“Hustle isn’t just doing the things you love all the time. Hustle is doing the things you don’t enjoy sometimes to earn the right to do the things you love” – Jon Acuff
Would you believe that there existed a “secret” online community that has been my number one source of inspiration? A little over a year ago I was invited to join this FB group, thinking it was one of those lifeless groups plastered with self-promotional stuff. But, I was dead wrong. Instead, what I noticed in this group blew my mind. Hundreds of people who have never seen each other started giving away their time, talent and treasure. Many have already built a life-long friendship and collaborating with other hustlers. Yes, I’m talking about the 30 Days of Hustle community.
I think it’s about time to tell the world who we are. A community of world-changers. I’ve asked this community to share each and one of their hustles. You’ll notice that this list represents roughly 1% of the entire group, but you’ll be inspired by each and one of their stories.
Dusty Marie
My Hustle: I am working toward becoming a full-time singer/songwriter. Currently, I’m working on my first album, a Christmas EP including 3 original songs.
My “Why”: I have overcome much in my life and want to inspire others with my story. I want to inspire people to not only dream big but to believe that those dreams can be achieved.
Help Needed: Connections within the music business, access to fellow songwriters, prayer to have the strength to carry on despite rejections and setbacks
Michael Meulstee
My Hustle: My hustle was to drop the part time job and get to be a fulltime designer and freelancer. AND I DID IT!
My “Why”: I love design, I wanted to have a sustainable, growable business so it could grow as I did, and I wanted to be able to kind of work wherever I wanted. So I did.
Help Needed: I’m always looking to bring on associates who want to work together or clients.
Michelle Girard
My Hustle: I want to own an art studio where I can display my glass art and teach art lessons.
My “Why”: To have an outlet for both my need to create and my need to share what I know.
Help Needed: I need to develop my skills and I need to change locations.
Meredith Duke
My Hustle: I am a Christian singer/songwriter, who just moved from Maine to Nashville this past summer to pursue the music.
My “Why”: I want to write music that glorifies God, and sing it with and for other people. I want to encourage people to trust in God all the time — because He is always faithful, always trustworthy.
Help Needed: Connections, accountability, prayer, wisdom, and the funds to record and market albums
Jodi Baldacci
My Hustle: My hustle is to get an art gallery started.
My “Why”: I love painting. I dislike the stress of my day job. I have something to say through my art – my voice.
Help Needed: My needs change as my hustle evolves, so I’m not sure. Connections and prayer are always needed. Collaborators, resources and courage also helpful.
Terri Thompson
My Hustle: I would like to continue to grow my blog and write a series of e-books. And one day – a print book!
My “Why”: I love to write, be creative, and share with others. Blogging is my dream job.
Help Needed: I need connections, readers, and people to share if they love what they see.
Jon Levesque
My Hustle: I have created www.nearlychristian.com along with the team of writers and contributors telling their stories and giving their opinions an all facets of the faith journey
My “Why”: I felt like there wasn’t a good place that existed for people with damaged faith or large questions of faith to have an outlet. I wanted to give everyone a platform to share their story and their hearts with the world
Help Needed: Connections, collaborators, prayers, contributors, readers!
Charles Johnston
My Hustle: I started my hustle as a blog, to find a voice for my story. It has grown into a bigger hustle to change lives. The end game being considered a writer and with that fund my WHY.
My “Why”: One day to have the option of providing coaching and consulting as my ministry. To open a nonprofit animal shelter that provides rehabilitation services for both animals and people. The shelter will save animals, employ and teach life skills to the homeless in my area.
Help Needed: Prayers are always needed. I am coachable and it would be great to team up with some mentors along the way. May also need some collaboration of great hustler minds to bring it all to fruition.
Megan Millsap
My Hustle: I am starting a blog that I hope to help others with by sharing my life experience. I am also working on becoming debt free.
My “Why”: I hope to be there for others in their time of need. I want to be able to give more to those deserving of it.
Help Needed: Prayer, tips, and encouragement.
Cynthia Hendrix
My Hustle: I want to provide a place of education and empowerment for people regarding their health. The platform i want to use is a blog, and then possibly a podcast.
My “Why”: The medical world moves too fast and uses too many big words, thus a lot of people don’t have a true understanding of their health or the treatments. I want to see people empowered with knowledge and understanding, and eventually decision-making power regarding their own health and the health of those they care for.
