
You need a solid grounding on what to expect on your GMAT exam and later on when you’re preparing for MBA jobs. The best thing to do is to pursue some form of GMAT preparation and GMAT books are the way to go. Most GMAT coaching books, or prep books as people call them, use standard GMAT practice questions that resemble real GMAT questions you can expect at the exam.

To this day, these prep books provide the most accurate representation of what real GMAT exams look like, which is why anyone looking to pursue an MBA career will need one at some point or another. This being said, some of these prep books are more accurate than others. Let us then look at the ten best GMAT prep books out there, books that feature updated information on everything you can expect at a GMAT exam.

GMAT Number Properties

The Number Properties GMAT Strategy Guide deals with all the characteristics of numbers tested on the GMAT exam, from simple standard questions to even the most complicated of concepts. It also includes fundamental techniques and strategies that you can use to tackle any issue you may run across when taking the test. To put things in perspective, this guide provides deep, focused coverage of an essential specialized area of the GMAT, a much more thorough representation than you would find in most GMAT prep books.

Cracking the GMAT Premium Edition

The first thing to point out about the GMAT Premium Edition is how well-balanced everything is. It features 6 actual GMAT tests that you can use to test yourself whenever you feel prepared enough, along with a set of practice questions that are structure according to difficulty. The variety of these practice questions is impressive and will give you a good idea of what to expect on a real test. Also, it has a good math review section covering many topics like Statistics and Probability.

The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2016

The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2016 features more than 900 retired questions from official GMAT exams, along with answer explanations and a very large question diagnostic exam to help you focus on the real things. It also allows you to build your own practice tests thanks to the exclusive online question back it comes with, as well as math reviews, essay topics, diagnostic tests and 50 integrated reasoning questions.

GMAT Sentence Correction

This prep book contains only relevant information and grammar points, saving you a lot of time overall. Due to its in-depth overview of each error type, you will get to better understand the usual patterns that lead to failures. It also includes advanced strategies for advanced test takers, strategies that actually work. We should also point out that it has quite a well-designed layout, which is very helpful for visual learners.

The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2015

You will find 50 integrated reasoning questions, an online question bank with more than 900 practice questions, diagnostic tests to help you maximize your study time and a lot more to be part of the Official Guide for GMAT Review 2015 package. It also includes comprehensive grammar and math reviews, actual essay topics, sample responses, and scoring information to help you through. What’s even better is that most of these questions are organized according to their difficulty. Some people believe the GMAT Review 2015 to have a more friendly approach to solving the tests than the 2016 version, so if possible, perhaps you should get both of them in a bundle of sorts.

GMAT 2016 Official Guide Bundle

The GMAT 2016 Official Guide Bundle contains retired GMAT questions that are essential to any GMAT preparation you may undertake. These questions are placed in order of increasing difficulty and it has to be said that the three books in the bundle have no overlap in practice questions whatsoever. It also contains 430 problem-solving questions that are classified according to three difficulty categories.

Kaplan GMAT 800: Advanced Prep for Advanced Students

Like the name suggests, this prep book won’t help you that much if you don’t fully grasp all the concepts surrounding GMAT tests. If you are an advanced student, on the other hand, be prepared to encounter detailed answers/explanations for every single one of its multi-section questions and a content structure that makes the book very easy to follow. Although strategies are not covered in depth for some reason, if you are an advanced student, you will take it as a challenge.

Complete GMAT Strategy Guide Set

This enormous set contains everything you need for the GMAT exam like the GMAT Roadmap Great collection of wisdom, the Number Properties Guide, the Word Problems guide, Sentence Correction, Critical Reasoning, and Reading Comprehension. These books will provide you with all the knowledge you require when taking the GMAT exam. As a matter of fact, they contain about 80 to 90 percent of everything a GMAT test might include.

Kaplan GMAT Premier 2015

With more than 1,200+ practice questions with detailed explanations and 6 full-length practice tests, the Kaplan GMAT Premier is probably one of the most comprehensive prep systems out there. It covers the Verbal, Quantitative, Analytical Writing, and Integrated Reasoning sections of everything GMAT related, along with strategies for handling all the question you might encounter when taking the actual test.

The Official Guide for GMAT Review

This particular GMAT prep book is one of the most comprehensive prep books on the market, if not THE most comprehensive prep book. This is because it was written by the creators of the GMAT exam. Inside, you will find more than 800 actual GMAT questions with answers and detailed explanations, along with a grammar review, math review, sample responses, actual essay topics, and a scoring information guide to help you on test day. Overall, the Official Guide for GMAT Review is one of the best prep books out there.

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