It is with amazing gratitude that I write this post…As I look at each of these events, I recognize how blessed we are because I have met so many wonderful people of such wisdom and depth. You will see below that we are collaborating with amazing individuals. There is an event for almost everyone here this month, and two events will be held in beautiful outdoor places. Please scroll all the way down…all of these events support our efforts to encourage intentions for peace research.
Living The Discipline of Conscious Intentionality
Bethany Gonyea, NUMINOUS founder
Wednesday June 1, at 7:00 PM
Unity Church of Albany
More and more research is documenting that our mental intentions have real world impact. As we come to grasp the enormous implications of this research, we learn how important it becomes that we create through conscious intention rather than unconscious default. With Intention…everything counts…so we need to be brutally honest with ourselves about what intentions we are emitting at all times. We also need be aware when we are going “unconscious.” Conscious Intention only works when we are inputting the same signal into the field repeatedly, and we don’t fall asleep at the wheel.
To skillfully sculpt our lives through intention, we need to learn the discipline of keeping our desires alive while facing life’s inevitable challenges. We will discuss the concept that maintaining conscious intentions is similar to living from the peaceful eye of a storm. We may see all softs of things flying in the wind but learn not to attach to them and fly away ourselves. We will also discuss what is our role in creating our lives and how to interface skillfully with the Loving Intelligence that connects us all, to sculpt a lives of the deepest meaning and engagement.
$ 20 Donation Appreciated
The Jaguar Path: the Benefits of Shamanic Skills in Every Day Life – Part 1
Ray Crist, Shaman and Founder of The Jaguar Path Yoga School
Wednesday June 8, at 7:00 PM
Unity Church in Albany
Shamans are men and women who heal themselves an train others to cultivate their power and abilities to heal by learning to shift into “second attention” First attention includes all of the ordinary information we experience through our five senses every day. However, Shamans also access information form “Second Attention”, which means they sense the additional energy and information flowing around the filters of our five senses. A power innate to all of us. “Listen to your heart” ” Trust your gut feeling” etc.
When we train to widen our perceptual fields we can access this wealth of information along with a quite confidence and inner peace. Through the tools you will learn you will accelerate your healing and find both courage and the capacity to make the changes your heart and higher self wants you to make!
By training our minds to sense and become aware of this subtle information the way shamans do, we gain access to a whole new breadth of information that can be highly advantageous to our path. We can even start to make changes without “white knuckling” them, because we have accelerated accessing the crisp clarity required for sudden change. As we learn how to access this occluded information we gain great wisdom and discernment, and our steps become more sure.
In this class, we are happy to invite back by popular demand, Ray Crist, founder of the Jaguar Path School of Yoga and Shamanism. Ray will be offering us some practical Shamanic tools and understandings He will share with us how Shamanic training can help westerners to:
– Learn tools that will help heal past traumas
– develop an abiding sense of personal power, integrity and authenticity
– understand your place and purpose in life
– develop innate psychic impressions (second attention) and understand them as a spiritual resource
– deepen creative inspiration and expression
– strengthen established regular spiritual practices
– deepen your understanding of your personal relationships with nature, people, and living environments
– experience deep mystical states that can elevate and stabilize you morally, spiritually and emotionally
This fall, Ray will be opening a chapter of his Jaguar Path Yoga School through NUMINOUS this fall, so we will be offering similar classes so that people can get a good experience of his work, and learn whether they would like to expand their training through the comprehensive 9 month program . Ray is a grounded teacher, who loves to combine contemporary life with established primordial wisdom practices to help us live lives of greater meaning, purpose, ease and majestic wonder.
$ 20 Donation Appreciated
SPECIAL EVENT: Introduction to Alternatives To Violence and Numinous’s new program: Mindfulness As A Solution To Violence (MASV)
Quaker Friends Meeting House
727 Madison Ave, Albany, NY 12208
June 11 – 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
Are you interested in working with helping to reduce youth violence?