Help Needed: Dedicated space – mental, calendar, and physical space. A solid game plan (a lot of blogging how-tos seem to be from creatives and i get lost in the “dreaminess”, but b/c the info I’d share is mostly professional knowledge, i need logistics for the nitty gritty and to ensure I’m not medically liable).
Leann King
My Hustle: My hustle began with weight loss but turned into health and fitness coaching after joining an accountability group formed through the 30 Days of Hustle group.
My “Why”: I want to be healthy for my family, help others who may be discouraged in their health/fitness journey, and earn some extra income to help with my husband’s medical bills.
Help Needed: More connections with individuals who desire to make a change in their diet, workout, and overall health.
David Mike
My Hustle: I started a blog to share humorous life events and also tell the story of the 3 years spent in the U.S. Army’s Prison at Ft. Leavenworth. This second part of my blog is a rough draft for an upcoming book.
My “Why:” I want to tell how God used my circumstances to get my attention. Also, to share the message that we do not have to be defined by our past and that God can use our mess for His message.
Help Needed: Prayer, connections, support, readers, and sharers.
Charles Balan
My Hustle: Applied for, got accepted, and have begun a PhD program in Leadership.
My “Why”: I’m a lifelong learner. I had always wanted to get a terminal degree for professional development, but work, life, family always seemed to interrupt. Once I got into 30 Days, I had to confront my “why not now” question!
Help Needed: 2 things: Connections to leaders – for interviews, surveys, feedback, and context. Encouragement – I study online, so very little feedback comes my way, and I have to fight through to stay motivated.
Katie Auger
My Hustle: My hustle started off as simply exploring what I might want to do post-college graduation. Now that I have decided, I am working on a potentially publishable economics research project and taking a Phd-level econometrics course as an undergraduate student.
My “Why”: My goal is to be accepted into the University of Chicago School of Economics to study under John List or Steven Levitt for my Phd in the next three years. Until then, I am working on developing a competitive application!
Help Needed: Most importantly, prayer! Otherwise, academic support and motivation from professors, connections in the UChicago School of Economics, people to take part in the experiment for my research…Otherwise, I need motivation and people to calm me down when I get too stressed out
Meg Hendricks
My Hustle: Completing the Residential Planning program through the Art Institute
My “Why”: To advance in the career of design and to enjoy the career I’m in.
Help Needed: Connections and fellowship in the design industry to maintain inspiration and encouragement
Gena Groves
My Hustle: To be successful in a home based direct sales business so I can be home with my kids.
My “Why”: To balance husband, children, home and job.
Help Needed: Accountability
Nick Pavlidis
My Hustle: I help highly motivated professionals start or grow businesses from home in seven weeks or less!
My “Why”: Because we have too many “I thought of that years ago” stories. I’m committed to helping people cut through he clutter and launch businesses within seven weeks that they can grow to supplement and eventually replace their day-job income.
Help Needed: I’m looking for launch partners for a free training program that will present and solve the top three issues that prevents people from launching their businesses. After providing that high-value content for free I will offer a seven week online course if anyone wants to go deeper, and I already offer small group and one-on-one coaching. My launch partners will earn a commission for folks who they send over for the free training program who sign up for the seven-week course.
Geoff Reese
My Hustle: Starting a podcast called Wake Up Your Why. Interviewing ordinary people living extraordinary lives by living out their Why.
My “Why”: To inspire others to know their purpose in life so that their life will count for something great.
Help Needed: Accountability
Tammy Fuller
My Hustle: I coach people who have chronic conditions or are at risk for chronic conditions to make lifestyle changes for better health and optimal living.
My “Why”: I want to give people hope that their life can be better. Hope to feel better physically and in turn mentally. I want to set them loose to dream again.
Help Needed: Prayer
Mike Loomis
My Hustle: I consult and coach people to launch their brand and dream projects. I’m creating an online resource that offers similar benefits to a wider audience.
My “Why”: Clients tell me my insight and methods bring tremendous value. But I only have so many hours in a week, so creating a “passive” income stream is important.
Help Needed: Once launched: testimonials, and referrals
Scott Maderer
My Hustle: I am starting a coaching consulting business focused on Christian Stewardship teachings for individuals, pastors, and churches. I want to recapture true Christian focus on stewarding our time, talent, and treasures.
