
EOS has recently taken the oral care industry by storm. With their noticeably different packaging, Evolution of Smooth (EOS), has managed to come out on top of classic lip balm brands such as Chapstick and Blistex. The cofounder of EOS, Sanjiv Mehra, recently answered questions in regards to the companies strategy and explained how they have managed to grow the company at such a rapid pace.

While developing their orb shaped lip balm product, EOS lip balm researched and found that mainly women utilize lip balm. With this in mind, EOS worked with clay artists to create a product that would allow users to apply lip balm in the most hygienic way and that would also engage all five senses of the user. After designing the product, EOS was able to successfully market to Walgreens and eventually the lip balm was hitting the shelves of stores all over.

Mehra also explains that EOS focused on targeting millennials for their product. Celebrities such as Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift featured the product in their music videos, EOS was also a major sponsor for Demi Lovato’s tour and Taylor Swift became a spokesperson for the lip balm. Social media was a major platform for the product as well. Beauty bloggers were contacted and asked to review the product. EOS created a massive following on Instagram as well as Facebook. EOS also patterned with major companies such as Keds and Disney by creating specific collection and balms for the brands.

In seven short years EOS has managed to take the lip balm industry by storm. They have taken over the shelves of major realtors such as Walgreens, Target, Well and Walmart. The flavors that EOS offers is constantly growing and it seems that it is impossible to go anywhere without seeing someone applying the balm. EOS is an impressive example of how a company can completely change an industry in such a short period of time.

Visit https://evolutionofsmooth.ca/ today!

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