
Orangeberry FreeMe #425

Wednesday, 4nd September 2013

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Please be aware that Today's Sponsor may not always be free.

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***Today’s Sponsor***

Chocolate Burnout III – Emaunah la-Paz

Amazon Kindle US

Amazon Kindle UK

Genre – Humor

Rating – PG

Free until 5 September 2013

Arden Bergson just got dumped by his fiancé. The vintage inspired, Edwardian cut, 3 karat diamond engagement ring, the paid in full spa treatments and Salsa lessons, were not enough to keep Heather happy. She desired companionship. Arden has been dealing with the similar subject matter which has infatuated the female race for years. Intricate relationships is Arden Bergson's deadly Kryptonite . His complex problems dealing with women leads this man to handle his issues from a physical perspective. With his unique sense of humor, Arden discusses the decision to search for the true meaning behind an honest relationship, through the challenges in which his failed relationships bring about, and the strife which haunts him caused by his role as a sought after male mistress.

'Memoir Of A Jaded Woman' Is Judie's story. About a woman in search of peace after her bitter divorce becomes an affair for all to debate online. Judie's hardship takes her on a journey in search of true peace.

Chocolate Burnout Sample – Emaunah La-Paz

Amazon Kindle US

Amazon Kindle UK

Genre – Humor

Rating – PG

Free until 4 September 2013

A Lighthearted Novel Dealing with Some Humorous Aspects of Interracial


Read Chocolate Burnout Part I" In it's entirety.

Through the eyes of Chantel Reed, interracial dating has it's humorous side. Ms. Reed is a woman passionate about finding a sweet soul mate without the drama she has encountered in her past relationships. Chantel discovers that every relationship has its problem and that an interracial relationship, may come with more

stereotypical  baggage.

Chocolate Burnout is an original short story piece which links to the spin off novel (The Road to Freedom ) Dealing with the hardships in which a harsh breakup can cause.

Godless – Colin Falconer

Amazon Kindle US

Amazon Kindle UK

Genre - Historical Romantic Suspense

Rating – PG

Free until 5 September 2013

We have every respect for persons entertaining strict religious principles, but we fear that very godly people are not suited to the drug trade. - James Matheson co-founder of Jardine Matheson.

‘Your father is a pit bull who has to tell himself he is a romantic because otherwise he would lie awake at night screaming at his own evil. He is the devil with a brandy balloon. All my life I try and explain this to you. Please do not try and make me cry for him. I would rather weep for a scorpion being crushed under the wheels of a truck.'

All her life Noelle Crocé has tried to keep her son away from his father and his 'business'.

But now he is dying and Lucien has serious money problems in France. He comes back to Bangkok and is dragged into his deadly world. Baptiste is helped in his seduction by Ruby Wen, who has serious problems of her own. She owes money to almost every gangster in Hong Kong. They are all looking for her triad boyfriend, Eddie Lau. She is the only one who knows where he is which is perhaps why someone arranges for her to spend some time in Bangkok's notorious Maha Chai prison.

John Keelan tries to turn her for the DEA and help break an international drug cartel. Sure he wants the conviction; but who he is really after is the man who ordered the killing of his wife and baby daughter three years before ...

Described by one critic as James Clavell meets The Godfather, Godless is the last book in the OPIUM series, and traces one man's descent into hell, from the dark underbelly of Bangkok to its final breathless conclusion in a typhoon-battered Hong Kong.

Burn Baby Burn – Shannon Donnelly

Amazon Kindle US

Amazon Kindle UK

Genre – Urban Fantasy

Rating – PG

4.2 (12 reviews)

Free until 5 September 2013

When a half-demon baby puts Mackenzie Solomon’s life—and her job as a demon hunter—on the line, she can’t turn her back on the half-pint of evil. But ‘Junior’ is actually part of a trap to turn Mackenzie’s partner, Josh, and his extraordinary charming skills to the dark uses of the ancient, fallen Grigori, the angels once assigned to be Watchers over humanity. Is she going to have to make a choice about the men in her life?

Can a charmer talk his way out of his destiny?

Josh learned months ago that the bad blood in his demon hunting partner brings out a part of he can’t control—including his desire for her. With a prophecy out on him, he’s more than a little worried some of those bad things should stay burried. But is Mackenzie really the start of something bad—or could she be everyone’s salvation.

Can a couple of humans move heaven and hell?

Mackenzie’s bosses at The Endowment—the place responsible for keeping the peace between heaven and hell—want her to bring in the baby demon and not for anything good. With the Endowment after her and demons to stop, Mackenzie knows she’s on her own.

But she’s going to have to learn to trust Josh—and to use what’s sparking between them. Because it's going to take the kind of love that bonds souls forever to keep the world from ending.

