
Apartment Complexes Can Soon List Rental Properties on Findit

Mar 05, 2015

OTC Disclosure & News Service

Atlanta, GA –

Findit.coma division of Findit, Inc. OTC Pink Sheets FDIT will be adding Real EstateListings to Findit.com. The Real Estate Listing can include listing from RealEstate Agents, Individuals that will be able to add listings to sellproperties along with Apartment Complexes.

Findit, Inc. announced that Findit would be rolling out Real Estate insidethe site along with its new home page.

Thenew home page was scheduled to go live ahead of Real Estate, but the developersdecided to roll it out at the same time as Real Estate. The Real Estatesection will be available in every member’s Findit Site. This is an excellentopportunity for property owners to list properties for rent from their FinditDashboard. The listing can include a complete description of the rentalproperty along with pictures and video from Youtube or Vimeo.

PropertyManagers will be able to upload as many of their vacancies as they would likethrough their Findit pages. Each listing will go to a single page for thatspecific listing making it index friendly for outside search engines. PropertyManagers along with visitors will also be able to share a specific property tosocial accounts to gain more visibility. Findit offers Social Media Promotionsalready on Right Now Status Posts and will make the same promoted posts listingavailable on properties.

TheRealty Section will be in each member’s account that wants to list a propertyor multiple properties. Visitors will be able to scroll through the listings ona members page and have contact information readily available. Findit providesinternal messaging and an area for property managers to list their contactinformation.

Rental Properties can take advantageof Findit’s Keyword URLs along with its press release services throughTransWorldNews. With press release distribution and social engagement workingin tandem on Findit.com, Rental Properties can increase the number of searchresults they have in search engines and overall improved indexing on rentallistings.

Toreserve your Unique Keyword URL in Findit for your area please visit:


Overthe past 2 months Real Estate Agents have been reserving popular Findit URLshere are a list of some of them.




AboutFindit, Inc.

Findit,Inc. owns and operates the websites, Findit, TransWorldNews, LinkMyFan, WooEBand LinkMyStock. Findit is an interactive search engine that provides aCampaign Management Platform for its Members to post, share and manage theircontent along with an interactive search engine. Findit provides a platform foranyone to submit URLs that they want to have indexed in Findit along withposting status updates through Right Now to manage their content and go viralsocially. Right Now on Findit is where members can post status updates andshare them to over eighty websites that are social and bookmarking sites.Findit, Inc. is focused on the development of monetized internet based webproducts that increase brand awareness of both private and public companiesalong with individuals and artists. Through its press release distributionservices offered through TransWorldNews and WooEB that has over 285 publishersfor its press releases this assists our members in building brand awareness.Findit, Inc. also owns the Financial Networking Platform LinkMyStock and thesocial platform LinkMyFan.

SafeHarbor Statement:
This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning ofSection 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “ExchangeAct”), including statements regarding potential sales, the success of thecompany’s business, as well as statements that include the word”believe” or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statementsinvolve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may causethe actual results, performance or achievements of Artemis Energy Holdings,Inc. to differ materially from those implied or expressed by suchforward-looking statements. This press release speaks as of the date first set forthabove, and Artemis Energy Holdings, Inc. assumes no responsibility to updatethe information included herein for events occurring after the date hereof.Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated due to factorssuch as the lack of capital, timely development of products, inability todeliver products when ordered, inability of potential customers to pay forordered products, and political and economic risks inherent in internationaltrade.

Findit, Inc.
1 404 443 3224


Findit.com a division of Findit, Inc. OTC Pink Sheets FDIT will be adding Real Estate Listings to Findit.com. The Real Estate Listing can include listing from Real Estate Agents, Individuals that will be able to add listings to sell properties along with Apartment Complexes being able to list as well. Findit, Inc. announced that Findit would be rolling out Real Estate inside the site along with its new home page.

