
After mapping your route to agile performance management, it’s essential to prepare

for the journey before setting off.

Since you have decided the destination and mapped the route this may fill you with

feelings of excitement, but for many, this will also be mixed with anxiety. Anxiety will

certainly be felt by your co-workers who are hearing about this journey for the first

time and don’t know what to expect yet.

Your first job is to minimise anxiety and to make sure that everyone is ready for the

journey you’re about to take.

Like you might resolve the warning lights, pump up the tyres and fill up the fuel tank

before a road trip, you need to do the same with your people before setting off on this

change journey.

Resolve the warning lights

The human brain is wired to recognise threats.

Change is a threat.

Awareness that change is coming will trigger warning lights in the minds of your team.

To extinguish these warning lights requires well-designed communication.

We recommend the CORE model from head heart + brain as the basis of your

communication design.

Having CORE in mind you should try to ensure all of your communications clearly


Certainty: clarity of what the future holds,

Options: the extent to which people will have choices and not be railroaded down a path they are uncomfortable with,

Reputation: how social status and relative importance will be preserved, and

Equity: the means by which fairness is assured

Doing this will lower threat.

Doing this brilliantly will trigger the alternate limbic system of reward.

Brain-savvy communication is your opportunity to start your journey to agile

performance management most positively.

Pumping up the tyres

The tyres transfer direction and momentum to the road.

In the case of this change that is done through your managers.

Paradoxically whilst you want them to be pumped, your managers are likely to be

the most deflated by some aspects of agile performance management.

Agile performance management brings with its greater emphasis on individual

accountability, autonomy, and influence. There is far less reliance on positional

power, which could be the way your managers have traditionally got things done.

To thrive in agile organisations, and particularly if you’re transforming into one,

your people will look to managers to act as coaches and not the boss. Successful

managers will be those that empower their team rather than control it.

As there are less traditional employer/employee relationships, and more

contract/contingent positions (filled with millennials that place a low value on

authority) the new reality of management comes into sharp focus.

For managers to be optimistic about their future they will need a new playbook.

This should provide support to develop their coaching competencies, tools to help

with agile goal setting, multi-directional feedback, and a pace of change that

doesn’t make them feel like they are completely losing traction, or about to

burst from the excess pressure.

Filling up the fuel tank

The fuel for your agile performance management journey is a conversation.

It’s a fuel that’s in short supply.

Take a look around. How many people have blocked themselves out with headphones,

are interacting with devices, or are ‘chatting’ in a messenger app instead of IRL (in real


Digitisation, remote work, modern office redesign, and flexible work hours have

eroded the opportunity for conversation at work. Societal changes have eroded it at


If conversation is not thriving in your culture, you will stall before your journey to agile

performance management even begins.

For thriving conversation, the measure is not quantity of conversation, but quality of


It is highly likely that your entire workforce need to be upskilled and to relearn the art

of conversation so that it becomes normal again.

You need to make conversation a renewable energy source so that you never run out of

fuel and the best approach we’ve seen to this came from T-Mobile.

Amping up conversation at T-Mobile

In moving to agile performance management, T-Mobile identified the types of

conversations people would likely want to have. This ranged from recognition, poor

performance, to compensation and so on; 44 topics under xx themes in all.

For each conversation type, they noted the key points to cover so that each

the conversation could be structured.

To practice and raise competency they had their people pick a conversation type and

role play a conversation with a partner. This not only built competency in the types of

conversation, but it also got people used to the feeling of vulnerability that comes with

having an unplanned conversation ‘in the moment’.

Your readiness checklist

You are ready to begin your journey to agile performance management if you have

Communicated in a brain savvy way where you are heading, and why, and are

getting the signal that your people are optimistic about that

Understood the changes required of managers, and provided the resources they

need to perform at their best during the journey and at your destination

Prepared all of your people to talk to each other, often, and with purpose

If you’re ready, start your engine and let’s go, otherwise the team at Pay Compliment

and the global panel of HR experts that we’ve assembled can help you tune up and get

ready for the road ahead.

Author information


CEO at Pay Compliment

I am the founder and CEO of feedback platform www.paycompliment.com

After 20 years of managing performance using annual goals, stack rankings and competency frameworks I knew there was a better way to authentically lead my people to peak performance.

I experimented with approaches until I found the blend of psychology and neuroscience that works over the long term.

I built that into the Pay Compliment platform so that you can benefit from what I've come to know.

Contact me if you would like further insight to my passion for this.

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