August 10, 2015
The City Council of the City of Athens, Alabama met in regular session at the Athens Police Department Court Room, 951 Hobbs Street East in the said City on August 10, 2015, at 5:30 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Councilman Jimmy Gill, President of the Council. Upon roll call the following were found to be present: Councilmember Chris Seibert, Harold Wales, Jimmy Gill, Joseph Cannon and Wayne Harper. Mayor Marks led the Pledge of Allegiance. Annette Barnes, City Clerk, was present and recorded the minutes of the meeting. Wayne Harper offered the invocation. The Chairperson stated that a quorum was present and that the meeting was open for transaction of business.
The Chairperson stated that the Minutes of the July 27, 2015 City Council Meeting had been submitted for approval. Councilman Cannon moved that the reading of the Minutes be suspended and that the Minutes be approved as recorded. The motion was seconded by Councilman Harper and was unanimously carried. The Chairperson stated that the Minutes of the July 27, 2015 City Council Work Session Meeting had been submitted for approval. Councilman Cannon moved that the reading of the Minutes be suspended and that the Minutes be approved as recorded. The motion was seconded by Councilman Harper and was unanimously carried.
Wayne Reynolds, 14114 Muirfield Drive, Athens, invited the Council to a meet and greet for the six candidates who are running in the special election to fill the District 5 position vacated by the late Representative Dan Williams. The event is being hosted by the Vietnam Veterans of America on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 from 6 – 8 p.m. at the Vietnam Veterans of America building on Elm Street.
Ken Hill, Athens, addressed the Council asking to circulate a petition in the audience in support of an appeal to the ABC Board to overturn the recent denial of a liquor license for a local downtown business. He stated that there must be two additional businesses licensed to sell alcohol in the downtown area in order to satisfy the requirement necessary to establish an arts and entertainment district.
Greg Skipworth, 903 Sunset Street, Athens, invited the Council and the public to attend another forum being held on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 beginning at 6:00 p.m. This forum, hosted by Athens State University, is being held for the purpose of providing information to taxpayers concerning the August 25, 2015 property tax referendum. He stated that school officials will present the School Board’s plan for growth and that those scheduled to attend the forum include the Limestone County Revenue Commissioner, city officials and the PACT supporting the referendum. He stated that the PACT opposing the referendum were invited but chose not to attend. He encouraged everyone to attend and gain as much information as possible in order to make an educated decision in the upcoming election.
Ralph Diggins, 100 Willow Street, Athens, thanked the Athens News Courier and Athens State University for hosting the forum on August 11, 2015 and encouraged everyone including the candidates for State Representative District Five to attend the meeting.
Heather Vines, 1116 East Pryor Street, requested the Council revisit the sidewalk project on Pryor Street from Pilgrim’s Pride to Highway 31. She stated the process was started eleven years ago and that the Council approved the sidewalk but the project was never completed.
Councilman Seibert introduced the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATHENS, ALABAMA, to approve the payment of budgeted travel/education expenses for specified Water Services employees in the total amount of $2,270.70.
John Stockton NSPE Annual Conference $2,270.70
(Water Services) Seattle, Washington
July 11-17, 2015
The motion was seconded by Councilman Harper and was unanimously carried.
Councilman Wales introduced the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATHENS, ALABAMA, to approve the purchase of the following equipment for the street department:
Two (2) sand & salt spreaders equipped as follows:
10’ Length—45” H x 70 W x 120”
Stainless Steel Hopper
Two (2) EX80 Snow Plows equipped to fit a Ford F250-F550 as follows:
Stainless steel corrosion free moldboard
¼” Laser cut steel ribs
Covered power unit and hydraulics
Quick attach/detach mounting
Lift Arm-35 degree travel provides exceptional snow stacking
4 Stress-optimized trip springs
Contoured lift frame
Adjustable/removable jack stand
Blade Height-31”
9 Ribs & 4 Springs
Full trip Board
The total cost of the equipment listed above is not to exceed $ 25,750 and is to be funded from the existing street department capital account, line item #301.500.85002, Equipment Purchased.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Seibert and was unanimously carried.
Councilman Cannon introduced the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATHENS, ALABAMA, to nominate the following persons for consideration as members of the County Board of Equalization for the term beginning October 1, 2015:
Al Bush
1421 Redbud
Athens, AL 35611
Robert Malone
17985 Davis St.
Athens, AL 35611
Eddi Smith
22116 Compton Rd
Athens, AL 35613
The motion was seconded by Councilman Wales and was unanimously carried.
Councilman Harper introduced the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATHENS, ALABAMA, to appoint Randi Harbin to the Houston Memorial Library for a four year term beginning August 11, 2015 and ending August 11, 2019.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Cannon and was unanimously carried.
Councilman Wales introduced the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATHENS, ALABAMA, that the City Council will meet on Wednesday, 8-26-15 and on Tuesday, 9-1-15, at approximately 12:00 noon, at which time said meetings will canvass the final results of the 8-25-15 special municipal election. The 9-1-15 meeting may take place at an earlier date and time, if there are zero provisional ballots or the Board of Registrars returns the provisional ballots early.
The 8-26-15 meeting will take place in the City Council Chambers at the Athens Police Department, 951 Hobbs Street East. The 9-1-15 meeting will take place at City Hall, 1806 Wilkinson Street, in the Mayor’s conference room.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Seibert and was unanimously carried.
Councilman Seibert introduced the following resolution:
WHEREAS, on February 11, 2013, the City Council authorized the Mayor and Public Works Director to design and construct a public road project connecting French Farms Boulevard and Old Decatur Road (the Project);
WHEREAS, the City Council recognized that the construction of such a road would be in the public interest by developing alternative routes for school traffic, reducing congestion in certain areas, and opening an area of the City to viable development;
WHEREAS, on February 11, 2013, the City Council further authorized the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Gateway Companies, Inc., a company in the process of acquiring and developing real property along Old Decatur Road, providing for Gateway’s payment of $300,000 to the City for use in the Project; and
WHEREAS, the Project has been completed and is open for public use and the Council wishes to close out and finalize the Project cost for recording in the City’s general fixed asset accounting records;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATHENS, ALABAMA on August 10, 2015, at 5:30 p.m. to approve the final cost of the French Farms Boulevard Road and Bridge Project as follows:
Total Actual Project Cost $ 929,200
Total Project Budget 938,000
Actual Project Cost Under Budget $ (8,800)
ADOPTED this the 10th day of August, 2015.