamine – used at a high rate by various cells of the immune system, Glutamine is an essential element for these cells to function normally. Science tells us that prolonged intense exercise can cause chronic glutamine depletion, which may lead to reduced immunity – so it is definitely wise to invest in a quality Glutamine supplement. Some added benefits to supplementing with Glutamine include: boosting muscle repair, decreasing muscle breakdown, increased growth hormone levels, balances muscle nitrogen levels, and improved gut health (restoration of the gut barrier function and support for the healthy function of the intestinal lining).
Whey Protein – if you’re a meat eater you should be able to get most of the protein you need from eating normal meals throughout the day. However, there will be times where you need the convenience of a protein supplement so you can quickly get in those macros – in these situations, whey protein is your best bet. Whey is a fast digesting, high biological value supplement that provides muscles with a readily available source of amino acids that you can use anytime (early morning, pre-workout, post-workout, late night, etc), and as such, it is arguably the most important bodybuilding supplement to add to your arsenal. I like Gifted Nutrition 1316 Whey because it uses hydrolysate (faster digesting than concentrate or isolate) – and contains IGNITOR™ for enhanced absorption, and Wellmune® to help boost the immune system and recovery.
Pre-Workout – you won’t get a ton of “health” benefits from a pre-workout supplement but if you want to increase you strength, power, endurance, focus and beast through every workout you’ll definitely want to invest in a solid pre-workout. Gifted Nutrition Accelerate contains a clinical dose of 2.5 grams of BetaPower natural Betaine, and CarnoSyn® beta-alanine that gives me a pretty intense energy boost before every workout without the mid-workout “empty feeling” or crash.
Intra-Workout – I know adding an “intra-workout” supplement may seem like overkill but since Gifted Nutrition’s BYLT came out about 6 months ago I have actually been quite surprised with how well has worked for me so far. As I’m sure you already know, there’s nothing worse than being half way through a workout and all of a sudden you hit the wall. All of your energy stores are gone and/or your pre-workout finally wore off. This usually means you can’t keep training at a high enough intensity long enough to make the back half of your workout really count. Not an option for a serious lifter. This is where “intra-workouts” like BYLT really help. Adding properly timed, essential amino acids will help increase the amount of protein that reaches your muscles during your workout and help replenish energy stores so you can maintain workout intensity for the duration of your training session.
Probiotics: the friendly bacteria (I call them the Special Forces for your gut) that reside within the gastrointestinal tract. There are three primary types: Lactobacillus acidophilus (the most well-known out of the group), which protects the colon; Lactobacillus bifidus, which protects the small intestine; and last but not least, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, which travels through the entire digestive system and supports the efforts of the other two. Taking a probiotic supplement daily will help make it a lot easier to build the good bacteria in your gut, boost your immune system and help keep the harmful microorganisms (aka gut terrorists) under control. Currently I’m using Primadophilus Optima Max Potency 100 Billion by Nature’s Way and it has worked great for me.
Greens Powder – If you’re like me and can’t (or won’t) always eat enough veggies each day I strongly recommend you invest in a greens powder. Most of the top greens supplements out there are loaded with a ton of helpful vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that will help give you more energy and help you recover faster.
S3 – I recently started using this stuff to give my testosterone levels a natural boost (and to also help my body better utilize testosterone). Adding a natural test boost has been shown to improve strength & recovery – and even though this is the first T product I have ever used (I don’t have anything to really compare it to) I think it has worked pretty well for me so far.
Pro Tip: If you’re interested in trying out any of the performance supplements I discussed in this article just head over to and check them out (they have a ton more great products as well). Use promo code ‘JAMIN15’ for 15% off your order.
If you’ve made it this far I’m sure you’re probably thinking this training/meal plan is a little intense.
Perhaps even a little insane.
I’m not going to sit here and lie to you, training like this is tough and meal prep can be a real pain in the ass…
…but the good news is you can swipe this entire plan today knowing it’s completely battle tested as I just went through the entire thing this past week.
The best part? It’s 100% free to try.
If you decide to take the plunge and try this split for yourself I guarantee you will be tested not only mentally and physically, but emotionally as well.
You will learn a lot about yourself as you go through it – and if you stay focused and consistent over the long term (training and eating this way) I know you will eventually hit your goals.
Side note: you may also see the ladies at your gym start taking notice of all your hard work and gains.
Remember, in order to make any progress at all you’ve got to commit wholeheartedly to your training.
Also, you’ll need to properly fuel your body (nutrition + supplements) and get enough sleep or all of your efforts will be in vain.
A wise man once asked, “Are you giving 99% or 100%?” You can be 211 degrees all day long but you need 212 degrees to boil. You can be 33 degrees all night long but you need 32 to make ice.
That extra 1% can make a HUGE difference.
Thanks for reading – I truly hope you found this information to be helpful. If you have any questions be sure to drop em below in the comments section below.
Author information
Jamin Thompson
Over the past 10 years, Jamin Thompson – actor, sport & fitness model, and former world ranked tennis player – has appeared in or on publications such as Men’s Fitness, Muscle & Fitness,; as well as worked as a sponsored athlete for and/or been featured in commercials and print ads for Nike, Reebok, ESPN, Wilson Sporting Goods, Powertec Fitness, Gifted Nutrition and more. Using his real world, in the trenches experience, writes to help others dominate in the gym, on the field, and in life. His book, The 6 Pack Secret, has been sold in over 50 countries and has helped thousands of folks from all walks of life get cut and jacked the healthy way.
The post My Weekly Training Split & Meal Plan was originally written by Jamin Thompson and appeared first on Jamin Thompson's Perfect Body Rx. Click Here to read more popular posts from