The new home page was scheduled to go live ahead of Real Estate, but the developers decidied to roll it out at the same time as Real Estate. The Real Estate section will be available in every member’s Findit Site. This is an excellent opportunity for property owners to list properties for rent from their Findit Dashboard. The listing can include a complete description of the rental property along with pictures and video from Youtube or Vimeo.

Property Managers will be able to upload as many of their vacancies as they would like through their Findit pages.. Each listing will go to a single page for that specific listing making it index friendly for outside search engines. Property Managers along with visitors will also be able to share a specific property to social accounts to gain more visibility. Findit offers Social Media Promotions already on Right Now Status Posts and will make the same promoted posts listing available on properties.

The Realty Section will be in each member’s account that wants to list a property or multiple properties. Visitors will be able to scroll through the listings on a members page and have contact information readily available. Findit provides internal messaging and an area for property managers to list their contact information.

Rental Properties can take advantage of Findit’s Keyword URLs along with its press release services through TransWorldNews. With press release distribution and social engagement working in tandem on Findit.com, Rental Properties can increase the number of search results they have in search engines and overall improved indexing on rental listings.

To reserve your Unique Keyword URL in Findit for your area please visit:


Over the past 2 months Real Esate Agents have been reserving popular Findit URLs here are a list of some of them.




Findit, Inc. owns and operates the websites, Findit, TransWorldNews, LinkMyFan, WooEB and LinkMyStock. Findit is an interactive search engine that provides a Campaign Management Platform for its Members to post, share and manage their content along with an interactive search engine. Findit provides a platform for anyone to submit URLs that they want to have indexed in Findit along with posting status updates through Right Now to manage their content and go viral socially. Right Now on Findit is where members can post status updates and share them to over eighty websites that are social and bookmarking sites. Findit, Inc. is focused on the development of monetized internet based web products that increase brand awareness of both private and public companies along with individuals and artists. Through its press release distribution services offered through TransWorldNews and WooEB that has over 285 publishers for its press releases this assists our members in building brand awareness. Findit, Inc. also owns the Financial Networking Platform LinkMyStock and the social platform LinkMyFan.

Safe Harbor Statement:
This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), including statements regarding potential sales, the success of the company’s business, as well as statements that include the word “believe” or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Artemis Energy Holdings, Inc. to differ materially from those implied or expressed by such forward-looking statements. This press release speaks as of the date first set forth above, and Artemis Energy Holdings, Inc. assumes no responsibility to update the information included herein for events occurring after the date hereof. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated due to factors such as the lack of capital, timely development of products, inability to deliver products when ordered, inability of potential customers to pay for ordered products, and political and economic risks inherent in international trade.

Findit, Inc.
1 404 443 3224

– See more at: http://news.wooeb.com/NewsStory.aspx?id=1782965#sthash.Z3h7AtYd.dpuf

Findit.com a division of Findit, Inc. OTC Pink Sheets FDIT will be adding Real Estate Listings to Findit.com. The Real Estate Listing can include listing from Real Estate Agents, Individuals that will be able to add listings to sell properties along with Apartment Complexes being able to list as well. Findit, Inc. announced that Findit would be rolling out Real Estate inside the site along with its new home page.

The new home page was scheduled to go live ahead of Real Estate, but the developers decidied to roll it out at the same time as Real Estate. The Real Estate section will be available in every member’s Findit Site. This is an excellent opportunity for property owners to list properties for rent from their Findit Dashboard. The listing can include a complete description of the rental property along with pictures and video from Youtube or Vimeo.

Property Managers will be able to upload as many of their vacancies as they would like through their Findit pages.. Each listing will go to a single page for that specific listing making it index friendly for outside search engines. Property Managers along with visitors will also be able to share a specific property to social accounts to gain more visibility. Findit offers Social Media Promotions already on Right Now Status Posts and will make the same promoted posts listing available on properties.

The Realty Section will be in each member’s account that wants to list a property or multiple properties. Visitors will be able to scroll through the listings on a members page and have contact information readily available. Findit provides internal messaging and an area for property managers to list their contact information.

