
Heading for SXSW 2015? Hopefully Pemberley Digital will be too!

Help bring our panel, Frankenstein vs Austen, to life at SXSW Interactive!

Here’s a little taste of what we have in mind -

Young adults today are growing up in a world where their stories are everywhere. Video, social, blog, they don’t care what the platform, they just want the story. Pemberley Digital is a premiere creative and production company re-imagining timeless stories into successful, innovative, interactive, and multi-platform grand narratives. It’s most notable projects are the Emmy Award winning Lizzie Bennet Diaries (Pride and Prejudice), the five media expansive franchise Emma Approved, and PBS Digital’s first script series Frankenstein MD. Come hear from members of the team as they walk through several of their franchises showcasing how they connect with today’s audience and breathe new life into these classic stories.

Your votes with the SXSW PanelPicker can make this panel happen – vote here!

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