
In lecture 5A of Structure & Interpretation of Computer Programs, Gerald Sussman introduces the idea of assignments, side effects and state. Before that, they had been working entirely in purely functional Lisp which could be completely evaluated and reasoned about using the substitution model. He states repeatedly that this is a horrible thing as it requires a far more complex view of programs. At the end of the lecture, he shows a compelling example of why we must introduce this horrible thing anyway; without it, we cannot decouple parts of our algorithms cleanly and would be reduced to huge single-function programs in some critical cases.

The example chosen in SICP is estimating π using Cesaro's method. The method states that the probability that any two random numbers' greatest common divisor equals 1 is itself equal to 6/π2.

Since I know Ruby better than Lisp (and I'd venture my readers do too), here's a ported version:

I've written this code to closely match the Lisp version which used a recursive iterator. Unfortunately, this means that any reasonable number of trials will exhaust Ruby's stack limit.

The code above also assumes a rand function which will return different random integers on each call. To do so, it must employ mutation and hold internal state:

Here I assume the same primitives as Sussman does, though it wouldn't be difficult to wrap Ruby's built-in rand to return integers instead of floats. The important thing is that this function needs to hold onto the previously returned random value in order to provide the next.

Sussman states that without this impure rand function, it would be very difficult to decouple the cesaro function from the monte_carlo one. Without utilizing (re)assignment and mutation, we would have to write our estimation function as one giant blob:


It's at this point Sussman stops, content with his justification for adding mutability to Lisp. I'd like to explore a bit further: what if remaining pure were non-negotiable? Are there other ways to make decoupled systems and elegant code without sacrificing purity?


Let's start with a non-mutating random number generator:

This allows for the following implementation:

We've moved out of the single monolithic function, which is a step in the right direction. The additional generator arguments being passed all over the place makes for some readability problems though. The reason for that is a missing abstraction; one that's difficult to model in Ruby. To clean this up further, we'll need to move to a language where purity was in fact non-negotiable: Haskell.

In Haskell, the type signature of our current monte_carlo function would be:

Within monte_carlo, we need to repeatedly call the block with a fresh random number generator. Calling RGen#next gives us an updated generator along with the next random value, but that must happen within the iterator block. In order to get it out again and pass it into the next iteration, we need to return it. This is why cesaro has the type that it does:

cesaro depends on some external state so it accepts it as an argument. It also affects that state so it must return it as part of its return value. monteCarlo is responsible for creating an initial state and "threading" it though repeated calls to the experiment given. Mutable state is "faked" by passing a return value as argument to each computation in turn.

You'll also notice this is a similar type signature as our rand function:

This similarity and process is a generic concern which has nothing to do with Cesaro's method or performing Monte Carlo tests. We should be able to leverage the similarities and separate this concern out of our main algorithm. Monadic state allows us to do exactly that.


Before I get into RGenState, note that in the following I'll be using System.Random.StdGen in place of the RGen class we've been working with so far. It is exactly like our RGen class above in that it can be initialized with some seed, and there is a next function with the type StdGen -> (Int, StdGen). On to the Monads...

So we've got a handful of functions with the following basic type:

The abstract thing we're lacking is a way to call those function successively, passing the StdGen returned from one invocation as the argument to the next invocation, all the while being able to access that a (the random integer or experiment outcome) whenever needed. Haskell, has just such an abstraction, it's in Control.Monad.State.

Rather than use that here (which would be very easy and probably advised in a "Real World" setting), I'm going to recreate it specifically for our StdGen type.

First we need to give this thing a name:

Now we come to the Monad. The simplest way I can describe a Monad is it's an interface which describes a way to compose multiple values of types with context into a single value of the same type with the appropriate context.

For example, if you've got two functions which have the type signature above (they take a random number generator and return a new one), the StdGen involved is the context. To compose two (or more) of these functions means to call them successively while feeding the generator returned by one into the other -- which is exactly what we need to do.

So let's describe that by making our new type an instance of Monad:

I feel your eyes glazing over. Let's break this down:

I'm saying that my type (RGenState) can be treated just like any other Monad. To do this, I must satisfy some conditions, I satisfy them because...

The monadic bind function ((>>=)) for my type, when given arguments a (a value of my type) and f (a function from a normal value to one of my type) is implemented as follows...

My type constructor (so I'm building a value of my type)...

Given a function of one argument, s which...

Calls the stateful computation of the value a with that initial state s and sets the result to x and the new state to s2, then...

Calls the function f on the normal value x to produce a new stateful computation which I then execute on that new state, s2.

I also must say that any normal value x can be made into a stateful computation simply by...

Supplying my constructor...

With a function of one argument, s, which...

Just returns that value with the state unmodified.

Holy cow. Talking about that takes way longer than just coding it.


That takes care of composition. We'll also need some function which evaluates a stateful computation on some initial state:

This one's pretty easy. runRandom f takes the RGenState value, and extracts the actual function (the one of type (RGen -> (a, RGen)). It then immediately calls that function on the initial random number generator (mkStdGen 1) and discards the resulting state (fst) returning just the value.

With all this in place, we have the following application code:

Here we see a concise, readable (I claim anyway), and modular algorithm for estimating π. It's true that the various functions are coupled by way of the RGenState type annotation which is not the case with the mutable version, but I'd argue that's a feature.

Our generic monteCarlo was always meant to work only with experiments which require access to random numbers and return true or false. That fact has now been made explicit in the code and is enforced by the type system.

It works pretty well too:

And For My Last Trick

It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that Haskell's type system is limiting in some way. The monteCarlo function above can only work with random-number-based experiments? That's weak.

Not so fast.

Remember that RGenState is just another Monad. Why is being a Monad a useful thing? If code is not relying on you, but only on the fact that you're a Monad, that means you can be swapped out for any other Monad.

For example, suppose the following refactoring:

The minor change made was moving the call to withRGen up into estimatePi. It's the function which uses cesaro which requires random numbers, so it can be the one to evaluate the Monad which requires providing and managing the random number context. You didn't realize that concerns could be so well separated, did you?

monteCarlo can now work with any Monad! This makes perfect sense: The purpose of this function is to run experiments and tally outcomes. The idea of an experiment only makes sense if there's some outside force which might change the results from run to run, but who cares what that outside force is? Haskell don't care. Haskell requires we only specify it as far as we need to: it's some Monad m, nothing more.

This means we can run IO-based experiments via the Monte Carlo method with the same monteCarlo function just as easily:

I find the fact that this expressiveness, generality, and polymorphism can share the same space as the strictness and incredible safety of this type system fascinating.

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