
9783540874805 (3540874801), Springer, 2008

When in 1986 Yves Kodratoff started the European Working Session on Learning

at Orsay, France, it could not be foreseen that the conference would grow

year by year and become the premier European conference of the field, attracting

submissions from all over the world. The first European Conference on

Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery was organized by Henryk

Jan Komorowski and Jan Zytkow in 1997 in Trondheim, Norway. Since 2001 the

two conferences have been collocated, offering participants from both areas the

opportunity to listen to each other’s talks. This year, the integration has moved

even further. Instead of first splitting the field according to ECML or PKDD

topics, we flattened the structure of the field to a single set of topics. For each of

the topics, experts were invited to the Program Committee. Submitted papers

were gathered into one collection and characterized according to their topics.

The reviewers were then asked to bid on all papers, regardless of the conference.

This allowed us to allocate papers more precisely.

The hierarchical reviewing process as introduced in 2005 was continued. We

nominated 30 Area Chairs, each supervising the reviews and discussions of about

17 papers. In addition, 307 reviewers completed the Program Committee. Many

thanks to all of them! It was a considerable effort for the reviewers to carefully

review the papers, some providing us with additional reviews even at short notice.

Based on their reviews and internal discussions, which were concluded by

the recommendations of the Area Chairs, we could manage the final selection for

the program. We received 521 submissions, of which 100 were presented at the

conferences, giving us an acceptance rate of 20%. This high selectivity means,

on the one hand, that some good papers could not make it into the conference

program. On the other hand, it supports the traditionally high standards of the

joint conference. We thank the authors from all over the world for submitting

their contributions!

Following the tradition, the first and the last day of the joint conference were

dedicated to workshops and tutorials. ECML PKDD 2008 offered 8 tutorials and

11 workshops.We thank theWorkshop and Tutorial Chairs Siegfried Nijssen and

Arno Siebes for their excellent selection. The discovery challenge is also a tradition

of ECML PKDD that we continued. We are grateful to Andreas Hotho and

his colleagues from the Bibsonomy project for organizing the discovery challenge

of this year. The results were presented at the Web 2.0 Mining Workshop.

One of the pleasures of chairing a conference is the opportunity to invite

colleagues whose work we esteem highly. We are grateful to Fran¸coise Fogelman

Souli´e (KXEN) for opening the industrial track, Yoav Freund (University of

California, San Diego), Anil K. Jain (Michigan State University), Ray Mooney

(University of Texas at Austin), and Raghu Ramakrishnan (Yahoo! Research)

for accepting our invitation to present recent work at the conference.

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