Rental Properties can take advantage of Findit’s Keyword URLs along with its press release services through TransWorldNews. With press release distribution and social engagement working in tandem on Findit.com, Rental Properties can increase the number of search results they have in search engines and overall improved indexing on rental listings.

To reserve your Unique Keyword URL in Findit for your area please visit:


Over the past 2 months Real Esate Agents have been reserving popular Findit URLs here are a list of some of them.




Findit, Inc. owns and operates the websites, Findit, TransWorldNews, LinkMyFan, WooEB and LinkMyStock. Findit is an interactive search engine that provides a Campaign Management Platform for its Members to post, share and manage their content along with an interactive search engine. Findit provides a platform for anyone to submit URLs that they want to have indexed in Findit along with posting status updates through Right Now to manage their content and go viral socially. Right Now on Findit is where members can post status updates and share them to over eighty websites that are social and bookmarking sites. Findit, Inc. is focused on the development of monetized internet based web products that increase brand awareness of both private and public companies along with individuals and artists. Through its press release distribution services offered through TransWorldNews and WooEB that has over 285 publishers for its press releases this assists our members in building brand awareness. Findit, Inc. also owns the Financial Networking Platform LinkMyStock and the social platform LinkMyFan.

Safe Harbor Statement:
This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), including statements regarding potential sales, the success of the company’s business, as well as statements that include the word “believe” or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Artemis Energy Holdings, Inc. to differ materially from those implied or expressed by such forward-looking statements. This press release speaks as of the date first set forth above, and Artemis Energy Holdings, Inc. assumes no responsibility to update the information included herein for events occurring after the date hereof. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated due to factors such as the lack of capital, timely development of products, inability to deliver products when ordered, inability of potential customers to pay for ordered products, and political and economic risks inherent in international trade.

Findit, Inc.
1 404 443 3224

– See more at: http://news.wooeb.com/NewsStory.aspx?id=1782965#sthash.Z3h7AtYd.dpuf

Findit.com a division of Findit, Inc. OTC Pink Sheets FDIT will be adding Real Estate Listings to Findit.com. The Real Estate Listing can include listing from Real Estate Agents, Individuals that will be able to add listings to sell properties along with Apartment Complexes being able to list as well. Findit, Inc. announced that Findit would be rolling out Real Estate inside the site along with its new home page.

The new home page was scheduled to go live ahead of Real Estate, but the developers decidied to roll it out at the same time as Real Estate. The Real Estate section will be available in every member’s Findit Site. This is an excellent opportunity for property owners to list properties for rent from their Findit Dashboard. The listing can include a complete description of the rental property along with pictures and video from Youtube or Vimeo.

Property Managers will be able to upload as many of their vacancies as they would like through their Findit pages.. Each listing will go to a single page for that specific listing making it index friendly for outside search engines. Property Managers along with visitors will also be able to share a specific property to social accounts to gain more visibility. Findit offers Social Media Promotions already on Right Now Status Posts and will make the same promoted posts listing available on properties.

The Realty Section will be in each member’s account that wants to list a property or multiple properties. Visitors will be able to scroll through the listings on a members page and have contact information readily available. Findit provides internal messaging and an area for property managers to list their contact information.

Rental Properties can take advantage of Findit’s Keyword URLs along with its press release services through TransWorldNews. With press release distribution and social engagement working in tandem on Findit.com, Rental Properties can increase the number of search results they have in search engines and overall improved indexing on rental listings.

To reserve your Unique Keyword URL in Findit for your area please visit:


Over the past 2 months Real Esate Agents have been reserving popular Findit URLs here are a list of some of them.




Findit, Inc. owns and operates the websites, Findit, TransWorldNews, LinkMyFan, WooEB and LinkMyStock. Findit is an interactive search engine that provides a Campaign Management Platform for its Members to post, share and manage their content along with an interactive search engine. Findit provides a platform for anyone to submit URLs that they want to have indexed in Findit along with posting status updates through Right Now to manage their content and go viral socially. Right Now on Findit is where members can post status updates and share them to over eighty websites that are social and bookmarking sites. Findit, Inc. is focused on the development of monetized internet based web products that increase brand awareness of both private and public companies along with individuals and artists. Through its press release distribution services offered through TransWorldNews and WooEB that has over 285 publishers for its press releases this assists our members in building brand awareness. Findit, Inc. also owns the Financial Networking Platform LinkMyStock and the social platform LinkMyFan.