This meeting will introduce people to a new program that Numinous is starting called, Mindfulness As A Solution to Violence. A large component of this program will be Alternatives to Violence practices. This class will be taught by Bernard Shuman who holds a Gold Certificate for teaching and facilitating Alternatives to Violence, the highest certification possible and has spent thousands over 8,000 hours volunteering his time to support others in turning away from crime, hatred, helplessness, and hopelessness, while urging them to turn toward faith, emotional healing, and offering assistance to others. During his 24 year tenure in the NYS Department of Corrections, Mr. Shuman’s contributions were invaluable in creating the environment in Otisville Correctional Facility as the “Otisville Peace Academy.”
AVP Workshops are intensive learning experience which teaches interpersonal conflict resolution skills through a series of step-by-step processes. These experiences in small groups and one-to-one interactions build a sense of community and trust through exercises focusing on: The Advance AVP workshop focuses on the underlying causes of violence, both in ourselves and in the world we live in. It is designed to give participants opportunities to rebuild community, review in depth the concept of Transforming Power and proceed to set individual and group goals for the focus of the remainder of the workshop
This meeting will be offer some practical Alternatives To Violence Skills, and will facilitate a group discussion for expanding efforts in Albany, NY. If you have any interest in this subject, please attend. The goal of Mindfulness As A Solution To Violence is that we start a wave of peace within young people in the Albany area…As Bernard says, possibly starting the Albany Peace Academy.
An Introduction to the Avatar Material – Living Deliberately
Anna Witt. Avatar Master
Wednesday June 15, at 7:00 PM
Unity Church of Albany
In this class we are fortunate to have Anna Witt, master of the extremely profound Avatar materials synthesized and collected by Harry Palmer. The Avatar® Course is a set of practical, effective tools that allows people, in a very short time, to identify and change the conclusions, decisions, and agreements that are shaping their lives. Participants set new goals or revive old ones, and use their rediscovered powers, create opportunities,motivation, and the courage to pursue dreams.
“Avatar is a non – religious practice that allows a person to reconnect with their true spiritual self. And along the way, students discover the source of issues, problems and concerns, learn ways to resolve and eliminate those issues, problems and concerns, and as a consequence gain the ability to create the life they want. This is known as living deliberately.”
So, Avatar doesn’t really discuss what is consciousness per se, but it provides you with fundamentals tools on how your consciousness works.
“Allow yourself the gift of universal perspective. Wisdom will appear and your actions will be motivated by an intuitive, spontaneous, benevolent intent. There is no regret. Do useful things. Help others for the delight of helping others. Concentrate on adding value to the world rather than consuming the world.”
– Harry Palmer, author of the Avatar materials
$20 Donation appreciated
RARE SPECIAL EVENT: Aini Despacho & Sacred Fire Ceremony
Ceremony for Gratitude, Abundance and Resetting
Ray Crist and Don Sebastian Paucar Flores
June 18, 2016 – 6:00- 9:00pm – $50, $40 for NUMINOUS participants
Austerlitz NY
(40 minutes southeast of Albany)
To register: please contact: to reserve your space.
Numinous attendees have been fortunate to receive an invitation from Ray Crist, Founder of the Jaguar Path Yoga and Shamanic school to participate in a ceremony of gratitude performed by Q’ero Sebastian Pauccar Flores who was born in the village Q’eros in the Andes at 17,000ft. Don Sebastian has been initiated as a Pacho and holds the Incan lineage from father to son for hundreds of years. Don Sebastian travels internationally and shares his heart connection to Pachamama. Several books are written about him, including The Andean Codex written by J.E. Williams, known as Santiago in the book. He shares all the ways that Sebastian taught Santiago the Andean Teachings in the Mountains of the Andes.
We invite you to share sacred space, clear and recharge your energy field, strengthen your balance and love in these challenging times, and offer your heartfelt gratitude for the abundance you have, or would like to have, in your life. Through ceremony we will cultivate gratitude for our provision and offer a thank you and remind our selves what is most important in life by honoring and appreciating our abundance, intimate relationships, jobs, home, family, health, dreams and plans. The Aini despachio ceremony brings balance to our relationship because as we connect with mother earth we regain perspective of what is real and important in life which helps us to swiftly gain focus which automatically enables us to repriorities and make choices that uphold what is most important to us!