Z: The Final Countdown – Bob Mayer

Amazon Kindle US

Amazon Kindle UK

Genre – Military Thriller

Rating – PG

4.1 (19 reviews)

Free until 5 September 2013

Although retired from the US Army, Dave Riley is not out of the action as he battles crafty villains and a deadly pestilence in southwestern Africa in this sixth installment of Mayer's absorbing and well-written series (Cut-Out, 1995, etc.). Now a civilian security specialist hired to protect Satellite News Network correspondent Conner Young, the ex-Special Forces warrant officer accompanies his comely charge to Angola, where she's covering a multinational mission to end the civil strife that's racked the onetime Portuguese colony since it gained independence in 1975. After overrunning rebel strongholds and establishing a base camp along the Zairean border, the Green Berets in the UN's vanguard are stopped cold by the outbreak of a virulent plague. Quarantined with Conner and a handful of soldiers who have also been exposed to whatever's in the air, Dave apprehensively follows the unavailing attempts of epidemiologists who have been flown in from the States to deal with the highly contagious disease they refer to as ``Z.'' Released from hot-zone confinement to escort the medical team on a fact-finding mission, he helps determine that man, not nature, has unleashed the lethal virus. With an assist from the National Security Agency, American commanders soon identify the likely culprit as Pieter Van Wyks, head of the syndicate that effectively controls the world's diamond trade. Aware that the avaricious mining magnate has stockpiled vaccine that can reverse the invariably fatal course of Z, the Pentagon details Dave to lead a small band of nothing-left-to-lose troopers in an airborne assault on the cartel's strongly defended headquarters on the Namibian coast. Though on his last legs and facing die-hard adversaries, the old soldier will manage to beat the odds. A ripping good biotech/military thriller that plausibly depicts the high costs (psychological and otherwise) of combating unseen enemies. – Copyright

Project Aura – Bob Mayer

Amazon Kindle US

Amazon Kindle UK

Genre – Science Fiction

Rating – PG

3.6 (5 reviews)

Free until 5 September 2013

Mind control is only the first step...

World domination is the next...

Much like Men Who Stares at Goats, Psychic Warrior is a fictional tale taken straight from the pages of the once classified Trojan Warrior Program in Special Forces and written by someone who was in the unit and went through the training. Bob Mayer, former Green Beret understands first hand how the results of taking warfare into the virtual plane through avatars and then reinserting covert operatives into the real world can be devastating.

Bright Gate. HAARP. Remote Viewers. U.S. military operations so top secret that not even the president knew they existed. Now they have produced an elite group of commandos able to leave their bodies — and their souls — to fight anywhere, anytime, using the persuasive power of the human mind.

Sergeant Major Jimmy Dalton is one of them. An ex-Green Beret, a man with no family, no ties, and nothing to lose, Dalton knows the most dangerous weapon in any arsenal is the mind.

Among the first Psychic Warriors to be battle tested on the virtual plane, Dalton has seen up close the damage and destruction the new weapons can cause. The memory will haunt him the rest of his days.

However, Dalton has a new set of enemies. Enemies that have existed for millennia. First, the Mithrans hiding in the peaks of the Himalayas and the other, the Priory, manipulating mankind in the shadows of the power elite. The technology that allows Dalton to be a Psychic Warrior gives these two groups the opportunity to battle each to the death. If they happen to wipe out mankind in the process, so be it.

The race is on to seize power and it falls to Dalton and his team to stop both the Priory and the Mithrans before they destroy all of humanity.


Murder and Other Distractions – Michael Estrin

Amazon Kindle US

Amazon Kindle UK

Genre – Humor

Rating – R

4.0 (62 reviews)

Free until 6 September 2013

If you’re wanted for murder, the last thing you should do is smoke a joint, eat a taco, and alienate potential alibis. Then again, Ethan isn’t a very good murder suspect.

Maybe it’s just been a lousy week for him. There are layoffs at the office, poorly written death threats, and a vapid, but alluring coworker sending Ethan mixed signals. The f-buddy who loves to loathe him doesn’t understand that it’s over, and his philosophizing best friend is pretty sure that Ethan’s problem is merely the dreary momentum of the hipster ethos. Or it could be that Ethan’s pot dealer is out of baggies once again.

But the cop who’s after him doesn’t buy any of that bullshit. Despite being lazy and crooked, Boyd is damn good at his job. He’s certain Ethan murdered his ex—The Girl Who Got Away—along with her nobody of a boyfriend. And the more Boyd hounds him for a confession, the more Ethan comes to see the murders as his way out of the existential crisis consuming him.

Lucky The Forgetful Puppy – Yael Aharoni

Amazon Kindle US

Amazon Kindle UK

Genre – Children

Rating – G

4.5 (30 reviews)

Free until 6 September 2013

"Lucky is a cute and happy puppy" but also very forgetful.

