
By Frederick E. Allen How do you become one of the world’s greatest living inventors? By being “always angry,” says Shuji Nakamura, and “asking why, why, why?” His boss told him there could be no such thing blue light-emitting diodes, and “I became so angry at my boss I told him to let me do it.” He found a way, and thereby made possible every flat-screen display and LED light bulb in existence. He won a Nobel Prize for that late last year, and last night he was inducted into the National Hall of Fame, which recognizes the greatest inventors who hold U.S. patents.

Source:: http://www.forbes.com/sites/frederickallen/2015/05/13/anger-is-the-mother-of-invention-the-amazing-accomplishments-of-this-years-inductees-into-the-national-inventors-hall-of-fame/

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