
Getting ahead in the modern business environment depends largely on the efficiency of your employees and the systems that your company has in place. The ability to produce better results, more quickly than the competition, is one of the things that what sets leading businesses apart from the pack.

The transition toward computer-based workflows in the business world over the past few decades has certainly created some new efficiencies that have allowed for better use of time, money and resources. Digital document management leading to increased productivity stands out as a prime example.

A truly paperless office may not be too far off in the future, but it’s been a long transition to get to the point where we are now. So for a majority of organizations, a 100% paperless existence is not quite the reality of their current situation in 2015. However, industries including law, medical, retail, suppliers, and a whole range of others have made great strides in digitizing much of their documentation and customer information.

While this has allowed for deployment of resources away from administrative tasks, by the same token, shifting document management towards a more paperless model has also, for some companies, created a new set of inefficiencies. These often stem from issues relating to file formats, and the process of digital file conversion.

The Problems with Relying on Different Pieces of Software

Whereas businesses once relied simply on paper documentation, today, they make use of all sorts of different file formats, including TIFF, PDF, JPEG, and wide range of others. This modern environment often requires a range of document conversion options, and unfortunately, many companies are losing out by relying on a patchwork of file conversion solutions.

Here are some of the issues that commonly arise when companies, large and small, rely on different software programs for their document conversion needs.

Different programs’ features are not located in the same places. One of the biggest problems with relying on a hodgepodge of software is that each program might feature a drastically different user interface. This can be confusing or frustrating for your employees.

Some programs may have features that others don’t. Small differences in functionality of different programs can lead to big-time confusion.

It can lengthen training time for new employees. If your organization is using multiple pieces of software, it stands to reason that new contributors will need to learn each of them. This is an unnecessary expense in terms of time and investment.

You end up having to deal with different companies for troubleshooting purposes and technical support. If you’re not sure how to carry out a specific function, or change a conversion setting, for example, do you know how to get help? It can be frustrating to track down good quality technical support.

Pay for many different products that each do one thing. Logically, your company’s software budget could be vastly inflated by investing in a wide range of single-use programs. This budgetary inefficiency could be sucking up financial resources that could be better put to use investing elsewhere in your company, including core operations, hardware upgrades/IT, human resources, employee perks, and more.

The Better Way: Using an all-in-one document conversion solution

This is where an all-in-one document conversion solution, like the range of products offered here at Peernet, can provide your business with real, tangible long-term benefits.
There are several advantages to using one coherent document conversion system has over using the aforementioned patchwork of different programs. Some of these benefits include:

Establish an efficient protocol for document conversion. Convert documents more quickly, and set up a framework for conversions, including: document settings, file management, storage and more. The more automatic the process, the more resources are freed up for your staff to work on tasks that require more human interaction.

A committed customer support team that’s intricately familiar with each product. When you need assistance with a software product, it’s comforting to know that you can rely on a team to work you through your issue. Our website is loaded with helpful how-to guides, frequently asked questions, as well as options for customer support.

Purpose-built features based on years of experience. Peernet has been in the digital document conversion business for a long time. That means that our line of products is built upon those many years of experience, their practical use in day-to-day business operations and the features that our clients have asked us to deliver.

A high-quality product design and user interface. Building off that last point, our software has been refined over many iterations so that the current versions are highly stable, intuitive programs that can offer the highest-level file conversion functionality, in an easy-to-understand package for the user.

The efficiency of paying for one product that does many things. Our line of final converter software extends from more entry-level type programs up to highly-efficient, enterprise level solutions. As such, the different programs are priced to meet the needs of the intended target audience. Rather than paying for a variety of different programs, simplify your accounting and make the efficient investment in one program that suits your goals and operations, and offers the wide range of functionality that your organization requires today and in the future.

Programs for your document conversion needs

Peernet offers a number of products that can meet your needs, and open up new efficiencies in your document conversion operations. Here’s a look at three pieces of software we offer, each of which can replace many different file converters.

Document Conversion Service

Document Conversion Service, or DCS for short, is useful for a huge range of common business file conversions. DCS is ideal for organizations looking for a high-volume document conversion software that is capable of handling a wide variety of format conversions. What makes it good for high-volume needs? For one thing, its batch conversion ability. The software is designed to convert files in the background, around the clock, so your employees’ time and resources are freed up for work that’s essential to your day to day operation.

DCS is also very customizable to the needs of your organization. For basic uses, it’s as simple as dragging and dropping files, but it also boasts a robust feature set including Command line tools, workflow integration, and is very scalable to meet the needs of your organization.

Finally, DCS stands out for being able to handle a huge variety of file formats for conversions. Whether your business is looking for a relatively common file conversion such as PDF to TIFF, or more unique conversions like Word to TIFF, Excel to PDF, or PUB to PDF, our Document Conversion Service is able to handle them all easily.

Take a look at some of the common conversions that our clients use DCS for, and just imagine all the pieces of individual software it could replace in your organization:

Converts From:

Converts to










PPT (Powerpoint)

…and 10+ other formats




…and a wide range of other image formats!

Raster Image Printer

Raster Image Printer is an easy-to-use solution for document conversion on your Windows system. For the user, it functions much like a physical printer does on your Windows desktop – simply print a document, and then select Raster Image Printer rather than your office laser printer. A virtual “print-out” (i.e. file) is then created, making this one of the simplest ways to integrate file conversion within your organization. This is a perfect solution for many companies who have the regular need to convert to PDF, convert PDF to JPG, print to JPG, and many, many more file conversions.

Converts From:

Converts to

Any Windows document you can open and print to your printer.

Examples include:




PPT (Powerpoint)


HTML (web pages)




File Conversion Center

We built File Conversion Center as a desktop application to save you time in your day-to-day conversion needs. Conversions can be done on-demand, or scheduled. File Conversion Center is available in both Standard Edition (suitable for most individuals or small businesses needs), as well as Professional Edition (offering more advanced functionality.)

Here are some of the common image formats that our clients use File Conversion Center for in their daily operations.

Converts From:

Converts to

HTML (web pages)

Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, etc.)



And a range of other popular file formats…




And other image formats!

Get Started Today

Find the all-in-one document conversion solution that’s right for your needs. Watch the video below for more information on which product can be most beneficial to your organization:

As you can see, there’s likely a product that fits your document conversion needs perfectly. Make the leap to have your organization and employees spending less time managing file conversions and more time on the operations that make a true day-to-day impact on your company’s bottom line.

Need some more assistance? Contact us and we’ll be happy to discuss your company’s needs and which of our products is right for you!

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