Not remembering how to ask for food any longer, Lucky asks other animals how to do so.

Will Lucky be successful in learning how to 'moo moo' or 'cock-a-doodle-doo' in order to get his dinner?

Follow Lucky's journey around the farm in this charming story.

Murder at Spirit Falls – Barbara Deese & Dorothy Olson

Amazon Kindle US

Amazon Kindle UK

Genre – Mystery

Rating – PG

4.9 (13 reviews)

Free until 8 September 2013

A No Ordinary Women Mystery. Robin Bentley's cabin, perched above Spirit Falls in the lush Wisconsin woodland, is remote enough for her and her book club friends to shed the restraints of city living, hike in the woods, take moonlight walks and go skinny dipping under the waterfall. But when they discover a battered body below the falls, the No Ordinary Women find themselves up to their bifocals in a real mystery, and one of them could be the next victim.

Servants of Darkness – Mark Edward Hall

Amazon Kindle US

Amazon Kindle UK

Genre – Horror

Rating – PG13

4.2 (13 reviews)

Free until 8 September 2013

SERVANTS OF DARKNESS will take you on a journey through a skewed world where nothing, not even a lowly can of bug spray, can ever be considered harmless or innocent. Some truly unique takes on dark fiction are offered up, including "Room 9," which any Beatles fan will appreciate while perhaps never looking at John Lennon in quite the same way again.

These stories run the gamut from psychological horror to action adventure to supernatural suspense to Lovecraftian nightmares. SERVANTS OF DARKNESS Will make you question your own beliefs about sanity and madness.

Deadly Deadly – M.J. Vigna

Amazon Kindle US

Amazon Kindle UK

Genre – Western

Rating – R

5 (19 reviews)

Free until 5 September 2013

Deadly Deadly is an exciting, larger than life epic that takes place during the growth of our nation westward that details the hardship encountered on a very special trail drive in the 1800s. Don’t let the cover fool you; this is a story for the more mature reader. This exciting novel tells a truly original story among a backdrop of harsh and extreme conditions. Crafted with an enormous passion, this amazing story pits an eclectic cast of characters against the unforgiving elements and the evils of men. A one-of-a-kind story, readers cannot afford to pass up.

Get lost in this western epic of adversity, despair, and triumph. This story revolves around the deep bond that is established after a young man, alone in the world, discovers a newborn Texas Longhorn bull and rescues him from deaths grip. The bull calf eventually captures his heart and an inseparable bond is formed. As the bull matures, due to his lethal seven-foot horn spread, he eventually becomes know as Deadly. Their unique relationship also grows into a working partnership and together they become an indomitable force, which will be a blessing for a beautiful ranch owner who ultimately depends on them as her only hope for survival after she hires them to drive her extremely valuable and “new” to the America, Herefords, from California to Texas. With the fate of her ranch in their hands, they set forth on a dangerous journey full of extreme wilderness, nature’s wrath, injuries, and illness in order to get these prized cattle to their distant destination.

With a Texan Longhorn bull as one of its main characters and events unfolding at a thrilling pace, Deadly Deadly stands out against the homogenous backdrop of today’s fiction with a character-driven story that is as gripping as it is heartfelt, and sure to hook readers within the first few pages. Whether it’s the loveable characters, unique relationships, budding romance, or facing challenging hazards both natural and manmade, this novel possesses something for everyone. This engrossing narrative uses a mesmerizing story to pepper in useful survival skills and actual training techniques used with herd animals.

Saving Your Way to a Better Life – Kari Cullen

Amazon Kindle US

Amazon Kindle UK

Genre – Non Fiction

Rating – PG13

4.5 (26 reviews)

Free until 8 September 2013

Save Money Now! Do you have an Emergency Fund? Are you struggling to pay bills and living paycheck to paycheck? Are you sick and tired of not having any money and never being able to get ahead?

Do you have debt?

In my book I teach you that no matter how much money you are making there are ways to save and pay off your debt even without getting a raise or another job. I wrote this book to help others who may be struggling or just wish they could be debt free.

No fluff, just common sense advice

In this simple Step by Step Guide to Saving Your Way to a Better Life, you will learn:

* How to get out of debt sooner and save at the same time!

* How to manage your money better and put it where it should be

* How to organize your finances so that you stay on track

* Tips on how to save money on everyday items and even how to get FREE stuff and much more.

This book is meant to be a guide on your savings journey and gives you resources that go beyond just this book and continue on the author's blog.

