The champagne corks are popping like mad in the Royal Oireachtas the car insurance bonus for bosses office and the Car sales .
Last month the entire car insurance industry sat down together and hatched the next phase of getting rid of older cars with new POLICY they wont entertain cars that are older than 15 years old with every dirty trick they can use
It used to be hard to get car insurance for cars over 20 years old to get us used to the idea that cars when the metal reaches a certain critical point goes poof and becomes near to impossible to insure the rust .bucket
This month most all car insurance companies they dropped the age threshold a lot down to 15 years old.
Now many of in will know ways to fight back
However there is still millions in Republic of Ireland ( ROI ) that are clueless of the impending doom for their lives as the robots take control of everything and worse no more cars for most everybody if this keeps going .
The ROI gombeens in the Royal Oireachtas have a short term plan to force car owners to get newer cars to get in more VAT and make sales of cars for their buddies in car sales .
Also this plan will allow the Insurance industry to gouge the masses for extortion rate Car insurance for older cars
The communist controlled EU commissariats have long term plans to make it only car with track-able systems and computers that drive the cars will be allowed on the roads and older cars will never be allowed to drive on the roads .It starts 2018 for all new cars
YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET compared to whats coming down the track .
But first the NOW today problems
Now most car Insurance companies will tell you go away if you come looking for quotes for car older than 15 years
If you already have a car insurance policy then with older cars on policy renewal time they hike the rates by factors of triple or quadruple or more .
Many people with 18 year old car originally paying with full no claims and 10 years driving typically €350 can now expect to pay €1000 to €1500 or more .
Nothing changed but overnight the Insurance companies decided to rip your face .
Now to understand the full extent of the whole crazy logic of car insurance lets look at guns and getting gun insurance .
If you went in and asked for policy to protect you from financial liability from going nuts and shooting up the local shopping center they will refuse to do it .
The logic is they cant encourage or reward people to take massive risks to go shoot up local shopping center or schools or work place whatever .
However by some flick of the feather quill they can allow you to ensure yourself with a one ton machines that can be lethal weapon so you can drive recklessly down some street and plow into lots of pedestrians killing and injuring a bucket load of the pedestrians . .
The Police ( Garda in ROI ) arrive on the scene and your insured
Well for that you might get a slap on the wrist a few years for jail time probably suspended and probably nothing if you do the funny hand shakes .
Technically car insurance is license to kill and have no normal repercussions
So is in itself car insurance is against the common law though shalt not kill and be rewarded for that activity .So flick of the quill feather pen and statues laws or commercail laws can get around this conflict of interest and allow whole sale murder an mayhem to exist on roads around the planet that do car Insurance scam
FADO FADO in the good old days car did not have car insurance and the drivers had to face full financial or restitution and liability for their road accidents . If the car owner didn't have the necessary coins or notes the government would pick up the tab for the costs .
In return the government would seek to remove the financial assets of the perpetrator of this expensive car accident act .
For good measure governments could also throw in jail time or fines to deter other copy cat speedsters or reckless drivers .
Insurance agent could sometimes sell car insurance to motorists
However many motorists chose to tell them parasites of the car insurance industry to shove it
If it wasn't mandatory to buy car insurance It was simple .
They had driven cars for donkeys years and never had a accident so why pay for nothing .
The car insurance industry had to keep prices low as possible to get any money from motorists .
It was hard sell car insurance and profits were low
The flaw in this old system was the buddies of the government the parasites in car insurance were not making money from car accidents .
So the new plan was hatched .The transport and car Insurance industry would take off the government hands this car accident driving issue . In return they wanted the pound of flesh and they didn't care if blood was spilled to get the pound of flesh.
There was no way with statues laws they could force private motorists to do or buy anything.
However commercail traffic was under statues laws so they made new statues laws for them . The commercail traffic had to be registered to have number plates and also road tax and license to drive topped off with compulsory Insurance .
Later with stealth they converted all private cars into commercail vehicles as " Private car/ light goods delivery vehicles" . Then they could with this scam force private cars to do the same as commercail traffic .
Now cops could say i only see a light goods vehheeeekill with a good culthy accent and drag you to people who wore wigs that jailed your ass for not having those pieces of papers like car insurance
However some would ignore this new set of statues laws and roll their private rolling machine across creation and sometimes have accidents
This meant the government was still liable for this type of car accident problem if these people crashed
If didn't have enough coins or notes to repair the damage costs then the government had to do car insurance again ,
So in return for the government to make mandatory car insurance for their buddies in car insurance they built in a fund to cover the non insured drivers .
About 10% of all insurance premiums are diverted into this uninsured drivers fund the nest egg for the government to use for those car accidents
Enter stage left the new problem the people who paid car insurance now meant many drove like maniacs with license to kill and maim
Its just like those who do who own guns and shoot up shopping centers cause they are insured .