My “Why”: I feel called by God (I’m in study to become a deacon) to help refocus Christians on understanding what it means to be good stewards. I want to develop and provide resources to help Christians live in the world without being of the world through becoming good stewards of their time, talent and treasures.
Help Needed: More than anything I need to learn how to develop and market the resources most NEEDED by Christians. I want to add value but I’m struggling figuring out what adds that value the best.
Jessica Titchener
My Hustle: Working under a top coach to become a coach to graduates and young people trying to figure out what to do with their lives. This is on top of my day job at the minute.
My “Why”: People matter. People have all the answers they need within them, they just need to be asked the right questions. Making a career choice as a young person is hard. I want to help.
Help Needed: To surround myself with positive people, to remain true to myself and depend on the God who gave me the dream!
Joel Gipson
My Hustle: To minister and train pastors and church leaders to extol, love and encourage those in their congregations with mental illness better. To give Hope for shame.
My “Why”: Too many people who are Christians and have a mental illness have received stigma and shame for what they are going through. I want there to be less fear, shame, and stigma and more love, strength and hope from church leaders.
Help Needed: Encouragement, prayer, accountability
Isabel Hundt
My Hustle: My hustle is to add an additional 1000 people to my online coaching program The Dare to Stand Out – Finding your true, powerful identity as entrepreneur and having the biggest and most authentic impact in other people’s lives.
My “Why”: I am supporting conscious entrepreneurs in finding their true, God given, identity to stand firm in their inner power to be able to impact as many people as they possibly can with their calling, their work. I help people to transform their lives through personal development.
Help Needed: connections, prayer, joint venture partners
Camilla Kragius
My Hustle: I help highly motivated individuals who want a life of travel and adventure take control of their money so they can become location independent and travel freely. I’m also an author, writer, blogger, travel photographer and a multipod.
My “Why”: To inspire, motivate and help people get off the traditional path, onto their authentic path so they can live the kind of live THEY want to live.
Help Needed: More exposure so that I can help and inspire even more people. With my first book launching on Amazon in December I definitely need as much help promoting as possible.
Claire McCarthy
My Hustle: I’m a Grief Specialist and Coach + Loss Coach. I help people lead healthy, happy and productive lives after a death, divorce or significant loss. I also educate clueless, yet well-meaning friends, family, colleagues and clergy on how best to support someone who is suffering.
My “Why”: Because when my daughter died and marriage disintegrated, there were limited resources and assistance. Instead I was met with judgment and ignorance. I vowed I would use my story and subsequent training to help as many people as possible never feel like I felt – alone and shamed.
Help Needed: I work in a tough service industry that is still very taboo. In order for me to be successful, I need to continue cultivating connections and collaborations.
Eric Lawrence
My Hustle: Create a platform for generational passive residual income, defeat debt and escape the 9-5
My “Why”: I want to be the last person in my family tree to ever make a decision based on whether we could afford it. I want our decisions to be based on what’s right, not what’s convenient.
Help Needed: Accountability!
Matthew Habuda
My Hustle: I’m a strategic organizational success consultant building a variety of businesses while helping my clients do the same. Along the way taking the stage and telling the story of my strategic journey to success.
My “Why”: To inspire others to turn a simple story into an epic. It is about people. My wife and 2 children deserve my time and my energy and I have more of it when I’m pursuing things that matter!
Help Needed: Strategy, Relationships, Opportunities, and Relentless Pursuit of Dreams and Goals.
Jason Weakley
My Hustle: To catapult my small business of web design and marketing into a business that supports a family and affords me the opportunity to travel the world.
My “Why”: I am single, but I want to be a great husband and father. My hustle is about more than just being able to pay the bills and give my kids great opportunities, I also want to be able to teach my kids all the things I have learned as an entrepreneur, and show they that this world has a lot of great things to do, and that they CAN do them too.
Help Needed: I need resources, specifically paying customers, and a regular stream of them. I also need prayer, and accountability is good too!
Julie Reising
My Hustle: Parenting/Relationship, advisor for LaunchOutNow.com, speaking, blogging. Providing hope, reassurance, encouragement, wisdom, insight, practical advice and tools for living an emotionally and spiritually healthy life.
My “Why”: I’m a licensed therapist with a heart for reaching more people than can visit me in my brick & mortar office.
Help Needed: Accountability, connection and collaborators.