Safe Harbor Statement:
This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), including statements regarding potential sales, the success of the company’s business, as well as statements that include the word “believe” or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Artemis Energy Holdings, Inc. to differ materially from those implied or expressed by such forward-looking statements. This press release speaks as of the date first set forth above, and Artemis Energy Holdings, Inc. assumes no responsibility to update the information included herein for events occurring after the date hereof. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated due to factors such as the lack of capital, timely development of products, inability to deliver products when ordered, inability of potential customers to pay for ordered products, and political and economic risks inherent in international trade.

Findit, Inc.
1 404 443 3224

– See more at: http://news.wooeb.com/NewsStory.aspx?id=1782965#sthash.Z3h7AtYd.dpuf

Findit.com a division of Findit, Inc. OTC Pink Sheets FDIT will be adding Real Estate Listings to Findit.com. The Real Estate Listing can include listing from Real Estate Agents, Individuals that will be able to add listings to sell properties along with Apartment Complexes being able to list as well. Findit, Inc. announced that Findit would be rolling out Real Estate inside the site along with its new home page.

The new home page was scheduled to go live ahead of Real Estate, but the developers decidied to roll it out at the same time as Real Estate. The Real Estate section will be available in every member’s Findit Site. This is an excellent opportunity for property owners to list properties for rent from their Findit Dashboard. The listing can include a complete description of the rental property along with pictures and video from Youtube or Vimeo.

Property Managers will be able to upload as many of their vacancies as they would like through their Findit pages.. Each listing will go to a single page for that specific listing making it index friendly for outside search engines. Property Managers along with visitors will also be able to share a specific property to social accounts to gain more visibility. Findit offers Social Media Promotions already on Right Now Status Posts and will make the same promoted posts listing available on properties.

The Realty Section will be in each member’s account that wants to list a property or multiple properties. Visitors will be able to scroll through the listings on a members page and have contact information readily available. Findit provides internal messaging and an area for property managers to list their contact information.

Rental Properties can take advantage of Findit’s Keyword URLs along with its press release services through TransWorldNews. With press release distribution and social engagement working in tandem on Findit.com, Rental Properties can increase the number of search results they have in search engines and overall improved indexing on rental listings.

To reserve your Unique Keyword URL in Findit for your area please visit:


Over the past 2 months Real Esate Agents have been reserving popular Findit URLs here are a list of some of them.




Findit, Inc. owns and operates the websites, Findit, TransWorldNews, LinkMyFan, WooEB and LinkMyStock. Findit is an interactive search engine that provides a Campaign Management Platform for its Members to post, share and manage their content along with an interactive search engine. Findit provides a platform for anyone to submit URLs that they want to have indexed in Findit along with posting status updates through Right Now to manage their content and go viral socially. Right Now on Findit is where members can post status updates and share them to over eighty websites that are social and bookmarking sites. Findit, Inc. is focused on the development of monetized internet based web products that increase brand awareness of both private and public companies along with individuals and artists. Through its press release distribution services offered through TransWorldNews and WooEB that has over 285 publishers for its press releases this assists our members in building brand awareness. Findit, Inc. also owns the Financial Networking Platform LinkMyStock and the social platform LinkMyFan.

Safe Harbor Statement:
This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), including statements regarding potential sales, the success of the company’s business, as well as statements that include the word “believe” or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Artemis Energy Holdings, Inc. to differ materially from those implied or expressed by such forward-looking statements. This press release speaks as of the date first set forth above, and Artemis Energy Holdings, Inc. assumes no responsibility to update the information included herein for events occurring after the date hereof. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated due to factors such as the lack of capital, timely development of products, inability to deliver products when ordered, inability of potential customers to pay for ordered products, and political and economic risks inherent in international trade.

