
"Koya Bound," Dan Rubin and Craig Mod's new book of photographs on the Kumano Kodo launches at the Leica Gallery in Ginza next Thursday, the 27th, at 19:00. Come join us!The event is free to attend. Dan and Craig will give a thirty minute talk on the Kumano Kodo walk and the making of "Koya Bound." The talk will take place in the gallery upstairs. Copies of the limited edition book will be for sale. Those attending who already purchased the book on Kickstarter will be able to pick up their copies.  「Koya Bound」(「高野山へ」)の写真集の為、来週木曜27日に銀座のライカギャラリーで出版記念イベントを行います。ぜひ、一緒にお祝いしましょう。無料なイベントです。

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