Matt Hochstetler
My Hustle: I help small businesses/bloggers create and expand their online presence through websites/blogs, social media, and basic SEO tactics.
My “Why”: #1, I’m trying to support my family! Other than that, I love to see other people succeed in their ‘Hustle’, and hate to see someone who is totally lost and frustrated with trying to be visible online.
Help Needed: Paying customers, accountability to continue to advance instead of be satisfied with status quo, prayer, and wisdom.
Amy Latta
My Hustle: Building a platform – blogging, writing, speaking, coaching – about health and fitness through the filter of positive body image and self worth.
My “Why”: Healthy & fit looks different on everyone! And when we change the dialogue to be less about getting skinny and ripped abs; and more about discovering our own innate Self Worth and treating our bodies accordingly, then we are more likely to achieve true, lifelong health and wellness. And we are going to share that with our children.
Help Needed: A well-thought out game plan, with accountability built in, as well as a network for collaborators and new connections. And a team of people who believe in me.
Kristin Ingram
My Hustle: Developing a tutorial website for anyone wishing to learn accounting. The site features written and video content.
My “Why”: I want to show everyone that accounting does not need to be difficult. Education should be free and accessible for anyone who wishes to learn.
Help Needed: I need people to help spread the word that this resource is available.
Jennifer Murray
My Hustle: Helping my parents grow a business…that will hopefully become big enough to help support my family as well!
My “Why”: Not only is the business essential for my folk’s income, but we are all “creatives” and want to use God given gifts to make an impact in our community.
Help Needed: Connections! Getting the word out; marketing.
Non-Profit/ Ministry
Lorna Bailey
My Hustle: To become DEBT FREE and also a Christian Counselor in some sort of ministry. (I’m still trying to figure that part out)
My “Why”: I know I am called to ministry and I know I am called to spread the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ. So many people just want to be heard and take the first steps of healing. I want to equip other people in ministry with these skills so we can bring reach more people effectively and bring awareness of emotional health in the church.
Help Needed: Prayer, direction, mentorship (big-time) and lots and lots of wisdom and discipline.
Garrhet Sampson
My Hustle: To create a gathering point for young emerging leaders serving on the front lines of ministry in culture.
My “Why”: The underlying motivation to my hustle is seeing young leaders connected, equipped, and inspired to live on mission for the gospel. People need to know that Jesus is still saving people and that thriving as missionaries in the midst of an uncertain and changing culture is possible. My hustle (which has been a work in progress for a while now) is the embodiment of that motivation.
Help Needed: Connections, collaborators, and (if I’m honest) friends that are willing to help push me to greater levels of effectiveness.
Mike Lane
My Hustle: Hope Bridges supports 75 kids in northern Thailand in 2 children’s homes and a safe house. Our mission statement is, “Building bridges over barriers of poverty, trafficking and exploitation to freedom and peace for the people of God!”
My “Why”: God led me to northern Thailand in 2008 met some people talked with them and God spoke to me very loudly with that still small whisper. Went back in 2009 and spent time in a refugee camp and visited children’s homes. In other words I was called out by God.
Help Needed: Resources! People to but coffee and support a child. Or simply donating. Volunteers on the board of directors.
Lisa Taylor
My Hustle: Barnabas House of Oklahoma is a ministry to burned out, wounded pastors and their spouses. We provide retreats at no cost to the pastors where they can be restored, refreshed, and renewed.
My “Why”: Because of personal experience in the ministry and an appreciation for the role pastors play not only in their church, but also in the community at large, we are sensitive to the cost to the individual and to others when pastors leave the ministry due to burnout or moral failure.
Help Needed: Connections – we are looking to add 3 board members from the business community, and we also need to establish one-time and ongoing financial support in order to build a permanent facility for retreats and make this a sustainable ministry. Prayer – for wisdom, discernment, and provision for us, and for healing for the pastors.
Carrie Flynn
My Hustle: My main hustle is songwriting/worship leading. I had a few smaller hustles, but this is my main one.
My “Why”: I have always wanted to be brave enough to song write or create worship music to glorify God and encourage others.
Help Needed: I need accountability, connections, collaborators, prayer and support. I get in my own head and create excuses to keep me from moving forward.
Starr Leger
My Hustle: Build a well oiled machine of community for women, businesses, and nonprofits called Ladies Living Strong. Have this organization sustained to host 4 free events per year to empower and inspire women.