Findit, Inc.
1 404 443 3224

– See more at: http://news.wooeb.com/NewsStory.aspx?id=1782965#sthash.Z3h7AtYd.dpuf

Findit.com a division of Findit, Inc. OTC Pink Sheets FDIT will be adding Real Estate Listings to Findit.com. The Real Estate Listing can include listing from Real Estate Agents, Individuals that will be able to add listings to sell properties along with Apartment Complexes being able to list as well. Findit, Inc. announced that Findit would be rolling out Real Estate inside the site along with its new home page.

The new home page was scheduled to go live ahead of Real Estate, but the developers decidied to roll it out at the same time as Real Estate. The Real Estate section will be available in every member’s Findit Site. This is an excellent opportunity for property owners to list properties for rent from their Findit Dashboard. The listing can include a complete description of the rental property along with pictures and video from Youtube or Vimeo.

Property Managers will be able to upload as many of their vacancies as they would like through their Findit pages.. Each listing will go to a single page for that specific listing making it index friendly for outside search engines. Property Managers along with visitors will also be able to share a specific property to social accounts to gain more visibility. Findit offers Social Media Promotions already on Right Now Status Posts and will make the same promoted posts listing available on properties.

The Realty Section will be in each member’s account that wants to list a property or multiple properties. Visitors will be able to scroll through the listings on a members page and have contact information readily available. Findit provides internal messaging and an area for property managers to list their contact information.

Rental Properties can take advantage of Findit’s Keyword URLs along with its press release services through TransWorldNews. With press release distribution and social engagement working in tandem on Findit.com, Rental Properties can increase the number of search results they have in search engines and overall improved indexing on rental listings.

To reserve your Unique Keyword URL in Findit for your area please visit:


Over the past 2 months Real Esate Agents have been reserving popular Findit URLs here are a list of some of them.




Findit, Inc. owns and operates the websites, Findit, TransWorldNews, LinkMyFan, WooEB and LinkMyStock. Findit is an interactive search engine that provides a Campaign Management Platform for its Members to post, share and manage their content along with an interactive search engine. Findit provides a platform for anyone to submit URLs that they want to have indexed in Findit along with posting status updates through Right Now to manage their content and go viral socially. Right Now on Findit is where members can post status updates and share them to over eighty websites that are social and bookmarking sites. Findit, Inc. is focused on the development of monetized internet based web products that increase brand awareness of both private and public companies along with individuals and artists. Through its press release distribution services offered through TransWorldNews and WooEB that has over 285 publishers for its press releases this assists our members in building brand awareness. Findit, Inc. also owns the Financial Networking Platform LinkMyStock and the social platform LinkMyFan.

Safe Harbor Statement:
This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), including statements regarding potential sales, the success of the company’s business, as well as statements that include the word “believe” or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Artemis Energy Holdings, Inc. to differ materially from those implied or expressed by such forward-looking statements. This press release speaks as of the date first set forth above, and Artemis Energy Holdings, Inc. assumes no responsibility to update the information included herein for events occurring after the date hereof. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated due to factors such as the lack of capital, timely development of products, inability to deliver products when ordered, inability of potential customers to pay for ordered products, and political and economic risks inherent in international trade.

Findit, Inc.
1 404 443 3224

– See more at: http://news.wooeb.com/NewsStory.aspx?id=1782965#sthash.Z3h7AtYd.dpuf

Findit.com a division of Findit, Inc. OTC Pink Sheets FDIT will be adding Real Estate Listings to Findit.com. The Real Estate Listing can include listing from Real Estate Agents, Individuals that will be able to add listings to sell properties along with Apartment Complexes being able to list as well. Findit, Inc. announced that Findit would be rolling out Real Estate inside the site along with its new home page.