Overcoming Chronic Pain by Tending to Mind, Body and Spirit
Cindly Perlin, LMSW, Author, The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments: The Best and Worst Strategies for Becoming Pain Free
Wednesday June 22 at 7:00 PM
Unity Church of Albany
The presenter, Cindy Perlin, is a licensed clinical social worker, certified biofeedback practitioner, chronic pain survivor and author of The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments: The Best and Worst Strategies for Becoming Pain Free. Cindy will discuss the dangers of most conventional pain treatments and how to develop a safe, effective treatment plan that incorporates body-based, mind-based and spirituality-based approaches to maximize your healing potential.
“Doctors are trained to treat the result and not the cause. Cindy Perlin’s book reveals important and significant information about the many effective treatments for pain other than a pill prescribed by your doctor. I know from my experience as a surgeon that there are many treatments, from emotional to physical, which can heal the cause and relieve the resulting pain. This book is a wonderful resource for those in need of relief from pain. I have also personally experienced energy healing and the effectiveness of hypnosis in my life and work. I know from my experience that what Cindy shares speaks the truth.”
– Bernie Siegel, MD, Author of The Art of Healing and Love, Medicine & Miracles
To see more endorsements for Cindy’s amazing book…visit
$20 Donation Appreciated
Albany Peace Project Volunteer Meeting
Wednesday June 29 at 7:00 PM
Unity Church of Albany
Lots to do for several events. We could use your help. Please consider coming out and working with some of the kindest, light hearted people who love to laugh and enjoy making the world a little happier place.
Note: We recommend you come early 6:30 to take part in the silent meditation at Unity Church lead by Rev. Crystal Muldrow. Experience how you can often deeper in your own meditation by meditating with a group.
Donations Accepted
The Jaguar Path: the Benefits of Shamanic Skills in Every Day Life – Part 2
Stable Gate Winery
Sunday June 26 from 10-12:30
10 Linda Way
Castleton-on-Hudson, NY
For this event, we are so blessed to be able to learn shamanic skills outdoors through the invitation of Val Feldman, owner operator of Stable Gate Winery, only 15 minutes from Albany.
Shamans are men and women who heal themselves an train others to cultivate their power and abilities to heal by learning to shift into “second attention” First attention includes all of the ordinary information we experience through our five senses every day. However, Shamans also access information form “Second Attention”, which means they sense the additional energy and information flowing around the filters of our five senses. A power innate to all of us. “Listen to your heart” ” Trust your gut feeling” etc.
When we train to widen our perceptual fields we can access this wealth of information along with a quite confidence and inner peace. Through the tools you will learn you will accelerate your healing and find both courage and the capacity to make the changes your heart and higher self wants you to make!
By training our minds to sense and become aware of this subtle information the way shamans do, we gain access to a whole new breadth of information that can be highly advantageous to our path. We can even start to make changes without “white knuckling” them, because we have accelerated accessing the crisp clarity required for sudden change. As we learn how to access this occluded information we gain great wisdom and discernment, and our steps become more sure.
In this class, we are happy to invite back by popular demand, Ray Crist, founder of the Jaguar Path School of Yoga and Shamanism. Ray will be offering us some practical Shamanic tools and understandings He will share with us how Shamanic training can help westerners to:
– Learn tools that will help heal past traumas
– develop an abiding sense of personal power, integrity and authenticity
– understand your place and purpose in life
– develop innate psychic impressions (second attention) and understand them as a spiritual resource
– deepen creative inspiration and expression
– strengthen established regular spiritual practices
– deepen your understanding of your personal relationships with nature, people, and living environments
– experience deep mystical states that can elevate and stabilize you morally, spiritually and emotionally
This fall, Ray will be opening a chapter of his Jaguar Path Yoga School through NUMINOUS this fall, so we will be offering similar classes so that people can get a good experience of his work, and learn whether they would like to expand their training through the comprehensive 9 month program . Ray is a grounded teacher, who loves to combine contemporary life with established primordial wisdom practices to help us live lives of greater meaning, purpose, ease and majestic wonder.
In case of rain, we will be working in a large space indoors…bring your curiosity and a healthy desire to perceive things in your life differently!
$ 40 Donation Appreciated
Comments or Questions
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