
Stage programs are the main place for dancers and singers to show their talent. In stage program dancers and public comes together. Public can see directly the talent of dancers.

In stage competition many artists take part. They perform their performance in front of public and in front of judges. In such competition judges decision is main decision. They decide first, second and third according to performance.

In Wami last month organized such competition. Many dancers took part in that competition. One single girl won the first prize. She was very talent in dance. Her gesture and dress were amazing. She had very smiling face. She was beautiful and young. She gave full entertainment to public. In stage programs models and dancers dance for entertainments and prize. Festivals and local stage programs are the main place to emerge new talents. Every new comer comes from local stage. They perform at home, at school, at collage, at local stage and become popular in national level. We most organize such local stage programs to emerge local artists.

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