
Yes, it’s consistently triple digits in Phoenix, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t increase indoor comfort with a couple of changes outdoors.

There are a couple things, such as shading your home and windows from the sun and fixing air leaks that can significantly impact your comfort and utility bills.

So, get up early, head outside, and complete the following outdoor projects:

1. Seal Air Leaks

Air in and around your home can waste a lot of energy and money. Sealing up air leaks can save you a lot of money on heating and cooling costs, increase your comfort, and improve indoor air quality.

Consult the image below for the most common residential air leaks:

Source: energy.gov

Although there are many places to seal air leaks inside the home, perhaps the most significant ones are located outside. You want to be looking for gaps and cracks in your home’s foundation and around where utilities enter the building.

Use weatherproof caulk for any gaps smaller than 1/4 inch and expandable foam spray for any gaps larger than that.

For leaks around doors and windows, use weatherstripping or weatherproof caulk.

Using cheap materials, like caulk, weatherstripping, and sealants to seal up your home’s air leaks is one of the most cost-effective home projects you can do. And it’s easy! Click here for a DIY Sealing & Insulating Guide from ENERGY STAR.

The best way to pinpoint air leaks and other energy inefficiencies in the home is to have a Home Energy Audit.

2. Clean Condenser Coils

Your outdoor HVAC unit is pretty durable, but it requires regular cleanings to help with airflow. In addition to allowing at least a 2-foot clearance around the entire unit, you will also want to clean the coils every 3 months or so (more frequently if you have just had a recent storm or heavy winds).

You want to remove big things like twigs, leaves, and other large debris first. Next, try to get the smaller objects out of the coils, like grass, dirt, and other small materials. You can remove a lot of debris using the water from a simple garden hose.

For  more in-depth how-to for cleaning your condenser coils, click on this WikiHow article.

To make sure that your condenser coils get a thorough cleaning from a professional twice a year, consider signing up for the best home maintenance plan in Phoenix, Penguin Air & Plumbing’s PENGUIN PROTECTION PLAN.

3. Shade Home and Windows

A great way to increase comfort levels and decrease energy expenses is by shading your home and windows from the heat-producing rays of the suns.

One of the best ways to shield your windows from the sun is with shutters, blinds, awnings, and solar window screens. Another way to reduce heating and cooling costs and increase the value of your home is by strategically planting trees.

Source: arborday.org

Plant tall deciduous trees (they lose their leaves in the winter to allow the sun to help heat your home)

Shade air conditioning units, garages, patios, or even the entire yard.

Speak with a tree professional to strategically plan your new trees.

Having shade on the East, South, and West sides of your home will save you the most amount of energy in summer.

Source: houselogic.com

For more tips on saving energy and staying cool in Phoenix, read our other blogs on the topic:

How to Survive a Phoenix Summer

Basic Air Conditioning Unit Cleaning Tips

How to Change an Air Conditioning Filter

Air Conditioning Repair vs. A/C Replacement: What You Need to Know

How Replacing Your Air Conditioning Unit Today Can Save Money

Tips for Air Conditioning Your Home in Phoenix this Summer

DIY: Common Air Conditioning Repair

Air Conditioning Maintenance

Penguin Air A/C Tune-Up Tips

For penguin-worthy temperatures and comfort, call Penguin Air and Plumbing at 480-747-6803. We want to help make your Phoenix area home is as comfortable and energy efficient as possible.

For exclusive savings and useful HVAC and plumbing news and tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube, and LinkedIn.

The post Outdoor Projects for Savings & Comfort | DIY Home Repair appeared first on Penguin Air & Plumbing.

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