My “Why”: I feel it’s my calling to pour into women and shine the light of Jesus in the process. I’m passionate about women, nonprofits, and businesses so it just fits.
Help Needed: Connections, speakers, bloggers, women’s feedback and advice, financial funding from businesses of integrity, and help getting our name out there.
Revka Stearns
My Hustle: Hope Within the Storm is a Christian mental illness help ministry focused on loving and supporting Christians living with mental health struggles. A primary goal is the development of a 6-week curriculum that churches can use to help their members better understand and know how to love those struggling with mental health issues.
My “Why”: As a Christian living with depression, I feared sharing my story and struggles. The more I spoke out, the more others shared their struggles with me. My heart is to help Christianity in general better understand and support Christians living with mental health issues.
Help Needed: Connections – to introduce churches to the website and the curriculum, to set up speaking engagements Collaborators – people to share their stories, whether the story is of personal struggle or of loving someone who lives with mental health struggles; also need input for curriculum, ecourses, books, ets; need testers for resources I develop Prayer – that the Lord would direct and guide me in each step so that people can be helped and drawn closer to Him Resources – monetary aid will likely be needed for the production of physical products (curriculum, books, workbooks)
Sarah Samson
My Hustle: Founding charity races/fundraisers to raise money for ACS. Blogging about health and fitness. Sharing Hope with others.
My “Why”: Family. My mom fought cancer twice and my aunt is fighting stage four cancer for the fifth time in three years.
Help Needed: Connections (sponsors), prayer, exposure, someone to bounce ideas with.
Charla Virkler
My Hustle: Increase my photography and photo-related designing products.
My “Why”: Because photography is a gift I can’t keep to myself. I want to share the way I see the world with everyone else.
Help Needed: connections and confidence
Allison Mayer
My Hustle: I’m a humanitarian photojournalist. My passion is to help international organizations share the stories of the people they help every day with people who want to help.
My “Why”: Human dignity. We all deserve to live a life free from oppression, victimization and exploitation. All of these issues have one thing in common, the PEOPLE, and I want you to know them.
Help Needed: I need connections with people who work in the International humanitarian community all over the world.
Rachel Mavis
My Hustle: Pursuing more of my photography – finding ways to share it with the world (building website, selling, etc.)
My “Why”: Photography brings me joy – I want to push past any struggles with comparison and share my gifts with the world!
Help Needed: Collaborators / input from those with experience, and prayer for sure!
Laura Gutknecht
My Hustle: Teaching women their own beauty through wardrobe styling and photographing life as a landscape and nature photographer.
My “Why”: There is something important within each person and in each place I feel inspired to tell the story and reveal the beauty as it was meant to be shared with the world.
Help Needed: Time to make all the pieces behind the scenes work together.
Professional Services
Bill Seybolt
My Hustle: Turn pro at my dream job.
My “Why”: I left one career and began a new one in my mid 40’s. Want to grow and develop in this new direction.
Help Needed: Connections.
Sarah Asaftei
My Hustle: Marketing, media, and branding – both development and resources – for organizations with a conscience. We create effective, engaging and beautiful marketing plans and assets, telling stories that move people to make their community a better place.
My “Why”: We focus on organizations with a conscience because we prioritize integrity and service, and we want to help those who are making a difference to have access to great marketing and video resources.
Help Needed: Connections. I have an outstanding crew with proven skills, and we have several years of experience working together, but we need to broaden our clientele base and network.
Amy Campbell
My Hustle: The Red Checker provides innovative business development solutions for companies who are in growth mode and need growth strategy implementation, productivity tools, greater effectiveness for their existing marketing activities, and assistance with acquiring and keeping their most strategic prospects and clients – always with the goal of increasing revenue.
My “Why”: I am a single mother of a 12 year old and I’ve been divorced 13yrs on 12/3/14. I’ve worked very diligently to learn and enhance my skills in Marketing and the companies I’ve served have made MM from my processes, while I’ve earned little. I’m changing that so I can create the best life possible for my child, and I want to scale my business, hire people, pay them what they are really worth and bless their families too.
Help Needed: I need a small business mentor (but I cannot afford one), accountability is just to ensure that action was taken once decided (because fear speaks loudly). I presently have one business that is 6yrs old and another that is 4yrs old and both are debt free and completely mine. I have only ever hired interns and I need resources for software that would cost about $11K/yr that I don’t presently have and cannot finance.