The new home page was scheduled to go live ahead of Real Estate, but the developers decidied to roll it out at the same time as Real Estate. The Real Estate section will be available in every member’s Findit Site. This is an excellent opportunity for property owners to list properties for rent from their Findit Dashboard. The listing can include a complete description of the rental property along with pictures and video from Youtube or Vimeo.

Property Managers will be able to upload as many of their vacancies as they would like through their Findit pages.. Each listing will go to a single page for that specific listing making it index friendly for outside search engines. Property Managers along with visitors will also be able to share a specific property to social accounts to gain more visibility. Findit offers Social Media Promotions already on Right Now Status Posts and will make the same promoted posts listing available on properties.

The Realty Section will be in each member’s account that wants to list a property or multiple properties. Visitors will be able to scroll through the listings on a members page and have contact information readily available. Findit provides internal messaging and an area for property managers to list their contact information.

Rental Properties can take advantage of Findit’s Keyword URLs along with its press release services through TransWorldNews. With press release distribution and social engagement working in tandem on Findit.com, Rental Properties can increase the number of search results they have in search engines and overall improved indexing on rental listings.

To reserve your Unique Keyword URL in Findit for your area please visit:


Over the past 2 months Real Esate Agents have been reserving popular Findit URLs here are a list of some of them.




Findit, Inc. owns and operates the websites, Findit, TransWorldNews, LinkMyFan, WooEB and LinkMyStock. Findit is an interactive search engine that provides a Campaign Management Platform for its Members to post, share and manage their content along with an interactive search engine. Findit provides a platform for anyone to submit URLs that they want to have indexed in Findit along with posting status updates through Right Now to manage their content and go viral socially. Right Now on Findit is where members can post status updates and share them to over eighty websites that are social and bookmarking sites. Findit, Inc. is focused on the development of monetized internet based web products that increase brand awareness of both private and public companies along with individuals and artists. Through its press release distribution services offered through TransWorldNews and WooEB that has over 285 publishers for its press releases this assists our members in building brand awareness. Findit, Inc. also owns the Financial Networking Platform LinkMyStock and the social platform LinkMyFan.

Safe Harbor Statement:
This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), including statements regarding potential sales, the success of the company’s business, as well as statements that include the word “believe” or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Artemis Energy Holdings, Inc. to differ materially from those implied or expressed by such forward-looking statements. This press release speaks as of the date first set forth above, and Artemis Energy Holdings, Inc. assumes no responsibility to update the information included herein for events occurring after the date hereof. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated due to factors such as the lack of capital, timely development of products, inability to deliver products when ordered, inability of potential customers to pay for ordered products, and political and economic risks inherent in international trade.

Findit, Inc.
1 404 443 3224

– See more at: http://news.wooeb.com/NewsStory.aspx?id=1782965#sthash.Z3h7AtYd.dpuf

Findit.com a division of Findit, Inc. OTC Pink Sheets FDIT will be adding Real Estate Listings to Findit.com. The Real Estate Listing can include listing from Real Estate Agents, Individuals that will be able to add listings to sell properties along with Apartment Complexes being able to list as well. Findit, Inc. announced that Findit would be rolling out Real Estate inside the site along with its new home page.

The new home page was scheduled to go live ahead of Real Estate, but the developers decidied to roll it out at the same time as Real Estate. The Real Estate section will be available in every member’s Findit Site. This is an excellent opportunity for property owners to list properties for rent from their Findit Dashboard. The listing can include a complete description of the rental property along with pictures and video from Youtube or Vimeo.

Property Managers will be able to upload as many of their vacancies as they would like through their Findit pages.. Each listing will go to a single page for that specific listing making it index friendly for outside search engines. Property Managers along with visitors will also be able to share a specific property to social accounts to gain more visibility. Findit offers Social Media Promotions already on Right Now Status Posts and will make the same promoted posts listing available on properties.

The Realty Section will be in each member’s account that wants to list a property or multiple properties. Visitors will be able to scroll through the listings on a members page and have contact information readily available. Findit provides internal messaging and an area for property managers to list their contact information.

