
National Distance Learning Week is almost here! We are less than a week away from the the November 9-13, 2015 celebration and are proud to support the millions of students, educators, and corporate leaders teaching and learning online. We are excited about co-hosting several interactive and informative webinars with the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA), the Online Learning Consortium (OLC), and the International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL). Webinar topics will include Competency-based Education, blogging in teaching, building virtual presence in the workplace, transition to digital, and evolving online programs with market opportunities. See the list of webinars below and register for any of them; they are free and recordings will also be made available on pearsoned.com/ndlw following the events.

The CBE Playbook: Employers and Employability

Tuesday, November 10, 1:00 PM EST


Ed Sargent, Project Director PACE-IT, VP of Workforce Development/Training, Edmonds Community College

Mary Hendrix, Ph.D., Vice President Student Access, SuccessTexas Affordable Baccalaureate Program, Texas A&M University

Competency-based Education can help improve the connection between a college degree or certification and employment. But forging this important connection requires closer working relationships between higher education institutions offering CBE programs and local and national employers. Join this webinar to learn more about strategies for developing employer partnerships and increasing the employability of graduates from CBE programs.

Register via USDLA

Using Blogging in Teaching

Wednesday, November 11, 12:00 PM EST


Sam Sommers, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology, Tufts University

For many of us, a primary objective in teaching is to facilitate students’ active consideration of how the studies, phenomena, and theories they read about apply to their daily lives. This presentation explores how blogging can further this goal. Specifically, I incorporate blogging into my psychology courses in two ways: a class blog where I post related content and students can respond, and a personal blog in which students analyze events from their own lives through a psychological lens. Advantages, challenges, and assessment will be discussed, as will applicability for both in-person and online courses.

Register via Pearson

Virtual Presence: Inspire and Engage in the Virtual Classroom and Beyond

Wednesday, November 11, 1:00 PM EST


Kate Nugent, Facilitator and Director of Product & Training, The Ariel Group

In the virtual medium, great content can easily be sabotaged by a presenter’s low energy, irritating vocal qualities or general inability to engage and excite their audience. Whether presenting online to hundreds via webinar, facilitating a small virtual classroom workshop, or phone conferencing with team members and direct reports, the most effective training leaders and facilitators harness their virtual presence to authentically connect with the hearts and minds of others for maximum impact.

Register via USDLA

10 Signs That the Shift to Digital Is Underway – and 5 Ways to Get Ahead of the Curve

Thursday, November 12, 1:00 PM EST


John Watson, President of Evergreen Education Group, Lead author of the annual “Keeping Pace” Report

Mickey Revenaugh, Co-founder of Connections Education, Board President of iNACOL

The impact of technology on every aspect of our lives has accelerated and multiplied over the past few years, changing the way we communicate with our families, buy groceries, catch a ride to the airport, and even plan for our deaths. Traditionally, K-12 education has been slow to change compared with the realm of business or consumers, but all around us is evidence that the shift to digital learning is finally happening. On this webinar, two leading digital education experts talk about the evidence they’re seeing across the U.S. that technology is taking root – and pinpoint the gaps that remain. Tune in to hear observations and advice from John Watson, CEO of Evergreen Education Group and co-author of Evergreen’s annual Keeping Pace Report, and Mickey Revenaugh, co-founder of Connections Education and Board President of iNACOL.

Register via USDLA

Adapting Online Programs to Changing Market Opportunities: A case study from University of Southern California

Thursday, November 12, 2:00 PM EST


Neil Teixeira, Director of Distance Learning, Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, University of Southern California

Rebecca Weintraub, Clinical Professor, Director, Master of Communication Management Program, Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, University of Southern California

Facilitator: Brian DeKemper, Director of Business Development, Pearson

Join academic leaders from the University of Southern California to discuss the challenges that come with launching and maintaining online degree programs and solutions to address those challenges. Topics covered will include marketing, enrollment, curriculum design, student services and more.

The University of Southern California (USC) is one of the world’s leading private research universities. The Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism at USC launched its online Master of Communication Management program in the fall of 2011. This immersive online communication degree is designed for students at various professional levels across many communication-related disciplines, including corporate and strategic communications, marketing and public relations.

Hosted by the Online Learning Consortium, this hour-long webinar will benefit both administrators and faculty who are responsible for growing online programs in the ever-evolving higher education market space.

Register via OLC

Participate in the conversation by following #NDLW, on Twitter.

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