
And just like that, Monday is here again! How are you guys doing? How did the time change go in your house? When it comes to the time change, having a toddler in the mix is a whole new ball game (I swear it took us a solid month to find our groove after the time change in the fall!), but thankfully the spring time change is usually MUCH smoother. Fingers crossed it stays this way as we adjust this week!

I spent most of the my work time on Friday doing blog updates and deleted some old pages and updated others that haven’t been touched in years. Yes, years! I was tempted to put off this task until I had more time to make the pages perfect, but I’ve been trying to remind myself that sometimes “done is better than perfect” and do what I can when I have the time.

Here are some of the pages that got some much-needed TLC:

Blog Travel (Travel collaborations, blog-related trips, etc.)

Travel (Personal travel)

Blogging (Blogging tips, tricks and how-tos)

Favs (An easy way to find my Things I’m Loving Friday favorites)

Recipe Index (Easier to navigate and find past recipes by category and dietary preference)

Once Ryan was home from work on Friday, we decided to lay low and headed out to pick up ice cream to eat back at home after dinner.

I was SO pumped to find Ben & Jerry’s new Oat of this Swirled flavor after so many of you told me about it since it seemed pretty darn close to Ben & Jerry’s Oatmeal Cookie Chunk, my all-time favorite and sadly retired ice cream flavor.

The verdict? It was pretty good. Honestly, my expectations were sky high because of my intense love for Oatmeal Cookie Chunk and while the new flavor is delicious (I mean ALL Ben & Jerry’s ice cream is tasty in my opinion), I missed the more intense cinnamon ice cream base of Oatmeal Cookie Chunk. Plus, the chocolate pieces were almost too big and too plentiful and took away from the ice cream in my opinion. So will we buy it again? Yes. But I am still dying for them to bring back Oatmeal Cookie Chunk!!!

Random side note: I have wanted to start an ice cream review blog for YEARS. Is that super weird? I loooove ice cream so much and really enjoy trying new flavors all the time. I have a feeling all of two people would read that blog, but maybe when PBF is done I’ll do something like that just for fun. Because yes, that is my idea of fun.


Our morning began with banana bread protein pancakes for breakfast! We still had a few bananas remaining that were on their last leg after I made the pancakes so I also whipped up a batch of Paleo Blender Muffins before Ryan, Chase and I were off on our first adventure of the day!

We headed to the gym together around 9 a.m. and after Chase was settled in childcare, we worked up a sweat for an hour or so!

While I warmed up with 5 minutes of walking on the treadmill, I scrolled through my Pinterest Workout Board for inspiration and took myself through an old workout favorite, my Fast Paced Upper Body Cardio Workout. I omitted two of the cardio rounds to shorten the workout a bit and rounded everything out with a mobility stretch cool down that I followed on the Nike Training Club app.

Ryan and I finished our workouts around the same time and picked Chase up from childcare before popping into What The Cup, a new local coffee shop on our way home.

I ordered a peppermint latte because it was awfully chilly outside on Saturday morning and apparently cold weather reignites the holiday spirit inside my soul. Peppermint lattes are my fav and I loved every last sip!

We made it home in time to take Sadie on a 40-minute walk around the neighborhood before Chase’s nap.

Once we were back home and Chase was sound asleep in his nursery, I had some work I had to do and spent time flip-flopping between the kitchen where I prepared a couple of recipes to photograph and my office where I cranked out some work on the computer. Productivity for the win!

By the time Chase was awake, we were ready to get out of the house again and drove to Birkdale Village.

We spent the rest of the afternoon wandering around, stopping for playtime with trains at Barnes & Noble and sweet treats at Kilwin’s.

We made it home a little after 6 p.m. and while Ryan took Chase and Sadie outside so Sadie could get some exercise, I threw together a quick dinner for everyone to enjoy before Chase headed upstairs to bed around 7:30 p.m. Ryan, Sadie and I spent the rest of our Saturday night relaxing at home before heading to bed on the early side which suited me just fine!


Sunday morning began on an exciting note because we awoke to a light blanket of snow. The snow was still lightly falling when I woke up and even though March is a little late for snow in North Carolina, I loved the wintery surprise!

While Ryan headed off to the gym, I worked at the computer until Ryan was back home and Chase was up for the day. We had morning plans to pick up breakfast on the run and head over to Burn Boot Camp to snap some photos for upcoming workouts and a brand collaboration I have coming up soon.

(If you were wondering whether or not I could be any paler at the moment, the answer would be no.)

Even though I’ve been going to boot camp for more than a year, Ryan has never seen the inside of the gym so it was fun to show him my favorite workout space! I think Chase enjoyed showing Ryan his favorite childcare toys, too!

Once we were done with our photos, we headed home and bundled up for a family walk. The snow was quickly melting in the afternoon sun and we wanted to see as much of it as we could before it was completely gone by the end of the day.

We intentionally avoided walking by the park on our way out but looped back by the playground on our way home and immediately heard a chorus of “PLAY! PLAY!” from the stroller. Clearly we needed to stop for a little park playtime break for Chase!

It was 1 p.m. by the time we arrived home and after a quick lunch, we put Chase down for a nap, unsure how everything would go with the time change. While he slept, I began working on this blog post and prepped dinner to bring to a friend who is going through a hard time. I doubled everything I made so we had identical dinners of manicotti, chopped kale salad and chocolate chip brownie bars.

Once Chase was up, we piled into the car and delivered dinner to my friend before stopping to walk on a nature trail near her house on our way home. Dinner, fetch with Sadie and and early bedtime for all of us followed and rounded out our weekend!

I hope you all have a great Monday!

The post A Surprise Snow appeared first on Peanut Butter Fingers.

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