Amaris Freier
My Hustle: I wanted to develop purposeful relationships with family, friends and others to enhance our lives in a richer and more meaningful way through encouragement, support and time. I use my writing hustle to compliment this.
My “Why”: My children are growing up very quickly and I don’t want to miss the moments that matter (which is all of them ) Also I realised I ‘knew’ a lot OF people but didn’t ‘know’ a lot ABOUT people and i wanted to change that by focusing on specific relationships that matter to me instead of being a people pleaser
Help Needed: connections, focused time to just be with people, be flexible to be available in the right moment, prayer, note paper and pens to write words of encouragement and connect with others
Andrea Lacy
My Hustle: To be intentional in my relationships and a cheerleader for the hustles of others.
My “Why”: Life seems so “busy” that often relationships suffer the brunt of that. I want peeps to know they are loved and encourage them in the pursuit of their dreams.
Help Needed: prayer and accountability
Mamie Kester
My Hustle: I am looking to learn skills that are useful and use to taught to young women before they left the house and got married. A few that i will be learning: Quilting & sewing, canning, baking things from scratch, gardening.
My “Why”: I want to learn these skills so that I can pass them on to my girls. These are things that most will not know to do in coming decades.
Help Needed: Connections for teachers of the individual items.
Kathy Eidsmoe
My Hustle: Work on creative projects, especially sewing 3x/week. Create an Internet creative sewing presence with posts 2x/week on FB and at least 1 blog entry/week.
My “Why”: I want to reclaim the creative energy and make interesting things. I love to connect people and share ideas that communicate my work but also stimulate others work. Sewing makes me feel good.
Help Needed: I need accountability with people who share my passion for sewing and understand the motivation and community that 30 Days gives people.
Christa Newell
My Hustle: Got out of an abusive marriage as the first step. Now I’m learning to lean on and obey God as I’m a single parent to four kids under 8, homeschool, and go to grad school for a Masters in Counseling.
My “Why”: Obey God, honor His plans for me, provide physically, spiritually, and emotionally for my kids.
Help Needed: Prayer, encouragement, I need a few people to know what’s going on in my life. My current situation is much lonelier than I’d anticipated.
Claire McLean
My Hustle: I had a 2 fold hustle – to develop my preaching skills and also lose some weight and get fit and healthy!
My “Why”: 1. To grow in my ability to communicate the gospel 2.Be live strong and long
Help Needed: Connections, resources, feedback
Bethany Johnson
My Hustle: A 5 month trip to Europe, working in hostels and creating a short film on hostels.
My “Why”: My biggest passions are travel and film, this is one way to combine them! I also wanted to meet several other “Hustlers” along the way.
Help Needed: Prayer, film tips, and funds!
Kendra Tiedemann
My Hustle: I am hustling through the process of a contested divorce. Over a year into it, my feet are now firmly under me. I am on my way to conquering single motherhood!
My “Why”: Divorce is devastating! My children deserve to be surrounded by love and security. I cannot give them that if I cannot feel it myself.
Help Needed: Faith! I finally realized that I could not make it through this unless I could lean on God. The pain of divorce led me back to church after 20+ years away. Community! Support! Emotional support. Practical support. Simply having someone help me with the housework that has piled up after a week of illness.
Megan Starbuck
My Hustle: To pursue living simply by building a tiny house which will allow more room for other things that matter to me like relationships, travel, missions, and writing.
My “Why”: I am taking steps to be less distracted by things that are less important so that I have more time, energy, and resources to help people who don’t have basic needs such as food, water, and love.
Help Needed: I need help getting the message out about my blog and help making the design of it more professional, so that I can focus on the messages I have for others wanting to pursue a similar lifestyle.
Heidi Kleine
My Hustle: Inspiring Christian women to lead lives that exceed their dreams of health, wealth, and worth. Offering support and guidance through my writing, speaking, and coaching.
My “Why”: My life experience has taught me that valuing myself enables me to achieve the dreams that God has placed on my heart. I have been called to share what I have learned with other women and girls.
Help Needed: I am inspired by community. I welcome all connections whether they are collaborators, prayer and accountability partners or clients.