Rental Properties can take advantage of Findit’s Keyword URLs along with its press release services through TransWorldNews. With press release distribution and social engagement working in tandem on Findit.com, Rental Properties can increase the number of search results they have in search engines and overall improved indexing on rental listings.

To reserve your Unique Keyword URL in Findit for your area please visit:


Over the past 2 months Real Esate Agents have been reserving popular Findit URLs here are a list of some of them.




Findit, Inc. owns and operates the websites, Findit, TransWorldNews, LinkMyFan, WooEB and LinkMyStock. Findit is an interactive search engine that provides a Campaign Management Platform for its Members to post, share and manage their content along with an interactive search engine. Findit provides a platform for anyone to submit URLs that they want to have indexed in Findit along with posting status updates through Right Now to manage their content and go viral socially. Right Now on Findit is where members can post status updates and share them to over eighty websites that are social and bookmarking sites. Findit, Inc. is focused on the development of monetized internet based web products that increase brand awareness of both private and public companies along with individuals and artists. Through its press release distribution services offered through TransWorldNews and WooEB that has over 285 publishers for its press releases this assists our members in building brand awareness. Findit, Inc. also owns the Financial Networking Platform LinkMyStock and the social platform LinkMyFan.

Safe Harbor Statement:
This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), including statements regarding potential sales, the success of the company’s business, as well as statements that include the word “believe” or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Artemis Energy Holdings, Inc. to differ materially from those implied or expressed by such forward-looking statements. This press release speaks as of the date first set forth above, and Artemis Energy Holdings, Inc. assumes no responsibility to update the information included herein for events occurring after the date hereof. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated due to factors such as the lack of capital, timely development of products, inability to deliver products when ordered, inability of potential customers to pay for ordered products, and political and economic risks inherent in international trade.

Findit, Inc.
1 404 443 3224

– See more at: http://news.wooeb.com/NewsStory.aspx?id=1782965#sthash.Z3h7AtYd.dpuf

Findit.com a division of Findit, Inc. OTC Pink Sheets FDIT will be adding Real Estate Listings to Findit.com. The Real Estate Listing can include listing from Real Estate Agents, Individuals that will be able to add listings to sell properties along with Apartment Complexes being able to list as well. Findit, Inc. announced that Findit would be rolling out Real Estate inside the site along with its new home page.

The new home page was scheduled to go live ahead of Real Estate, but the developers decidied to roll it out at the same time as Real Estate. The Real Estate section will be available in every member’s Findit Site. This is an excellent opportunity for property owners to list properties for rent from their Findit Dashboard. The listing can include a complete description of the rental property along with pictures and video from Youtube or Vimeo.

Property Managers will be able to upload as many of their vacancies as they would like through their Findit pages.. Each listing will go to a single page for that specific listing making it index friendly for outside search engines. Property Managers along with visitors will also be able to share a specific property to social accounts to gain more visibility. Findit offers Social Media Promotions already on Right Now Status Posts and will make the same promoted posts listing available on properties.

The Realty Section will be in each member’s account that wants to list a property or multiple properties. Visitors will be able to scroll through the listings on a members page and have contact information readily available. Findit provides internal messaging and an area for property managers to list their contact information.

Rental Properties can take advantage of Findit’s Keyword URLs along with its press release services through TransWorldNews. With press release distribution and social engagement working in tandem on Findit.com, Rental Properties can increase the number of search results they have in search engines and overall improved indexing on rental listings.

To reserve your Unique Keyword URL in Findit for your area please visit:


Over the past 2 months Real Esate Agents have been reserving popular Findit URLs here are a list of some of them.




Findit, Inc. owns and operates the websites, Findit, TransWorldNews, LinkMyFan, WooEB and LinkMyStock. Findit is an interactive search engine that provides a Campaign Management Platform for its Members to post, share and manage their content along with an interactive search engine. Findit provides a platform for anyone to submit URLs that they want to have indexed in Findit along with posting status updates through Right Now to manag

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