
Next Albany Peace Project Certification Leader Training
Thursdays, 10/20, 10/27 and 11/17 at 6:30 PM
Heartspace in Albany
747 Madison Avenue, Albany, NY

Has meditation transformed your life for the better?

Are you interested in helping the Albany Peace Project reach more people?

Join us for the next Albany Peace Project Meditation Leader Training program!

Become an inspiring meditation leader trained to share scientifically proven, time-tested meditation techniques for the Albany Peace Project.

Share the transformative power of mindfulness and meditation with your students, family, friends, clients, or patients to help them discover newfound strength, vitality, creativity, inner peace, and greater well-being in their everyday lives.

Overview of the Meditation Teacher Training Program

The Albany Peace Project Meditation Leader Certification program is designed to provide a sound understanding of the Project itself, its goals, and most importantly its meditation protocol, along with the science that supports it. Our main objective is to help you feel confident delivering professional meditation instructions and inspire others to experience the benefits of meditation, during, and beyond the Albany Peace Project .

The program consists of three training sessions, some basic assignments and many opportunities to practice what you learn under the guidance of meditation professionals Anne-Marie Serre, Corporate Meditation and Yoga teacher, and Jerry Petell, MSW. Bethany Gonyea, Biofeedback Specialist and Founder of the Albany Peace Project is also supervising the training program.  Together, these three individuals have over 46 years of meditation practice and a strong passion to share the benefits of meditation with others.

Will You Make a Great Meditation leader?

A great meditation leader has:

A dedicated personal meditation practice, one that they’ve been doing every day for a substantial length of time;

A commitment to their practice even when times are tough… or, if they started because times were tough, they remain committed to their practice even when life is easy;

Experience in the tangible benefits of meditation in their own lives and the ability to articulate them;

Mental, physical, and emotional balance;

A grounded, yet light-hearted approach to life and meditation;

Respect for each person’s personal beliefs and credo, no matter how different they may be from their own.

Next training session to be announced based on interest and demand.

Donations are appreciated for attendance.

Questions? Contact: (518) 424-0406 or use the form below



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