Tammy Helfrich
My Hustle: Encourage, empower and connect people to their dreams and to who they were created to be.
My “Why”: I believe it is important to share what we are learning with others. When we’ve experienced changes in our lives and live differently, we should share it with others and help them on their journey.
Help Needed: I’m definitely looking to make more connections and to collaborate more with others. I believe we all grow stronger in community.
Gregory Beaudine
My Hustle: Run 12 races (not really weight loss, but athletic goal)
My “Why”: I like the races, figured one a month would be ambitious
Help Needed: health (nagging injuries sideline the “training”) and quality weather
Win Noren
My Hustle:My hustle is to be the best follower of Christ, wife, employee, and volunteer that I can be. My specialty is “making things go.”
My “Why”: I love using my ability to “make things go” to further the kingdom of God and work to help others on their journey.
Help Needed: Wisdom of those who have walked before me and have insight as to how to make those choices necessary every day to focus and do what is BEST and not get lost in what is merely good.
Small Business
Paula Hisel
My Hustle: Using the resources available to me through my small business, i want to spend the next year finding ways to do amazingly awesome “bucket list” type things for other people, no strings attached
My “Why”: life is too short to not enjoy it. if i have the means to help do cool things for other people, why shouldn’t i?!
Help Needed: Prayer, connections, accountability, encouragement
Kiah Geleynse
My Hustle: Open an online shop that helps support Orphan prevention, orphan care and adoption.
My “Why”: My why is that I want to see the world have less orphans.
Help Needed: Prayer, collaboration
Sherri Clayborne
My Hustle: Building our music studio
My “Why”: The why is because it’s what we love to do! We love music and we love teaching! This is the best of both worlds!
Help Needed: Prayer, accountability in accomplishing weekly tasks, resources to build a scholarship fund for students that can’t afford lessons.
Tracy Dusek
My Hustle: I make baby and toddler clothes in the heirloom and boutique styles.
My “Why”: My goal is to help us get out of debt and to be able to go on a few mission trips.
Help Needed: Prayer and sales
Deborah Roper
My Hustle: It started off as a hustle as a jewelry designer and blossomed into a business that includes refurbished, repurposed and restored vintage and antique furniture.
My “Why”: My underlying motivation is to find a 2nd career after retirement. I’m 7 years out from retiring from teaching and want to start a small business to supplement my retirement and to keep active. Making jewelry and restoring furniture is what I love to do!
Help Needed: I need connections, prayers, resources and people to collaborate with.
Julienne and James DesJardins
My Hustle: Our blog at www.elementarymusicteacher.com is sparking conversations about music education & providing music teachers with resources to promote high-quality teaching.
My “Why”: We want to be a community of music teachers; and we want to be a part of the conversation around ‘arts and education’ in this country.
Help Needed: Would love guest posting opportunities.
Emily Carlton
My Hustle: Work to become a full-time, independent freelancer.
My “Why”: I have the drive, I have the ability, I have the passion. I believe I should use my gifts and talents to the greatest extent possible!
Help Needed: Financial savings, connections/networking
Anni Welborne
My Hustle: To build a family-oriented, family-run small business meeting the needs of special needs kids, parents, and therapists with
My “Why”: Our daughter with cerebral palsy has taught us much about the needs of special needs families. I’ve had to learn how to make many things she needed for therapies, because we couldn’t afford to buy them. We want to provide *affordable* products to families (special needs or typical) and therapists.
Help Needed: Connections, people to try our products and help get the word out, and prayer! We’ll never turn down someone offering to pray for us!
Matt Ham
My Hustle: Perspective for an enriched life.
My “Why”: I want to help people avoid personal and spiritual poverty.
Help Needed: Networking
Jason Owens
My Hustle: Monetizing my doctoral dissertation.
My “Why”: My underlying motivation is that I see too many would-be entrepreneurs fall short of their dreams. My goal is to help more entrepreneurs survive the emotional roller coaster of getting started.
Help Needed: Collaborators and connections.
Ryan Eller
My Hustle: Helping others check items off of their bucket list so they can begin the journey of living intentionally.
My “Why”: I want to change the paradigm in which people view their life.
Help Needed: More time!
Brad Schmidt
My Hustle: It started out as a blog which would hopefully one day turn in to a radio show. But the radio show ended up happening first and my blog has been put on hold.
My “Why”: I want to inspire people.
Help Nee