Invention: Get On The Shelf – Mark Christopher

Amazon Kindle US

Amazon Kindle UK

Genre – Business

Rating – G

4.8 (36 reviews)

Free until 5 September 2013

Invention: Get On The Shelf - How to get your Invention Selling & Making Money was written by Mark Christopher, the inventor’s helper who assisted two of the final Top 10 inventors in the Walmart “Get on the Shelf” contest.

Relying on his market savvy and years of experience, Christopher identifies the steps necessary to bring a good idea to market. This information is crucial to new inventors, because the failure rate for the uninitiated is huge. To quote one of the largest invention advisers and inventor helpers’ websites:

“From 2008-2010, we signed Submission Agreements with 4,756 clients. As a result of our services, 106 clients have received license agreements for their products, and 30 clients have received more money than they paid us for these services.”

The average fee for those services was $21,500 per inventor. So that means that in three years only 30 people out of 4,756 made more than $21,500 with their inventions. But the invention advisers did well in spite of that, because their model, as is true of most “inventor helpers,” is to make money off the inventors and not the inventions.

The Bride of Devil’s Acre – Jennifer Kohout

Amazon Kindle US

Amazon Kindle UK

Genre – Historical Romance

Rating – PG13

4.3 (16 reviews)

Free until 5 September 2013

Douglas "Devil" Radcliffe has spent years carving out Devil's Acre, an area where the titled and entitled lords of London come to play. But when Queen Victoria proposes a reformation plan to the House of Lords that would have the wretched souls of nearby St. Giles moving into his territory, Devil sets out to buy, bribe, and steal the votes he needs to stop her. One vote short and running out of time, Devil has Lord Edwards' daughter kidnapped and held captive. The price of her freedom? Lord Edwards' vote.

As Lord Edwards' daughter, Jacqueline's life was defined at the moment of her birth. Growing up in the shadow of her mother's death in childbirth, she has spent years trying to make it up to her father. Now a grown woman, she is torn between her duty to her father and her desire for a life of her own. Irrevocably changed after her kidnapping, Jacqueline tries to put the pieces of her life back together only to find they no longer fit.

A Raucous Time – Julia Hughes

Amazon Kindle US

Amazon Kindle UK

Genre – Action

Rating – PG13

4.6 (14 reviews)

Free until 6 September 2013

Wren's discovered an ancient diary; he's convinced that it's the key to a legendary treasure trove. All he has to do is persuade cousin Rhyllann that this isn't a geeky flight of fantasy, escape the protection of DI Crombie of the Metropolitan Police and outwit a sinister cult known as "The Brotherhood". What can go wrong? …

“But the treasure is guarded. He who wishes to enter the secret chamber must first ensure he knows of the Celtic rites and mysteries. No other hand is permitted to touch Caliburn, sacred sword of the Celtic Nations.” From the diary of Joan, Princess of Wales by marriage; natural daughter of King John of England (year of our lord 1216).

Chapter one from the time travelling adventure "A Ripple in Time" is included in the end pages as a bonus feature.

The Celtic Cousins' Adventures – time after time after time.

Mind Hurdles – LL Kross

Amazon Kindle US

Amazon Kindle UK

Genre – Children

Rating – G

3.6 (5 reviews)

Free until 5 September 2013

By Mind Hurdles, the creator of a dazzling new collection of entertaining and challenging ebooks for kids, this innovative interactive ABC game book for preschoolers is a welcome departure from the run-of-the-mill ABC games for kids on the Internet.

As parents, you know that participation is key to holding attention in this age group. Alphabet Games for Kids - Interactive Quiz Book cleverly ensures your child’s attention by providing the opportunity for him or her to participate until the correct answer is selected. It is not only an easy and entertaining way for your child to learn the alphabet, but it is also great for practicing his or her computer skills.

The Free Bonus Alphabet Games Coloring Book is one more way to reinforce learning the alphabet.

conscious Calm – Laura Maciuika, Ed.D

Amazon Kindle US

Amazon Kindle UK

Genre – Non Fiction

Rating – G

4.7 (42 reviews)

Free until 5 August 2013

Conscious Calm: Keys to Freedom from Stress and Worry

Who isn't stressed these days? With stress and anxiety so common, most people worry too much and wish for lasting stress relief. But while there is plenty of external stress, there is also what we do on the inside with stress, often without noticing it. Conscious Calm: Keys to Freedom from Stress and Worry reveals the internal world of stress and stress reduction. This practical book describes the internal stress traps you can fall into without even knowing it, and shows you how to get free from those traps for good. Combining psychology and wisdom from both East and West in clear, accessible language, psychologist Dr. Laura Maciuika describes 9 Stress Secrets that can keep you stuck in stress and worry cycles, and reveals 9 Keys to Conscious Calm, with simple steps for lasting stress management and real stress relief. A free, downloadable Action Steps guide is included to help you transform stress and worry into greater calm, inner peace and happiness.

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