The new result was car accidents went orbital and so did injury claims .
Enter into stage right the scam artists car insurance enterprises who milk the system .
To set up a insurance scam all you need a is few millions for car insurance industry Bond .
Then set up a "Scam Car insurance industry .LTD" and insure every possible car that you can for knock down costs . Everybody buys from your scam car insurance ltd and for few years money come in in heaps
Now the Bond several millions will never be enough to cover the big claims for personnel injury. However those large personnel injury claims take 5 to ten years to bear fruit .
The slightly less scam artist car insurance industry operator that many know for decades will often lay off the big personnel injury claims with the big boys in LLoyds insurance or similar .However they dont have too they can be more reckless and gamble on it
The typical Irish car insurance company and take the hits on the small claims typically under€1,000,000. Then they invest the insurance premiums in assets like office rentals and other investments and make profits for many decades on the backs of the private motorists .
Now the real fly bye night scamters like Setanta Insurance will sell policies like there is no tomorrow .
When the big personnel injury claims start to arrive they fold up shop split the scene with the loot .
Ok they loose the Bond they invested in the Irish government system of Insurance
It was was probably less than 1% the costs .They get to do a runner with 99% of the loot and so long suckers Irish muggins.
Its been fun ripping your faces off . Malta here we come back too to spend the loot
Now the claims that Setanta are not gonna be paid for then have to be met from the big pot of gold the uninsured drivers fund .
Now that one very nice pot of gold to take away if you can. It is better still if you can cover the hole that Setanta did to the fund and get more into it for the mega next rip off scam to bear fruit and take the whole pot of gold the uninsured drivers fund .
For that lig you need a new scam . No better boys than the blue shirts with their mates to come up with the plan for the next heist of the uninsured drivers pot of gold
Many years ago there was one car insurance operator PMPA that went belly up and left huge claims in the system .
As government didn't want to do car insurance racket again they farmed the problem off to the car insurance industry to solve .
The solution was 5% of all premiums for the next forty years would cover the financial hole PMPA left .
Now car insurance policies have nearly 15% sent to government coffers for the long history of fiasco their mates in that car insurance industry did . I Cant recall any PMPA going to Jail for the PMPA lig
Now the latest scam Setanta adding another 5% government levies to car insurance premiums making that 20% loading on car insurance premiums was not likely to work so a new scam was invented .
The bottom feeders the average joe who can just about run a car with older cars like 15 to 20 years old was the best target to scam against .
They are often small fry cant fight back. If you can scam €1 euro from one million poor folk thats €1,000,000 . Multiply it up from €350 euro car insurance premiums to €1000 on several hundred thousand poorer folk with older cars than 15 years and big party time for them .
The low lying fruit victims poorer folks often dont have lawyers or a power base so are easy targets
They and are often big suckers to red shirts Royal Orieactas gombeens with promises of the great socialist Nirvana free cars for the masses revolution take over just around the corner . The red shirts weight in its for your good the ROI cars are newer mantra the blue shirt talk about .
You poorer folk just need to save harder to buy one car like the eastern Germans did in old communism .
They saved for years to buy old Trabants cars . It was the Communist nirvana the red shirts dream about .
However it is not the great revolution today. We red shirts gombeen have got to work with the blue shirts and get the term of office in Royal Oireachtas done to get the gombeen pensions.
Then we red shirts will go to the great communist controlled Brussels and get fat cat commissar jobs. When we can back at some future unknown date with the revolution we can then fill the blue shirts with lead .
So the Insurance scam is simple move the burden of extra payments onto the little guys with the 15 to20 year old cars . Then double or Triple or quadruple their car insurance payment .
Also Invent fake stats that show old cars cause the crashes .
If there is only new car there would no car crashes and nirvana surely
The side effects will be great
Most of the poorer folk victims will ether pay the increased premiums because it is mandatory to pay car insurances even if the triple in costs in car insurance. it might even make them lose the house from falling behind on house payments .
All the blue shirt type will get their day saying you must pay the steep insurance hikes its the law .They will fill forums with Royal Orieachtas government propaganda pay or suffer the results like jail time .
A sizable section of the ten year old to 20 year old car users will opt to upgrade on credit to newer cars .
The Royal Oireachtas gombeen government will win extra VAT sales tax for the new cars to spend on the champers and lap dancers .
The car insurance company bosses will get bigger profits and bigger fat cat bonus pay cheuques .
Later many new car owners will default on payment and get repossession orders on those cars
This is due to the interest rate bomb is getting set off soon with the negative interest rates in the German bond market on countdown to Bond Apocalypse .
