
Just exactly who is the woman standing by Josh Duggar's side?

As we reported, the 27-year-old checked himself into rehab amidst the revelation that he cheated on his wife Anna Duggar using an Ashley Madison account.

While the former executive director of FRC Action is enduring a whirlwind of controversy, many are more curious about his spouse.

[ Related: Josh Duggar Isn't The Only Celeb Who's Been To Rehab! ]

Recently, a close source to Anna is spilling the beans about the 27-year-old mother, and what was unearthed may surprise you.

Born Anna Keller, the TLC personality had a similar upbringing to that of her husband.

She was one of eight children, and her parents -- Mike and Suzette Keller -- also preached Christian ideals.

In fact, they were even more strict than Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar!

The source reveals:

"Her parents are even a little more extreme."

Growing up, the 27-year-old was extremely close to her sister Susanna.

"Growing up, they were attached at the hip… They did everything together."

And get this… Miz Keller was even quite the sassy queen!

"She's really fun. She was always the bossy sister, but in a fun way. If she and her siblings were playing a game, she would make sure they were doing it exactly by the rules. They always had a good time together."

In 2006, the then teenage Anna met Josh at a Christian homeschooling convention but wasn't allowed to divulge her feelings about him to her siblings.

"That's not something that's shared amongst siblings."

The only time she got to express herself was to her mother for a very short window of time.

"They always got 15-minute, one-on-one sessions with their mom every week. That was the time to share their feelings, but other than that they had to keep their feelings to themselves."

But ever since she married into the reality TV family, her spunky personality has changed.

"Ever since she met [the Duggars] she has acted more like Michelle… She talks like her, real soft. She, like, whispers."

Yet, even with the recent discoveries about Josh's infidelity, it's unlikely that she will leave him:

"I don't think her parents ever thought they would ever come to a situation like this… They just don't know what to do… They always taught their kids that divorce was never an option. They never even thought about cheating. But that's not how life works."

We just hope Anna does what's right for her!

[Image via Josh Duggar/Instagram.]

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