Interest rates will then climb rapido and repayment schedules will go orbital
Now the communist controlled EU also have their hand in these ROI car insurance events
Brussels EU have made it all cars built from 2018 onwards will have trackers systems in them .
The government or car sales companies can remote control switch off cars for any reason . You didn't pay car tax switch off your car .You didn't pay car insurance switch off off your car . You didn't pay car repayments switch off .
if there is a call put out to go protest in city center then they switch off all cars in the entire city .the result is they all have to walk to city center to protest .
More easy for cops to ambush small groups of street protesters than one larger group
Eventually the EU commissariats will mandate probably in 2025 only computer driven cars with no steering wheels or brake pedals or accelerators will be allowed on the roads of Europe .
All the old fashioned cars with steering wheels brake pedal etc are to be destroyed to stop the masses to have liberty to travel without permission from central planed EU Brussels .
Now more clever people will think to buy up older cars to have in reserve against the government switching off all cars in times of crisis .
Thats where the red shirt commissariats in the local Irish county councils come in . If its blue shirt county councils just get them into feeding frenzy of bossing the locals around as they like kicking poor peoples asses
The local Irish county councils with blue or red shirts can make make new bye laws
they can decree cars parked in private land on house drive ways not insured are against some new law they make up . Then there buddies in Irish car insurance make it so expensive to insure or impossible to insure old cars parked up so you break their new laws
Then they come tow them away perfectly good cars from even private driveways and crush those perfectly good cars
So its gonna be hard for the poor folks with perfectly good 15 year and older perfect cars who dont know how to fight the laws like the people in
Come know how to fight these statues laws and bye laws with people internet radio
The Coup de Grace on this series of events is the new Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP ) treaty which is gonna make the old Irish insurance scam look to be generous compared to the new TTIP scam .
Just when the pot of gold of the uninsured drivers fund drys up and the pot is empty out comes the new savior scam the TTIP
Its called timing the heist look this puppet not that one poof its gone sorry we dropped the ball again suckers
The TTIP is written to give the big corporation more power than sovereign governments. The new scam will be something like you go on-line to insure your car to some mega Europe cooperation
These new mega insurance outlets insures all cars in all Europe and borders dont exist . The insurance rates will be extortion rates .If you dont pay they switch off your car remotely .
If you in crash and its not your fault its the other guys fault the most payments that can be got for injuries will look something like €1000 for loss of legs or arms .
Quadriplegic will be lucky to get €2000.
So payments for injuries will be joke levels.However car insurance Premium payments to drive will be huge typically €3000 per year
The car insurance companies the few that exist will tell EU governments what to do
If they dont what they are told to do by large multi national corporation they get financially fined into oblivion
If your not Brussels commiserate class type eg run of the mill scum you can even pay more for car insurance until your pips squeak .
Object or protest politically to EU and TTIP system then right for you to drive any car anywhere is removed
The immediate short term effect for ROI car owners outlined
In The short term average Irish guy will see the value of his car or cars fall off a cliff .T
he resale values of the cars will become more difficult to figure as they make it cars more than ten years old are too old to insure . then later the car insurance scamters will make it seven year old cars are too old to ensure . Then later five years is too old
So you buy a car new now and you look to sell it in seven years time chances are the car is too old to be insured at 7 years so the value of it is scrap value .
Even you try to sell it at three years old people gonna be scared maybe 5 years in the new limit coming so your value resale is gonna plummet .
The Irish car is the biggest asset in any average Irish family that takes the most money monthly.
If it has no value after only three years if bought new there gonna be lot of bicycle sales and rain costs sales
So even the stupids in the blue shirt supporters and the stupids in the red shirt supporters are gonna get the fancy car they got for services rendered taken away from them as junk in five to seven years from now.
Its not to late to fight back .
Even if the ROI government changes and the Finna Fail get in they are gonna do the same programs
FF might do it maybe slower maybe slightly different but they will do as the masters from Brussels and London tell them .
Just remember that the FF was there when 66 billion went adrift .
Poof it gone you ROI people bend over you have to repay it .
Those Royal Oireachtas provisional government TD,s dont work for the people .
The Royal Oireachtas TD's are gombeens and good gombeens collect the rent for the British masters the Royal family of the UK
The Royal family of the UK are architects and main promoters of the Communist controlled EU agenda
Theirplans is they will lord it over the peasants as they drive past in big limos .The peasants will sleep in ditches or sewers and work on IMF plantations for €1 a day if they are lucky .
If they own a push bike that will have tracking systems and have ways to be remotely control to stop it to work
Peasants of ROI and the rest of Europe will be under total control and few will ever have cars again or even houses
YOU BEEN WARNED thats the entire plan exposed
More useful info how to resist statue laws of ROI and EU at
Diarmaid O Seigrfreide